Advanced Call Center Software answering machine for voice modems. ACC can send
call notifications to
pagers and voice messages over email. [Windows 95/98/Me/NT]
Unwanted Call Blocking enables effective telemarketer call block by cutting off black-listed numbers, such as the numbers that are blocked, out-of-area, unidentified, or any other number you wish to block
Unwanted call and telemarketer call block Talking Caller ID: text-to-speech call announce Full-screen or small tool-tip visuals Visual call alert effects and alpha-blending Personalized per-caller ring sounds | $19.95 Way2Call Hi-Phone Desktop is a Caller ID compatible telephony device
Talking Caller ID
Program that captures incoming phone calls for storage and distribution to a
number of other communication devices. Actually talks using Microsoft Agent ...
Call blocking (by number or by name) has been added to screen out unwanted callers
The program announces to you that the call was a blocked call and tells you who was trying to call
VOip (Voice over internet provider) is flat-rated local and long distance calling with most telephone companies' calling features except two: you can't block anonymous, out of area, private, or telemarketer calls, and most VOip providers can't display the name of the caller (only the number)! With Talking Caller ID, you can block all of these calls, zap telemarketers' calls and be provided enhanced features such as caller name and number from a database which you build from each call that comes in
VoIP service offering phone-to-phone with device. Various features and calling plans.
You can even setup so your phone won't ring between 11pm and 6am every night! 'Filter' Your Calls Our let you setup which callers to block and which ones to let through so you can be sure that if the phone rings, it's someone you want to talk to
Computer Answering Machine Software:PC Call Recording Software
Smart Phone Recorder records telephone calls to high compression (3.7MB/Hour) .wav files
using the computer's voice modem. It supports Caller ID.
Features of Smart Phone Recorder New Version 3.5 Now you can block unwanted calls by setting up the BLACKLIST

Photo by home-and-office-phone-depot.com
Block Unwanted Calls and Junk Faxes - with or without Caller ID ... Compare price, performance and reviews of products designed to stop intrusive
telemarketing and help you vanish from telemarketers lists.
Privacy Corps is the internet's premier site for products to block unwanted calls and stop junk faxes
By adding a simple device to your phone, you can block ALL unwanted calls from any , including misdialed numbers, junk faxes, predictive dialers and other annyoying phone calls without investing in unnecessary monthly phone company
Using the, you can add previously unavailable features to your VoIP service, like Call Block, Anonymous Call Rejection and other solutions
Compare the and reviews with those of other products like, and, all designed to block unwanted calls
Experimental electronic music center.
Credit Card Blocking
1997 article from FTC about what blocking is, when it is used, and how to avoid it.
Search: Facts for Consumers Credit and Debit Card Blocking Have you ever been told you were over your credit card limit, or had your debit card declined, even though you knew you had available credit, or money in your bank account? If this happened shortly after you stayed in a hotel or rented a car, the problem could have been card "blocking." What's Blocking? When you use a credit or debit card to check into a hotel or rent a car, the clerk usually contacts the company that issued your card to give an estimated total
That's a "block." Some companies also call this placing a "hold" on those amounts
At least $500 would likely be blocked
In addition, hotels and rental car companies often add anticipated charges for "incidentals" like food, beverages, or gasoline to the blocked amount
If you pay your bill with the same card you used when you checked in, the final charge on your credit card, or final amount on your debit card, probably will replace the block in a day or two
However, if you pay your bill with a different card, or with cash or a check, the company that issued the card you used at check-in might hold the block for up to 15 days after you've checked out
Spy Emporium
Recorders, debugging, countersurveillance, hidden cameras and microphones.

Photo by images.tomshardware.com
Earth Day on Your Block Celebrating Earth Day in the neighborhood with activities and projects; lists
ideas and resources.
Earth Day in Your Neighborhood HOW TO DO AN EARTH DAY ON YOUR BLOCK THIS SPRING A Guide for Kids From 2 to 122 WHY DO AN EARTH DAY ON YOUR BLOCK Because it's fun and it is good for the environment and the neighborhood CELEBRATE THE ENVIRONMENT Because parties are fun, they are an easy way to learn things
CELEBRATE OUR NEIGHBORHOOD A stronger feeling of friendship on the block will make people feel better about their block
Stronger friendships on the block mean that people will look out for each other better
More people out doing things on the block can help reduce crime because people who want to steal don't want to be seen
There may be people who need help on your block
An Earth Day on the block is not much more involved than a block party with a theme
Just count the houses on your block or a small group of blocks
WHAT WOULD EARTH DAY ON YOUR BLOCK LOOK LIKE? Imagine some tables set up in the street or in one of the yards like a picnic
After eating, people would head off to various places on the block to plant gardens or trees or pick up trash
If you are a Young Earth Day Organizer, Here is How You Can Make an Earth Day on your Block Happen
Mailwasher Anti Spam Software: The Reliable Free Spam Blocker
Protects your computer from unwanted email spam and stops viruses before you
download them.
