Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Official site. Online scriptures and gospel library, media contact information,
online distribution...
LDS Church Family History Resources The official site of The
Church of Jesus Christ of
day Saints.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Family History Family History Find out how you can identify and learn about your ancestors
the official family history (genealogy) site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Official LDS Church Information
Searchable introduction to anyone interested in learning more about the Church.
Basic doctrines, meetingh...
This site is for anyone interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The official web site of he Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Directory WELCOME To the Official Website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints U N I T E D K I N G D O M & I R E L A N D The new London Temple section provides useful information for members and non-members, covering opening times, history and visitor guidelines
Find out what Latter-day Saints believe about the Nature of God, Jesus Christ, Families and the Purpose of Life

Photo by www.lds.org.hk
LDS - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - LDS Church ... Articles, weekly newsletter, daily news, chat, bulletin boards, and links.
Aggressive pop-up windows...
 You are here: >> FREE Newsletter Sign Up Now for the Christianity - Latter-day Saints newsletter!   Search From, Your Guide to
Financial Calculators ProvidentLiving.org, run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has added some wonderful to their site
Community of Christ
Official site. Church profile, organization, ministerial divisions, news and
events, links to doctrinal...
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Strangite
Latter-day Saint group supporting the succession of the presidency through James J.
Strang. Headquartered...
Latter-day Saints (LDS) / Mormon Statistics / Church of Jesus ...
Temple geography and statistics by Adherents.com.
Top 20 Nations with Highest Proportion of Latter-day Saints in the Population Country Percent Tonga 32.0% Samoa 25.0 American Samoa 25.0 Niue 15.0 Kiribati 6.0 Tahiti 6.0 Cook Islands 5.0 Marshall Islands 4.0 Chile 2.5 Palau 2.0 USA 1.9 Uruguay 1.8 New Zealand 1.5 Guatemala 1.3 Honduras 1.2 Bolivia 1.1 Ecuador 1.1 Peru 1.1 Belize 1.1 Source :
States with Highest Proportion of Latter-day Saints in the Population, 1990 Note : Data from this and following tables come from the 1990 Glenmary Research Institute study of county-by-county membership data from 130 U.S
The implication of this correlation is that in the United States, the overwhelming majority of people who consider themselves Latter-day Saints are officially counted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, just as the majority of people counted by the Church of Jesus Christ consider themselves to be Latter-day Saints
States with Most Latter-day Saints, 1990 State Number of congregations Number of members Percent of state population Utah 2, 924 1, 236, 242 71.76% California 1, 323 533, 741 1.79 Idaho 662 268, 060 26.63 Arizona 469 199, 761 5.45 Washington 371 150, 634 3.10 Texas 329 111, 276 0.66 Oregon 228 89, 601 3.15 Nevada 198 89, 033 7.41 Colorado 193 70, 313 2.13 Florida 160 59, 845 0.46 States on both lists (Highest Number and Highest Percent): Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, and Nevada

Photo by www.terragalleria.com
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Find statistics, stories, locations, schedules, and pictures of every
Saint Temple. Keep...
Unofficial Introduction to the Church An introduction to the doctrines and beliefs of
day Saints by one of its
Mormons and Mormon Beliefs: An Unofficial Introduction to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormons and the ' Mormon Church ' - these are strange terms to many people, especially those who don't even know that these terms are nicknames refering to and its members
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a Christian church (though some critics deny even that basic claim) founded in 1830 in the state of New York in the United States
'We solemnly affirm that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in fact a restoration of the Church established by the Son of God...; that it carries His sacred name, even the name of Jesus Christ ; that it is built upon a foundation of apostles and prophets, He being the chief cornerstone; that its priesthood ..
Latter-day Saints believe in Christ as the Savior, the Redeemer, the Son of God, the Creator of the earth, and the only source of salvation
I know that many good Christians will disagree with my interpretation of scripture, but I hope they will still accept my sincere declaration that Latter-day Saints are Christians and are taught to have faith in Christ and to look to Him and His grace for salvation
Latter-day Saint Records
Article by Kip Sperry from the March and April 2001 archives of Ancestry Magazine
detailing the genealogi...
Latter-Day Saints, Mormons, Mormonism, Mormon Church, Joseph Smith ...
Examines teachings of the Mormon Church, testimony of Joseph Smith, on men becoming
Gods, and essays...
