Visual Basic Tutorial
Tutorial for beginners.
> Enter your email address to subscribe to VB mailing list: Number of Visitors : Last Update: 2006-07-24 TABLE OF CONTENTS : Introduction : Building a Visual Basic Application : Writing the Codes : Working With Controls : Managing Visual Basic Data : Working With Variables : Controlling Program Flow : More on Program Control : Looping : Introduction to VB Function Part1 : Introduction to VB Function Part2 : Creating VB Function For MS Excel : Arrays : Working With Files : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part I : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part II : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part III : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part IV : Creating database applications in VB-Part I : Creating database applications in VB-Part II : Creating VB database applications using ADO control : Creating an Advanced VB database application : Animation- Part I : Animation-Part II : Animation- Part III
Red Angel.it - articoli, sorgenti, tutorial, source code, visual ...
Portale sulla programmazione, tratta i principali linguaggi di programmazione in
macro aree ad essi destinate e mette a disposizione strumenti per gestire ...
Visual Basic Tips & Tricks
Comunità dedicata agli sviluppatori che lavorano con questo linguaggio.
Contiene articoli tecnici ed una sezione per scaricare progetti e relativi codici ...
a cura di Sabrina Cosolo e Rudy Azzan Come accedere ai template di Visual Studio .NET 2005, come modificarli o crearne di nuovi per le nostre esigenze
07/08/2006 12.36.34 07/08/2006 12.33.30 07/08/2006 11.48.44 .:: Visual Basic 6 ::
Home Page ufficiale del prodotto Microsoft Visual Basic Un elenco delle community italiane dedicate al mondo dello sviluppo
Visual Basic Tips & Tricks Coordinato da Gianluca Cannalire
Visual Basic Tutorials, C# and ASP.NET Videos
Screen-cam tutorial videos on Visual Basic.NET, ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET and Visual
Photo by zone.ni.com
Visual Basic Online Seminar (Workshop für Einsteiger ...
Schritt für Schritt VB erlernen anhand eines kleinen Projekts.
Visual Basic Online Seminar Index Nobody is perfect! Aller Anfang ist schwer..
Visual Basic Tutorial (Introduction)
This website is for programmers and would-be programmers who want to learn visual
basic as quickly as possible, You will be quickly creating applications by ...
The Visual Basic Index
~ ~ Visual Basic Tutorial (Introduction) Visual Basic (Introduction) Introduction Introduction This website is for programmers and would-be programmers who want to learn visual basic as quickly as possible, You will be quickly creating applications by following the simple examples
As long as you are familiar with Windows 95, you can easily create applications with Visual Basic
If you've opened, closed and re-sized windows you should have the ability to make your own Visual Basic applications in no time at all
This is where visual basic comes into it - when you type visual basic source code into the computer, the computer processes these statements into Visual Basic language
The statements in visual basic, however, do not have multiple meanings within the same context
This sounds great what else will I need!? You will require a Windows 95-compatible computer with at least Windows 95 or Windows NT installed and must importantly Visual Basic!
At the momenet there is no freeware version of Visual basic available :-( Join the mailing list to recive updates and source code
Visual Basic Tutorial (Lesson 4)
Brief introduction to the usages of Access databases.
The Visual Basic Index
~ ~ Visual Basic Tutorial (Lesson 4) Visual Basic Tutorial (Lesson 4) Hopefully you will learn this during lesson 4
Brief introduction to the usages of Access data bases What I think is the most compelling thing about Visual Basic is it's easy way of accessing and modifying databases
There are many ways to work with databases in Visual Basic, and I would think you have at least glanced at the Data control
I will only use an Access Database (*.mdb) in my examples, since this is the most used DBMS (DataBase Management System) for smaller applications made in Visual Basic
This text requires some knowledge of the Visual Basic programming language and you should be familiar with the Visual Basic IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
But in this 'Visual Basic - Database Primer' I will only show you how to open a single table
RecordSet Object Visual Basic uses an object called RecordSet to hold your table
Justin Daubenmire's Online Visual Basic Tutorial For Blind Or ...
This tutorial is designed for beginners who want to learn how to program in the
Visual Basic. It does not matter if you are using JFW, Window Eyes, ...
Introduction Looking for revolutionary games for the blind? Swing by and see what all the hype is about! Check out the world's first shareware/freeware directory for the visually impaired, If you are an agency or company with a visually impaired employee needing on the job training on how to use Visual Basic, please and we can discuss the possibility of me training your employee
Why keep using that program that doesn't do it all when you could have it all!! It's time to update your copy of VB 6! Did you know has been released? Why not Welcome to the online Visual Basic tutorial for blind or visually impaired programmers! This tutorial is designed for beginners who want to learn how to program in the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Explains the start up screen for Visual Basic and what environment settings to adjust so your screen reader will work properly
Online Visual Basic web sites that offer tutorials and free sample code
Programs that I have coded in Visual Basic that you can download for your enjoyment! Some examples are a calendar program and a mp3 player
All programs are screen reader accessible and are freeware! Still have an unanswered Visual Basic question? Has that line of code got you stumped? Why not join the blind programmers mailing list and get your question answered from other blind Visual Basic programmers
visual basic, vb, active server pages (ASP),java, javscript,c, c++ ...
