

 Clicca sulla canzone che vuoi leggere

A Hard day’s night

I should have known better

If I fell

I’m happy just to dance with you

And I love her

Tell me why

Can’t buy me love

Any time at all

I’ll cry instead

Things we said today

When I get home

You can’t do that

I’ll be back



A Hard Day's Night (Lennon/McCartney)          Notte di un giorno duro


It's been a hard day's night,                                                        E’ stata la notte di un giorno duro

and I been working like a dog                                                    ho lavorato come un cane
It's been a hard day's night,                                                        E’ stata la notte di un giorno duro

I should be sleeping like a log                                                   Dovrei già dormire come un sasso
But when I get home to you                                                       ma quando torno a casa da te

I'll find the things that you do                                                     trovo che le cose che fai
Will make me feel alright                                                           mi fanno sentire bene
You know I work all day                                                             sai che lavoro ogni giorno

to get you money to buy you things                                            per procurarti i soldi per comprarti le cose
And it's worth it just to hear you say                                           e ne vale la pena solo per sentirti dire

you're going to give me everything                                            che mi darai tutto
So why on earth should I moan,                                                 allora perchè dovrei lamentarmi

'cause when I get you alone                                                       dato che quando siamo da soli
You know I feel ok                                                                      sai che sto bene
When I'm home everything seems to be right                            Quando sono a casa tutto mi sembra ok
When I'm home feeling you holding me tight,                           Quando sono a casa e sento che mi tieni stretto




I Should Have Known Better                                 Avrei dovuto saperlo meglio


I should have known better                                                        Avrei dovuto saperlo meglio,

with a girl like you, that I                                                            con una ragazza come te che io

Would love everything that you do; and I do,                             Avrei amato ogni cosa che fai, e lo faccio
Whoa, oh, I never realized what a kiss could be, this coul        Non mi sono mai accorto cosa potesse essere un bacio
Only happen to me; can't you see, can't you see,                      Che questo potesse succedere solo a me, non capisci
That when I tell you that I love you, oh, you're gonna say         Che quando ti dirò di amarti, tu dirai
You love me too, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, oh,                                  che mi ami pure te
And when I ask you to be mine,                                                 e quando ti chiederò di essere mia,

you're gonna say you love me                                                    mi dirai che mi ami

Too. You love me too, you love me too.                                     Mi ami!!!





If I Fell (Lennon/McCartney)                                   Se mi innnammorassi       

If I fell in love with you                                                               Se mi innammorassi di te
Would you promise to be true                                                    prometteresti di essere sincera
And help me understand                                                            e aiutarmi a capire
'cause I've been in love before                                                   perchè sono stato innammorato prima
And I found that love was more                                                  e ho scoperto che l’amore era più
Than just holding hands                                                             che solo tenersi per mano
If I give my heart to you                                                              se ti dò il mio cuore
I must be sure                                                                             devo essere sicuro
From the very start                                                                     fin dall’inizio
That you would love me more than her                                     che mi ameresti più di lei
If I trust in you oh please                                                            se ho fiducia in te
Don't run and hide                                                                      non correre a nasconderti
If I love you too oh please                                                          se anche io ti amo per favore
Don't hurt my pride like her                                                        non ferire il mio orgoglio come lei
'cause I couldn't stand the pain                                                  perchè non potrei sopportare il dolore
And I would be sad                                                                     e sarei triste

if our new love was in vain                                                        se il nostro nuovo amore fosse invano
So I hope you see that I                                                              così spero che tu capisca
Would love to love you                                                               che mi piacerebbe amarti
And that she will cry                                                                   e che lei piangerà
When she learns we are two                                                      quando saprà che stiamo insieme
If I fell in love with you                                                               se mi innamorerò di te                             





I'm Just Happy to Dance with You                         Sono felice anche solo
                                                       di ballare con te

Before this dance is through                                                       Prima che questo ballo finisca
I think I'll love you too                                                                penso che anche io ti amerò
I'm so happy when you dance with me                                      sono felice quando balli con me
I don't want or need to hold your hand                                      non voglio tenerti la mano
Well it's only try and understand                                                cerca solo di capire
'cause there's really nothing I would rather do                          non c’è altro che vorrei fare davvero
'cause I'm happy just to dance with you                                     perchè sono felice anche solo di ballar con te
I don't need to kiss or hold you tight                                           non voglio baciarti o tenerti stretta
I just want to dance with you all night                                        voglio solo ballare con te tutta notte
In this world there's nothing I would rather do                           in questo mondo non c’è altro che vorrei fare
'cause I'm happy just to dance with you                                     perchè sono felice anche solo di ballar con te

