Clicca sulla canzone che vuoi leggere

Drive my car

Norwegian Wood (This bird has flown)

You won’t see me

Nowhere man

Think for yourself

The word


What goes on


I’m looking through you

In my life

If i needed someone

Run For your life





DRIVE MY CAR (Lennon/McCartney)                       GUIDA LA MIA MACCHINA


Asked a girl what she wanted to be,                                          HO CHIESTO A UNA RAGAZZA COSA VOLESSE DIVENTARE

She said baby can’t you see?                                                     MI HA DETTO BAMBINO, NON CAPISCI?

I wanna be famous, a star of the screen,                                    VOGLIO ESSERE FAMOSA, UNA STAR DEL CINEMA

But you can do something in between                                       MA TU PUOI FARE QUALCOSA NEL FRATTEMPO


Baby you can drive my car                                                         BAMBINO PUOI GUIDARE LA MIA MACCHINA

Yes i’m gonna be a star                                                              SI, SARO’ UNA STAR

Baby you can drive my car                                                         BAMBINO PUOI GUIDARE LA MIA MACCHINA

And maybe i’ll love you                                                              E FORSE TI AMERO’

I told that girl that my prospects were good,                              HO DETTO ALLA RAGAZZA CHE AVEVO BUONE PROSPETTIVE

She said baby it’s understood                                                    LEI HA DETTO BAMBINO, SI CAPISCE

Working for peanuts is all very fine                                            LAVORARE PER DUE LIRE E’ MOLTO BELLO

But i can show you a better time                                                MA POSSO MOSTRARTI TEMPI MIGLIORI


I told that girl i could start right away                                         HO DETTO ALLA RAGAZZA CHE POTEVO INIZIARE SUBITO

And she said listen, babe, i’ve got something to say                  LEI HA DETTO HO QUALCOSA DA DIRE

Got no car, and it’s breaking my heart,                                      NON HO UNA MACCHINA E MI SI SPEZZA IL CUORE

But i’ve found a driver  that’s a start                                           MA HO TROVATO UN AUTISTA ED E’  UN INIZIO






Norwegian wood (Lennon/McCartney)             LEGNO NORVEGESE


I once had a girl                                                                         UNA VOLTA AVEVO UNA RAGAZZA

or should I say she once had me                                                O FORSE E’ MEGLIO DIRE LEI AVEVA ME

She showed me her room isn't it good                                       MI MOSTRO’ LA SUA STANZA, NON E’ BELLO?

Norwegian wood                                                                        LEGNO NORVEGESE

She asked me to stay                                                                 MI CHIESE DI RESTARE

and she told me to sit anywhere                                                E MI DISSE DI SEDERMI DOVE VOLEVO

But I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair              MA GUARDAI IN GIRO E VIDI CHE NON C’ERANO SEDIE

I sat on a rug                                                                              MI SEDETTI SU UN TAPPETO

biding my time drinking her wine                                              ASPETTANDO IL MIO MOMENTO BEVENDO IL SUO VINO

We talked until two                                                                    PARLAMMO FINO ALLE 2

and  then she said it's time for bed                                             E POI LEI DISSE E’ TEMPO DI ANDARE A LETTO

She told me she worked in the morning                                    MI DISSE CHE LAVORAVA AL MATTINO

and started to laugh                                                                   E COMINCIO’ A RIDERE

I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath                LE DISSI, IO NO, E SGUSCIAI A DORMIRE IN BAGNO

And when I awoke I was alone                                                  E QUANDO MI SVEGLIAI ERO SOLO

this bird had flown                                                                      QUEST’UCCELLO ERA VOLATO VIA

So I lit a fire isn't it good                                                            COSI’ ACCESI UN FUOCO, NON E’ BELLO?

Norwegian wood                                                                        LEGNO NORVEGESE





YOU WON’T SEE ME (Lennon/McCartney)             NON VUOI VEDERMI


When I call you up, your line's engaged.                                   QUANDO TI CHIAMO E’ SEMPRE OCCUPATO

I have had enough, so act your age!                                          NE HO ABBASTANZA QUINDI COMPORTATI DA ADULTA

We have lost the time that was                                                  ABBIAMO PERSO QUEL TEMPO

so hard to find,                                                                           COSI’ DIFFICILE DA TROVARE

And I will lose my mind if you won't see me                              E PERDERO’ LA TESTA SE NON MI VORRAI VEDERE

I don't know why you should want to hide                                 NON CAPISCO PERCHE’ VORRESTI NASCONDERTI

