Sample Letters - Cover Letters, Resignation Letters, Letters of ... Sample letters with tools for auto-formatting, auto-dating, address books and printing.
Beth Hallston and I’m here to show you how for just $24.99 you can get access to hundreds of online, prewritten sample letters, articles and information about them, tools for properly addressing, formatting and closing them, and options for emailing or printing right from the site for an entire year
Plus, membership also includes: your private online address book one-click formatting to your choice of 4 professional formats your handwritten signature on each letter automatic online printing reminder service complete letter archiving dozens of other easy-to-use tools and resources plus even more for only $24.99 per year -- a quarter of the cost of the other services, and they don’t have half our tools, services or categories! Let’s find your letter..
Type a word or phrase you would expect to see in the letter you need
Scroll through the letter categories below and click to see the letters in each
Professional Personal | Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved to letterrep.com Site Designed & Developed By
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Writing Help Tools
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NEW Editing Help Service: If you've already drafted your letter or similar document and need some help finalizing it, my Quick Edit Service will review, revise, and finalize it for you in a hurry
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Find out more about business school admissions, admissions interviews, application deadlines, recommendation letters, admissions essays, and much more
You can give yourself an edge by finding out all you can in regards to the application process, essay writing, interviews, recommendation letters, and more here
Her new book, The Ivey Guide to Law School Admissions , contains a very thorough section on recommendation letters
If you are trying to choose a recommender or if you think you will need a recommendation letter in the near future, I highly recommend checking out the full excerpt: Monday July 24, 2006 | As a program manager at Sprint Corporation, author Pujan Roka is no stranger to leadership concepts
ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Name
Tips from the Federal Trade Commission.
Send your letters by certified mail, return receipt requested, so you can document what the company received and when
Once you have resolved your identity theft dispute with the company, ask for a letter stating that the company has closed the disputed accounts and has discharged the fraudulent debts
This letter is your best proof if errors relating to this account reappear on your credit report or you are contacted again about the fraudulent debt
Keep the originals of supporting documents, like police reports and letters to and from creditors; send copies only
The best way to protect yourself in the event of an error or fraudulent transaction is to call the financial institution and follow up in writing by certified letter, return receipt requested so you can prove when the institution received your letter
Keep a copy of the letter you send for your records
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As far as I am concerned you ARE the expert! I will tell anyone that's writing their resume, or looking for a job to contact you! Finished the cover letter chapter/booklet--not only did it make sense-- but it had innovative concepts too
I'm still recovering from misconceptions I learned in a 'Job Search Group' that advocated "creative writing." The first paragraph in my cover letter was so embarrassing I had to change it before sending it to you!!! We were also told to print the resume and letter on the brightest paper possible! JUNK ..
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Software Development Business letters & Forms Collection of 200 Professionally Written
All of these letters can be edited in your word processing program
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Business Writing Center
The Business Writing Center offers courses and resources which provide business
communication training in classrooms, online, or on site.
You will receive the same business writing certificate granted to corporate trainees upon graduation, and the Business Writing Center will fulfill requests for letters of recommendation for you after you graduate
If a company adopts them, all employees will write consistently clear e-mails, memos, letters, and reports
The Eric Eldred Act
A proposition to instate tiny tax designed to move unused copyrighted work into
the public domain. Frequently asked questions, petition, ways to help, and news.
posted by gelman on 23, 2005 'It can be almost impossible to determine who might own the copyright in a letter with a chili recipe that a used car dealer sent to General Eisenhower in 1946, and yet the Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower project at Johns Hopkins University might wish to include that letter in the printed volume.' (From Peter Hirtle's 'Unpublished materials, new technologies, and copyright: facilitating scholarly use, '49 J COPYRIGHT SOC, 259-75 (2001)
These letters are often sold/donated to libraries and archives as part of the papers of a particular individual
While the library may own the actual letter, the library (or receiver of the letter for that matter) does not hold copyright
The task then becomes tracking down the one-time letter writer for copyright permission--and if one is using a collection of fan mail, this becomes a particularly ovewhelming process
These are unpublished letters with the copyright term of life of the author + 70 years
They are one more example of potentially unusable materials if one cannot find the author of the letter
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