Information for Actors, Casting Calls, Film Reviews, Audition, and ... The Performance Arts Resource - news and articles on agents, personal managers,
auditions, casting...
The New Mickey Mouse Club Renaissance Project Home Page Dedicated to preserving and promoting the memory of 1977's version of the show
and its cast.
Louis to Chicago for her 'New Mickey Mouse Club' audition
That was followed by a movie offer, dance lessons, commercial work -- all of which led to an audition for the 'New Mickey Mouse Club' in Seattle, Washington
Subject to list owner approval, subscribers can also comment, report and query (confined to 70's NMMC ONLY -- PLEASE, NO 90's MMC/NSYNC, and NO audition requests!!! )
UltimateDisney.com: The Ultimate Guide to Disney DVD
Guide to all Disney movies available on DVD. Includes title listings, latest
news, and a forum.
Boston Casting
Boston. Casting agency offers classes for adults, kids and teens. Contains course
descriptions, registrat...
You will work closely with the casting director organizing audition sessions, scheduling, filing and other clerical duties
We will add you to our active files and we will call you in for an audition that we feel you are appropriate for

Photo by nustars.com
Emuck: Allwine/Taylor Invited Talk Transcript Online chat with Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor - voices of
Disney's Mickey and
Minnie Mouse.
I filled in for an actor who missed his audition, and was told a few weeks later, that I had to join the Screen Actors Guild because I got the role..
It was sort of a drop-in.' >< WayneAllwine says, 'Actually, a peek-around-the-corner...' >< WayneAllwine says, 'He reminded Jimmy Macdonald that 'I can do that too, ya know...'' >< RussiTaylor says, 'Jimmy probably said, 'Step right in, Walt...'' >< Mickey says, 'He was the boss!' >< Next question: >< (Double_D) Russi, I read that there was an unusual audition for Minnie's voice
Once I got into the audition and they heard that my voice matched Minnie's, they asked me to improvise to see how well I could capture the character with new copy, or when ad-libbing.' >< RussiTaylor says, 'So, I took a deep breath, and just gave it my all, and the rest is her-story!' >< RussiTaylor says, 'Okay..
What a thrill!' >< Mickey says, 'I loved the 'Totally Minnie' special you did with Elton John, singing that song with him.' >< RussiTaylor says, 'Thanks!' >< Mickey says, 'Did you sing that song on your audition, too?' >< RussiTaylor says, 'Nope
Susan Egan Interview
Transcript of an online chat.
Back to the REQUESTed questions now...' >< Next question: >< (Double_D) How did Disney approach you for the role of Meg? >< >< SusanEgan says, 'They didn't! They wouldn't let me audition!' >< SusanEgan says, 'They had to audition everybody else in the world' >< SusanEgan says, 'before they'd even consider seeing me.' >< SusanEgan says, 'They thought I was Belle.' [PAN TO AUDIENCE] Mike Tyson asks, 'She's Belle???' g.Ernie (166-79-103.ipt.aol.com) says, 'lol' Mike Tyson ahems
Daryl Dragon
Interview with the keyboardist about his work with The Beach Boys and The Captain
and Tennille.
I spoke with Bruce about the possibility, and was informed that I would have to audition for Carl Wilson, the designated leader of the Beach Boys
I studied some of the Beach Boys hit tunes that I thought Carl would be expecting me to have under my belt, but when I got into Brians home to audition, I was shocked to realize that many of the chords that I thought I heard, were incorrect !! Not good for a (proud) music major in college to come to that realization!! Anyway, Carl saw that I had the potential to learn the tunes -with the right feel, and I got the gig, where I envisioned that I could (in the future..) teach my brother Doug the parts, and he could become the pianist for the group, while I could move on to synth / organ parts, etc
The Day The Music Died
By Craig Crumpton. [Toon Zone] "Remembering Lorenzo Music, Voice of Garfield."

Photo by www.nustars.com
Guide de la télévision française Liste de liens vers les sites web de nombreuses télévisions francophones.
IMDb.com - Susan Lucci Actresses mini biography, filmography and television appearances.
The New Mickey Mouse Club Renaissance Project Dedicated to preserving and promoting the memory of 1977's version of the show
and its cast.
Louis to Chicago for her 'New Mickey Mouse Club' audition
That was followed by a movie offer, dance lessons, commercial work -- all of which led to an audition for the 'New Mickey Mouse Club' in Seattle, Washington
Subject to list owner approval, subscribers can also comment, report and query (confined to 70's NMMC ONLY -- PLEASE, NO 90's MMC/NSYNC, and NO audition requests!!! )
Murphy, Chris
Offers 27 years experience recording music. Equipment, biography, credits, and
general information.
Orchestras, soundtracks and film scores, classical recordings, major record label projects, major TV networks and cable channels, CDs, DVDs, Big Band, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Gospel, Folk, Country, Celtic, Bluegrass, school or camp auditions, recitals, commercials, jingles, voice-overs, narration, forensic processing, and almost anything audio
Interview with Mary Kay Bergman
By Linda Tindall, reproduced from Toon Talk, Issue 9, with a focus on "What Dreams
May Come".
Every Friday we do like forty promos at a clip so you know there's so much going on and constant auditions and constant having to be prepared for something coming up I have so little time that it's really, really becoming more difficult for me to take an evening out of my week to teach and that's a shame because I really enjoy it
Offers brief information on Britney's pass times when she isn't on stage.
Also includes details about...
"I need to sing and I love to travel." Performing since early childhood in local dance reviews and church choirs, she auditioned for the Disney Channel's "Mickey Mouse Club" series at age eight in Atlanta
"It's what I always wanted to do since I was little." Now a seasoned performer at age 15, an audition for an all girl vocal group led to her developing a solo career as a pop singer as well as continuing her high school studies with tutors
CyberChat With Lea - Part 2
Chat interview conducted by the Philippine Headline News Online last June 25, 1998.
<Tina> Did you audition for your part in Mulan? <Lea> Yes, I did
<Rey> Lea, who else auditioned for the Mulan singing voice? <Lea> I have no idea..
A Night With Lea Salonga
Internet chat session at the TalkCity Pavillion August 1, 1997.
I've been stopped from auditions because of my background, and to do Les Miz was my way of getting sweet revenge
I only learned about Les Miz when it was time to audition
Questions: Toria says: What's it like to work for Disney? LeaSalonga : It's a lot of fun! Questions: AirForce1 says: Have you ever auditioned for a show and did not get it? How did that make you feel? LeaSalonga : I've gotten the shows that I've auditioned for..
Questions: DavidTurley says: Now I have been in several shows at my hometown like "Anything Goes" and "Hello Dolly!", but how do I know if I am good enough for Broadway and is it hard??? LeaSalonga : How will you know if you're good enough for Broadway? Audition for shows on Broadway..
Barnes & Noble.com: Warwick Davis
Interview discussing the making of Willow.
Tibby's Bowl Entertainment Magazine
Covers books, movies, television, and multimedia.
Still, it has its fans, and if you count yourself amongst them youâll be happy with the new 2-disc special edition, featuring commentaries, deleted/extended scenes, behind-the-scenes featurettes, audition clips, promos, and more
Gary Powell
Composer, arranger, and producer offering digital audio and video recording services.
Includes reviews,...
What Makes Puddy Putter?
IF magazine article about Patrick Warburton in the new indie comedy The Woman Chaser.
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