The purpose of this information is to give Biblical truth concerning the truth of the Mormon Church and what Latter-Day Saints believe
Listen to Audio Teachings For Mormons & Those Studying With Mormons Beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints Answering Mormon Apologetics / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / To report any broken links, please All rights reserved
Mormon Church US Government Conspiracy
Offers excerpts from book documenting overview of the LDS church, doctrine and
beliefs, excommunication,...
A very comprehensive volume dealing with issues that most others who have written about the Mormon Church have left untouched, namely the political ambitions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and how they have become successful toward this goal, unnoticed by the majority of Americans
Recovery from Mormonism - the Mormon Church
A site to help former Mormons, stories from ex-Mormons, and information on the
religion from their...
Continuously updated new material to read at the Bulletin Boards or Short Topics A web site for former Mormons and those questioning their faith in the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The purpose of this site is to let people who are or were in Mormonism, know they are not alone in their feelings and experiences in their quests to regain their lives after years in this religion
Also called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This religious body
had its origin during...
> > > Mormons Mormons ( Also called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.) This had its origin during the early part of the nineteenth century
Those who accepted them were termed 'Mormons', but they called themselves 'Latter-Day Saints', in contradistinction to the saints of former times
The 'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' was organized on 6 April, 1830, at Fayette, Seneca County, New York; Joseph Smith was accepted as first elder, and prophet, seer, and revelator
It is of importance to bear in that the opposition to the Mormons in the localities where they settled is, from the contradictory and divergent statements made by the Latter-Day Saints and the neighbours not of their belief, difficult of explanation
Polygamy now became a principle of the creed of the Latter-Day Saints, and, though not enforced by the laws of the Mormon hierarchy, was preached by the elders and practised by the chiefs of the cult and by many of the people
The Latter-Day Saints, strangely enough, submitted to the decrees of Congress, unwittingly admitting by their submission that the revelation of their founder and prophet, Joseph Smith, could not have come from
Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church traces its history through the restoration in 1830, the Reorganization of
1860 and Renewal...
Today the full official name of this church is the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints From its restoration in 1830 thru the Reorganization of 1860 and Renewal in 2000 the Remnant Church has remained the true successor of Christ's New Testament Church
Available Genesis of the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints: A multi page booklet in Adobe Format that details the history of the Remnant Church
Mormon Haven.com - mormon church, mormons, mormonism, lds, latter ...
Information and links about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Answers to questions...
A safe place for obtaining information and answers to questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
LDS Film|Movies by Latter-day Saints|LDS Videos|Utah filmmakers
Lists films made by Latter-day Saint writers, directors, producers, cinematographers,
composers or actors.
Films by Latter-day Saint Filmmakers Films about Latter-day Saints LDS Film.com LDSFilm.com Filmography Pages: | The LDS Filmography Pages list films made by Latter-day Saint directors, writers, producers, cinematographers, composers, editors, actors and other key creative people
People say the darndest things about Mormons! In the tradition of The Mouths of Babes, intrepid interviewer Daryn Tufts (The Singles Ward) tours the country documenting the hilarious misconceptions people have about Latter-day Saints
Planned for a March 2006 release is The Story of Esther. See also: Other Upcoming Films, made by Latter-day Saints As much as possible, the names of Latter-day Saint filmmakers and actors are bold in the list below
Beliefnet.com - Mormon
Various essays and articles about the Church and its members, on a multifaith website.
Religious Tolerance:The Community of Christ
A brief history of the church and a comparison of this church and that of the LDS.
About this site Specific religions About all religions Spirituality/ethics Conflict & peace "Hot" topics Laws and news Denominations in the Mormon movement The Community of Christ (Formerly: the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ) Click Here to Visit our Sponsors
The Community of Christ was formerly known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints -- the " RLDS Church "
They do not refer to themselves as "Mormons" -- a term long associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- because of the term's association with polygyny and because they believe the name was not part of the original church
Joseph was deeply troubled by the multiplicity of Christian sects and felt called by Jesus and God to found founded the Latter-day Saints (LDS) church in Fayette, NY on 1830-APR-6
Young later led about 19, 000 followers to the Great Salt Lake in Utah, where they established Salt Lake City and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
It became the " Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints " in 1860 with about 300 members
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