Mailwasher - The Reliable Free Spam Blocker Join 7 million other people who use the award winning MailWasher to combat spam
Use this powerful anti spam software, a reliable spam blocker, that will effectively stop email spam
Voice Extensible Markup Language (VXML) Version 2.0
Pointer to the latest 2.0 specification including new errata published by the
W3C consortium.
Voice Browser Call Control: CCXML Version 1.0
The upcoming call control language for more elaborate control than VXML transfer.
CCXML uses VXML to specify dialogs with connected call parties.
DUN Manager
Features single-click connection start-up and hang-up, monitoring in a call status
window of up to eight simultaneous connections, reconnection for dropped ...
DUN Manager provides features to stop a connection being dropped (when there are no telecom bills), to deliberately drop an idle connection (to avoid large telecom bills) or timed reconnection to drop and redial a call after a specified period (where short calls are free), reconnection for dropped calls but stopping at a specified time (ie 8am) or after a specified period, blocking to prevent certain connections being used at specified times and keep alive will stop the ISP disconnecting due to idling
Countrywide Financial Corporation
Provides residential mortgages, insurance and banking services nationwide.
Features company profile, services, stock information.
If you use a pop-up blocker, you should disable it while using our sites
Technology gadget tips and reviews.
Block Messenger Spam aka Webpopup Advertisements @ Re-QUEST dot ...
Explains how to stop web pop-up spam advertising in Windows Messenger.
> > Messenger Spam Learn How to Block Messenger Spam This article covers, the following:
However, if the user has their NetBIOS turned off (port 139 blocked), the software simply reroutes or defaults to port 135 to deliver its payload of spam
No need to reboot - You are now blocking messenger spam advertisements! Please Note: If you discover that certain software failes to work after disabling the messenger service, reverse the process to reactivate it and move to Section 4 (Firewall Settings) below
Firewall Setting (same effect as 1-3 above): Windows XP (built-in firewall software): Windows XP users to learn how to set your built in firewall to block UDP and TCP ports 135, 137-139, and 445
Standard Firewall Software: Set your firewall to block UDP and TCP ports 135, 137-139, and port 445 from all incoming requests or data
Please Note: That while blocking UDP and TCP ports 135, 137-139 and 445 will prevent the webpopup spam from reaching you, it may also block such programs such as Microsoft Outlook which use port 135 to communicate
If you discover certain software fails to work after blocking the ports mentioned above, most firewall software allows the user to designate certain software for pass-through access
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 2
Discusses the perils that can arise when you approach multithreading in a naive way.
If a second thread tries to 'acquire' ownership, it will block (be suspended) until the owning thread 'releases' the mutex
(Typically, priority order, FIFO order, or some combination thereof is used to determine which thread gains control.) You guard a block of code by acquiring a mutex at the top of the block and releasing it at the bottom
The code comprising the monitor does not have to be contiguous: several discontiguous code blocks can all acquire and release the same mutex, in which case all of this code is considered to be in the same monitor because it uses a common mutex
This is the equivalent of someone going into the bathroom, locking the door, and flushing himself down the toilet! Any other thread that now tries to call f() (or any other synchronized method of the class) on the same object is blocked forever
The Saxon Lyre
History, construction, and playing techniques.
Those lyres having seven or fewer strings are depicted being played in a fashion I will describe later that I call 'block and strum.' Those with eight or more strings are depicted with each hand separately plucking the strings, much as harps are played to this day
While the individual musician could have done any number of things possible on the instrument, the most likely way to play seems to me to be 'block and strum.' By this I mean strumming across the strings, either with the back of the hand or with a pick held in the front (usually right) hand, while at the same time blocking selected strings from behind with the back (usually left) hand so the strings you are touching with the back hand do not sound
Then take a 3/4' thick block of wood and screw it to the bottom of your router plate; this will allow you to remove that center section of wood while only one edge of your router plate is supported on the edge of the lyre
The Dallas Morning News
Read the Dallas Morning News online.
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