But I can't get through, my hands are tied.                                 MA NON RIESCO A SPIEGARMI, HO LE MANI LEGATE

I won't want to stay, I don't have much to say,                           NON VOGLIO RESTARE, NON HO ALTRO DA DIRE

but I can turn away, and you won't see me.                               MA POSSO VOLTARTI LE SPALLE SE NON VUOI VEDERMI

Time after time you refuse to even listen.                                  OGNI VOLTA RIFIUTI PURE DI ASCOLTARE

I wouldn't mind if I knew what I was missing.                            NON MI IMPORTEREBBE SE SAPESSI COSA HO SBAGLIATO

Though the days are few they're filled with tears,                      SEBBENE I GIORNI SIAMO POCHI SONO PIENI DI LACRIME

and since I lost you it feels like years.                                        E DA QUANDO TI HO PERDUTA SEMBRA UNA VITA

Yes, it seems so long, girl since you've been gone,                   SI SEMBRA MOLTO DA QUANDO SEI PARTITA

ad I just can't go on if you won't see me.                                   E NON POSSO ANDARE AVANTI SE NON VUOI VEDERMI





NOWHERE MAN (Lennon/McCartney)                    UOMO INESISTENTE


He's a real nowhere man,                                                          E’ UN VERO UOMO INESISTENTE

Sitting in his nowhere land,                                                       SEDUTO SULLA SUA TERRA INESISTENTE

Making all his nowhere plans                                                     A FARE TUTTI I SUOI PROGETTI INESISTENTI

for nobody.                                                                                 PER NESSUNO

Doesn't have a point of view,                                                     NON HA UN SUO PUNTO DI VISTA

Knows not where he's going to,                                                 NON SA DOVE STA ANDANDO

Isn't he a bit like you and me?                                                   NON E’ UN PO’ COME TE E ME?

Nowhere man, please listen,                                                      UOMO INESISTENTE PER FAVORE ASCOLTA

You don't know what you're missing,                                         NON SAI COSA STAI PERDENDOTI

Nowhere man, the world is at your command.                           IL MONDO E’ AI TUOI PIEDI

He's as blind as he can be,                                                         E’ COMPLETAMENTE CIECO

Just sees what he wants to see,                                                 VEDE SOLO CIO’ CHE VUOLE VEDERE

Nowhere man can you see me at all?                                        UOMO INESISTENTE PUOI VEDERMI?

Nowhere man, don't worry,                                                        UOMO INESISTENTE NON PREOCCUPARTI

Take your time, don't hurry,                                                       PRENDILA CON CALMA, NON AFFRETTARTI

Leave it all 'till                                                                            MOLLA TUTTO FINCHE’

somebody else lends you a hand.                                              QUALCUN ALTRO NON TI DARA’ UNA MANO





THINK FOR YOURSELF (Harrison)                             PENSA PER TE


I've got a word or two to say                                                      HO UNA COSA UN PAIO DI COSE DA DIRE

About the things that you do                                                       SULLE COSE CHE FAI

Your telling all those lies                                                            RACCONTI TUTTE QUELLE BUGIE

About the good things we can have                                           RIGUARDO LE COSE BELLE CHE POSSIAMO AVERE

if we close our eyes                                                                    SE CHIUDIAMO GLI OCCHI

Do what you want to do                                                              FA QUELLO CHE VUOI

And go where your going to                                                       E VAI DOVE VUOI ANDARE

Think for yourself 'cause I won't be there with you                    PENSA PER TE PERCHE’ IO NON  SARO’ LI CON TE

I left you far behind,                                                                   TI HO LASCIATO DA PARECCHIO

the ruins of the life that you had in mind.                                   LE ROVINE DELLA VITA CHE AVEVI IN MENTE

And though you still can't see,                                                    E SEBBENE TU NON CAPISCA

I know your minds made up                                                       SO CHE HAI DECISO

you're gonna cause more misery.                                              CAUSERAI ANCORA INFELICITA’

although your minds opaque,                                                     ANCHE SE HAI LA MENTE OTTUSA

Try thinking more if just for your own sake.                               PROVA A PENSARE DI PIU’ ALMENO PER IL TUO BENE

The future still looks good,                                                         IL FUTURO SEMBRA ANCORA BELLO

And you've got time to rectify                                                     E HAI IL TEMPO DI CORREGGERE

all the things that you should.                                                    TUTTE LE COSE CHE DOVRESTI






The word (Lennon/McCartney)                              La parola


Say the word and you'll be free                                                 la parola e sarai libero

Say the word and be like me                                                     la parola e sarai come me

Say the word I'm thinking of                                                       la parola che sto pensando

Have you heard the word is love?                                              Hai sentito la parola è amore?