Lets OOP programmers submit code for review by other programmers; many source
code samples to help educate beginners on many concepts; contests where ...
L-Basic: Visual Basic Programming Tutorial
Basic language tutorial. Useful for those wishing to learn how to program using
the Basic programming language. Designed specifically for Microsoft Visual Basic ...
Main » » Products » » » » » » » » » » Information » » » » » » Testimonials » » Support » » L-Basic™: Visual Basic Tutorial Version 1.23 L-Basic is an interactive Basic programming tutorial
It can greatly benefit those Product Info • Download free trial! • Prices • Buy now • Screen shots • Reviews • Version History wishing to learn Visual Basic programming or Microsoft Access Basic programming
L-Basic emphasizes teaching programming concepts rather than teaching how to use visual controls
About.com Visual Basic
Comprehensive collection of weekly features, source code and tips to help Visual
Basic developers from your About.com Guide.
 You are here: >> FREE Newsletter Sign Up Now for the Visual Basic newsletter!   Search From, Your Guide to
-(PS!! -- I believe I discovered a bug in Visual Studio when writing this article
Check my code and let me know if I'm right!)- Thursday August 17, 2006 | A New Build Technology Added In Visual Basic 2005 MSBuild is Microsoft's technology to 'build' software solutions
One might ask, 'How do they ever make any money?' Sunday August 13, 2006 | Something Else That Has Changed in VB.NET There are two ways to pass arguments to a procedure in Visual Basic: ByVal and ByRef
Thursday July 27, 2006 | Visual Basic: We're Number 1! Visual Basic is growing faster in popularity than any other language! Or, at least, the says it is! According to their website, 'The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages.' They use a formula based on how often a language is used in search engine queries and they calculate their index once a month
According to the July 2006 survey, Visual Basic gained more than any other language, jumping three places in popularity
El Guru Programador - ASP, Visual Basic, PHP, .NET, JavaScript ...
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empleo y tutoriales.
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The Visual Basic - MySQL Tutorial
A comprehensive tutorial series describing the development of a MySQL based Visual
Basic application from design to deployment.
Every week I get requests for new sample code and articles explaining some new aspect of using Visual Basic and MySQL
One of the recurring requests has been for a full tutorial covering the creation of an application, from design to deployment, using Visual Basic and MySQL
In response to these requests I have written this article as the first of a series of articles that will provide a full tutorial for the creation of an application using Visual Basic.NET and MySQL
Since the application in question is a relatively simple one, I have chosen to rewrite it using Visual Basic and MySQL
There are a myriad of books on the subject of UML, some of which are even specifically directed at using UML to design Visual Basic 6 applications
Typically either approach would be valid, but there is one important fact we should keep in mind: MySQL and Visual Basic use different date formats
The MySQL format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS is often misinterpreted by Visual Basic, which uses a date format of M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS
These differences in how dates are handled can produce serious problems for Visual Basic as VB will be expecting one format while MySQL will be expecting another
Advanced Visual Basic
Advanced information for the Visual Basic developers. By Duke Engineering.
Search VBWire NEWS OPTIONS RESOURCES SERVICES OTHER WIRES internet.com internet.commerce Free We offer a free weekly newsletter covering all news related to Visual Basic! Subscribe today! Just enter your email address and press enter! Question of the Week How do you/your company roll out new service packs? Thursday, September 14, 2006 2:55 p.m
PT Advanced Visual Basic | Advanced Visual Basic Welcome to the new home of Advanced Visual Basic! Advanced Visual Basic (AVB) contains Free information for the advanced Visual Basic developer
The goal is to keep the content of these pages aimed at the experienced Visual Basic developer and touch on topics found nowhere else on the web
If you are looking for information on older versions of Visual Basic or lists of other sites with Visual Basic content, you won't find it here but will find it
Discussions on Visual Basic If you have questions related to Visual Basic, then there is help
VBWire is now associated with the, a site for discussing all things Visual Basic and more
The latest technical information on Visual Basic for developers.
 MSDN: Visual Basic http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/ Recently Published Visual Basic Content en-us Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:40:42 GMT Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:40:42 GMT MSDN and TechNet RSS Service 1440 3-tier Architecture with ASP.NET 2.0: Tutorial 4: Displaying Data With the ObjectDataSource (Visual Basic) Accessing and displaying data from a Business Logic Layer can be accomplished without writing a line of code thanks to ASP.NET 2.0's ObjectDataSource control
With Visual Studio, creating a DAL based on Typed DataSets is a task you can accomplish in 10-15 minutes
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