ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)
A modular sound card driver and API.
Standard Production - Elettronica Avanzata - Advanced Electronics
[Como] Vende oggetti elettronici: mini aspirapolvere da tavolo, macchina della
verità, barra segnalatric...
Advanced Distributed Learning Network (ADLNet)
ADLNet sets the standards for the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model.)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Commissions advanced research for DoD. It was founded in response to the surprise
Sputnik launch in...
Advanced Chemistry Development
Specializes in Windows and applet-based software for structure drawing, nomenclature,
NMR processing...
Chicago IL: Argonne Advanced Photon Source (APS)
operated by The University of Chicago under contract with the US Department of
Energy (DOE)
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies - Scuola di Dottorato IMT ...
Graduate level research program focusing on institutional and technological change.
Information on...
Advanced Manufacturing
Magazine for global manufacturing professionals. Advancing new ideas and techniques
for manufacturing...