It's so fine, It's sunshine                                                              E’ così bella, è la luce del sole

It's the word, love                                                                       è la parola amore

In the beginning I misunderstood                                               All’inizio avevo frainteso

But now I've got it, the word is good                                          ma adesso lo so, la parola è giusta

Spread the word and you'll be free                                            diffondi la parola e sarai libero

Spread the word and be like be                                                 diffondi la parola e sarai come me

Spread the work I'm thinking of                                                 diffondi la parola che sto pensando

Have you heard the word is love?                                              Hai capito che la parola è amore?

It's so fine, It's sunshine                                                              è così bella, è la luce del sole

It's the word, love                                                                       è la parola amore

Every where I go I hear it said                                                    dovunque vada la sento dire

In the good and bad books that I have read                               nei libri belli e brutti che ho letto

Give the word a chance to say                                                   dai alla parola la possibilità di dire

That the word is just the way                                                      che la parola è l’unico mezzo

It's the word I'm thinking of                                                        è la parola che sto pensando

And the only word is love                                                           e l’unica parola è amore

It's so fine, It's sunshine                                                              è così bella, è la luce del sole

It's the word, love                                                                       è la parola amore

Now that I know what I feel must be right                                  ora lo so, quello che provo deve essere giusto

I'm here to show everybody the light                                         sono qui per mostrare a tutti  la luce




WHAT GOES ON                                                                    CHE SUCCEDE



What goes on in your heart                                                        Che succede nel tuo cuore

What goes on in your mind                                                        Che succede nella tua mente

You are tearing me apart                                                           Mi fai soffrire

When you treat me so unkind                                                     Quando mi tratti così male 

What goes on in your mind                                                        Che succede nella tua mente

The other day i saw you                                                             Ti ho vista l’altro giorno

As i walked along the road                                                         Mentre camminavo per strada

But when i saw him with you                                                     Ma quando ho visto lui con te

I could see my future fold                                                           Ho potuto vedere il futuro crollare

It’s so easy for a girl like you to lie                                             E’ facile per una ragazza come te mentire

Tell me why                                                                                Perchè


I met you in the morning                                                            Ti ho incontrata di mattina

Waiting for the tides of time                                                       Aspettando le maree del tempo

But now the tide is turning                                                         Ma adesso la marea è cambiata

I can see that i was blind                                                            Capisco che ero cieco

It’s so easy for a girl like you to lie                                             E’ così facile per una ragazza come te mentire

Tell me why                                                                                Perchè

What goes on in your heart                                                        Che succede nel tuo cuore

I used to think of no-one else                                                     Di solito non pensavo a nessun’altra

But you were just the same                                                        Ma tu eri sempre la stessa

You didn’t even think of me                                                        Non pensavi mai a me

As someone with a name                                                           Come a qualcuno con un nome

Did you mean to break my heart                                                Intendevi spezzarmi il cuore

And watch me die                                                                      E vedermi morire

Tell me why                                                                                Perchè





GIRL (Lennon/McCartney)                                          RAGAZZA


Is there anybody going to listen to my story                               C’E’ NESSUNO CHE VOGLIA ASCOLTARE LA MIA STORIA?

all about a girl who came to stay?                                             RIGUARDO LA RAGAZZA VENUTA PER RESTARE

She's the kind of girl you want                                                   E’ QUEL TIPO DI RAGAZZA CHE VUOI

so much it makes you sorry                                                        COSI’ TANTO DA SOFFRIRNE

still, you don't regret a single day                                              SEBBENE NON TI PENTI DI UN SOLO GIORNO

Ah, girl...                                                                                     AH, RAGAZZA

When I think of all the times                                                       QUANDO PENSO ALLE VOLTE

I've tried so hard to leave her                                                     CHE HO CERCATO DI LASCIARLA

She will turn to me and start to cry                                            SI GIRAVA A GUARDARMI E PIANGEVA

And she promises the earth to me and  believe her.                  E MI PROMETTE MARI E MONTI E IO LA CREDO

After all this time I don't know why.                                           DOPO TUTTO QUESTO TEMPO NON CAPISCO PERCHE’

She's the kind of girl who puts you down                                   E’ QUEL GENERE DI RAGAZZA CHE TI FA STAR ZITTO

when friends are there, you feel a fool.                                     QUANDO CI SONO GLI AMICI, TI SENTI STUPIDO

When you say she's looking good                                              QUANDO LE DICI CHE E’ BELLA

she acts as if it's unterstood.                                                       SI COMPORTA COME SE FOSSE SCONTATO

She's cool, cool, cool, cool.                                                        NON PERDE MAI LA TESTA

Was she told when she was young                                             DA PICCOLA LE E’ STATO DETTO

that fame would lead to pleasure?                                             CHE IL DOLORE CONDUCE AL PIACERE?

Did she understand it when they said                                         LO CAPISCE QUANDO DICEVANO

That a man must break his back                                                 CHE UN UOMO DEVE ROMPERSI IN 2

to earn his day of leisure?                                                          PER GUADAGNARSI IL SUO GIORNO DI RIPOSO?

Will she still believe when he's dead?                                       LO CREDERA’ ANCORA QUANDO LUI SARA’ MORTO?





MICHELLE (Lennon/McCartney)                               MICHELLE


Michelle, ma belle                                                                      MICHELLE, MIA BELLA

these are words that go together well,                                       SONO LE PAROLE CHE VANNO BENE INSIEME,

my Michelle                                                                                MIA MICHELLE

Michelle, ma belle

sontles mots qui vont tres bien ensemble,

tres bien ensemble

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say            TI AMO, E’ TUTTO CIO’ CHE VOGLIO DIRE

until I find a way                                                                         FINCHE’ NON TROVERO’ UN MODO

I will say the only words I know that you'll understand.             DIRO’ LE SOLE PAROLE CHE CONOSCO CHE TU CAPIRAI

I need you, I need you, I need you, I need to make you see      HO BISOGNO DI TE, HO BISOGNO DI FARTI CAPIRE 

oh what you mean to me                                                            COSA SIGNIFICHI PER ME

until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean                        SINO AD ALLORA SPERO SAPRAI COSA INTENDO

I want you, I want you, I want you, I think you know by now     TI VOGLIO, PENSO CHE ORA LO SAI

I'll get to you somehow                                                              TI RAGGIUNGERO’ IN QUALCHE MODO

until I do I'm telling you so you'll understand                             SINO AD ALLORA TI DICO COSI’ CAPIRAI...





I’M LOOKING THROUGH YOU                                           TI GUARDO DENTRO



I'm looking thru you       Where did you go                                TI GUARDO DENTRO, DOVE SEI STATA

I thought I knew you       What did I know?                                PENSAVO DI CONOSCERTI, COSA SAPEVO?

You dont look different    But you have changed                        NON SEMBRI DIFFERENTE MA SEI CAMBIATA

I'm looking thru you       You’re not the same                             TI GUARDO DENTRO, NON SEI PIU’ LA STESSA

Your lips are moving       I cannot hear                                      LE TUE LABBRA SI MUOVONO, NON RIESCO A SENTIRE

Your voice is soothing                                                                LA TUA VOCE E’ RASSICURANTE

But the words aren’t clear                                                          MA LE PAROLE NON SONO CHIARE

You don’t sound different   I've learnt the game                         NON SEMBRI DIVERSA, HO IMPARATO IL GIOCO

I’m looking thru you        You’re not the same                            TI GUARDO DENTRO, NON SEI PIU’ LA STESSA

Why, Tell me why did you not treat me right                             PERCHE’ DIMMI NON MI TRATTI BENE

Love has a nasty habit                                                                L’AMORE HA LA CATTIVA ABITUDINE

of disappearing overnight                                                          DI SVANIRE IN 1 NOTTE

You’re thinking of me       The same old way                             MI PENSI NEL SOLITO VECCHIO MODO

You were above me          But not today                                    MI DOMINAVI, MA NON OGGI

The only difference        Is you’re down there                            LA SOLA DIFFERENZA E’ CHE SEI LAGGIU’

I’m looking thru you        and you’re nowhere                           TI GUARDO DENTRO E NON CI SEI





IN MY LIFE (Lennon/McCartney)                               NELLA MIA VITA


There are places I'll remember                                                  CI SONO LUOGHI CHE RICORDERO’

all my life though some have changed,                                     TUTTA LA VITA SEBBENE QUALCUNO SIA CAMBIATO

Some forever not for better,                                                       ALCUNI PER SEMPRE, NON IN MEGLIO

some have gone and some remain.                                           ALCUNI SONO ANDATI E ALTRI RIMASTI

All these places had their moments,                                          TUTTI QUESTI POSTI HANNO AVUTO I LORO MOMENTI

with lovers and friends I still can recall,                                     CON AMORI E AMICI CHE RICORDO ANCORA

Some are dead and some are living,                                         ALCUNI SONO MORTI ALTRI NO

in my life I've loved them all.                                                     NELLA MIA VITA LI HO AMATI TUTTI

But of all these friends and lovers,                                             MA DI TUTTI QUESTI AMICI E AMORI

there is no one compares with you,                                           NESSUNO SI PARAGONA A TE

And these memories lose their meaning,                                   E QUESTI RICORDI PERDONO DI SIGNIFICATO

when I think of love as something new.                                     QUANDO PENSO ALL’AMORE COME A QUALCOSA DI NUOVO

Though I know I'll never lose affection                                       SEBBENE SO CHE NON PERDERO’ MAI L’AFFETTO

for people and things that went before,                                     PER LE PERSONE E COSE DEL PASSATO

I know I'll often stop and think about them,                                SO CHE SPESSO MI FERMERO’ A PENSARLE

in my life I'll love you more.                                                       MA NELLA MIA VITA AMERO’ SEMPRE DI PIU’ TE





WAIT (Lennon/McCartney)                                          ASPETTA


It's been a long time, now I'm  coming back home                    E’ PASSATO TANTO TEMPO, ORA STO TORNANDO A CASA

I've been away now, oh how I've been alone                            SONO STATO LONTANO, OH COME SONO STATO SOLO

Wait   till I come back to your side                                             ASPETTA FINO A CHE NON TORNERO’ DA TE

We'll forget the tears we cried                                                   DIMENTICHEREMO LE LACRIME CHE ABBIAMO PIANTO

But if your heart breaks,                                                             MA SE IL TUO CUORE SI SPEZZA,

don't wait, turn me away                                                            NON ASPETTARE, MANDAMI VIA

And if your heart's strong, hold on, I won't delay                       E SE IL TUO CUORE E’ FORTE, TIENI DURO, NON TARDERO’

I feel as though you ought to know that I've been good             PENSO CHE DOVRESTI SAPERE CHE SONO STATO BUONO

As good as I can be                                                                    DAVVERO BUONO

And if you do, I'll trust in you                                                      E SE LO FARAI MI FIDERO’ DI TE

And know that you will wait for me                                            E SAPRO’ CHE MI ASPETTERAI







Well I'd rather see you dead little girl                                        PREFERIREI VEDERTI MORTA RAGAZZINA

Than to be with another man                                                     PIUTTOSTO CHE CON UN ALTRO UOMO

You better keep your head little girl                                           E’ MEGLIO CHE TU TENGA LA TESTA A POSTO

Or you won't know where I am                                                   O PERDERO’ IL CONTROLLO

You better run for your life if you can little girl                           E’ BENE CHE TU SCAPPI SE CI TIENI ALLA PELLE

Hide your head in the sand little girl                                          NASCONDI LA TUA TESTA NELLA SABBIA RAGAZZINA

Catch you with another man                                                      BECCARTI CON UN ALTRO UOMO

That's the end little girl.                                                              E’ LA FINE RAGAZZINA

Well you know that I'm a wicked guy                                         SAI CHE SONO UN TIPO CATTIVO

And I was born with a jealous mind                                           SONO NATO GELOSO

And I can spend my whole life                                                   E POSSO PASSARE TUTTA LA VITA

Tryin' just to make you tow the line.                                           CERCANDO DI FARTI RIGAR DRITTO

Let this be a sermon                                                                   LASCIA CHE QUESTA SIA UNA PREDICA

I mean every thing I said                                                            PARLO SUL SERIO

Baby I'm determined                                                                  SONO DECISO






IF I NEEDED SOMEONE (Harrison)                             SE AVESSI BISOGNO DI QUALCUNO


If i needed someone to love                                                       Se avessi bisogno di qualcuno

You’re the one i’d be thinking of                                                Sei quella a cui penserei

If i needed someone                                                                   Se avessi bigogno di qualcuno

If i had more time to spend                                                        Se avessi più tempo da spendere

Then i guess i’d be with you my friend                                       Allora credo sarei con te amica mia

If i needed someone                                                                   Se avessi bigogno di qualcuno

Had you come some other day                                                   Fossi venuta in un altro giorno

Then it might not have been like this                                         Allora poteva essere diverso

But you see now i’m too much in love                                       Ma ora capisci sono troppo innammorato

Carve your number on my wall                                                  Incidi il tuo numero sul mio muro

And maybe you will get a call from me                                      E forse ti telefonerò