Just to dance with you                                                                solo ballare con te
It's everything I need                                                                  è tutto
ciò di cui ho bisogno
I'm so happy when you dance with me                                      sono così felice quando balli con me
If somebody tries to take my place                                             se qualcuno cercasse di prendere il mio posto
Let's pretend we just can't see his face                                      facciamo finta di non vedere la sua faccia
I discovered I'm in love with you                                                ho scoperto di essere innammorato di te
'cause I'm happy just to dance with you                                     perchè sono felice anche solo a ballar con te





And I Love Her (Lennon/McCartney)                   E io la amo                 

I give her all my love                                                                  Le dò tutto il mio amore
That's all I do                                                                              è ciò che faccio
And if you saw my love                                                              e se tu vedessi il mio amore
You'd love her too                                                                      l’ameresti anche tu
I love her                                                                                    io l’amo
She gives me ev'rything                                                             lei mi dà tutto
And tenderly                                                                               e dolcemente
The kiss my lover brings                                                             il bacio che il mio amore porta
She brings to me                                                                        lo porta a me
And I love her                                                                             e io la amo

A love like ours                                                                           un amore come il nostro
Could never die                                                                          non può morire
As long as I                                                                                 fino a quando io
Have you near me                                                                      ti ho vicina a me
Bright are the stars that shine                                                     lucenti sono le stelle che brillano
Dark is the sky                                                                            scuro è il cielo
I know this love of mine                                                             so che questo mio amore
Will never die                                                                             non morirà mai
And I love her                                                                             e io la amo




Tell Me Why (Lennon/McCartney)                        Dimmi perchè

Tell me why you cried,                                                               Dimmi perchè hai pianto

and why you lied to me,                                                             e perchè mi hai mentito
Well I gave you ev'rything I had,                                                Ti ho dato tutto ciò che avevo
But you left me sitting on my own,                                             ma mi hai lasciato seduto da solo
Did you have to treat me oh so bad,                                           dovevi trattarmi così male?
All I do is hang my head and moan.                                           Tutto ciò che faccio è lamentarmi a testa bassa
If there's something I have said or done,                                    Se c’è qualcosa che ho detto o fatto
Tell me what and I'll apologize,                                                 dimmelo così posso scusarmi
If you don't really can't go on,                                                    se non lo fai non posso continuare
Holding back these tears in my eyes.                                        
A trattenere le lacrime nei miei occhi
Well I beg you on my bended knees,                                         Ti prego in ginocchio
If you'll only listen to my pleas,                                                  se solo volessi ascoltare le mie preghiere
Is there anything I can do,                                                          c’è qualcosa che posso fare
'cause I really can't stand it,                                                       perchè davvero non ce la faccio più

I'm so in love with you                                                                Sono così innammorato di te




Can't Buy Me Love (Lennon/McCartney)           L’amore non può comprarmi

Can't buy me love, love                                                              L’amore non può comprarmi
Can't buy me love                                                                       L’amore non può comprarmi
I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend                                         Ti comprerò un anello di diamanti amica mia

if it makes you feel alright                                                          se ti farà sentire bene

I'll get you anything my friend                                                    Ti prenderò qualunque cosa amica mia

if it makes you feel alright                                                          se ti farà sentire bene

Cause I don't care too much for money,                                     Non mi interessano i soldi,

money can't buy me love                                                           i soldi non possono comprare il mio amore

I'll give you all I got to give if you say you love me too              Ti darò tutto ciò che posso se mi dirai di amarmi
I may not have a lot to give                                                        Potrei non avere molto da darti

but what I got I'll give to you                                                      ma quello che ho te lo darò

I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love       Non mi interessano i soldi...
Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so                                  Rit.
Can't buy me love, no no no, no
Say you don't need no diamond ring                                         Simmi che non ti servono anelli con diamanti
and I'll be satisfied                                                                     e sarò soddisfatto

Tell me that you want the kind of thing                                      Dimmi che vuoi quel genere di cose
that money just can't buy                                                            che i soldi non possono comprare

I don't care too much for money,                                                Non mi interessano i soldi...

money can't buy me love                                                           Rit.

money can't buy me love





Any Time At All (Lennon/McCartney)                  In qualsiasi momento

Any time at all, any time at all, any time at all , all                    In qualsiasi momento
you've gotta do is call and I'll be there.                                     
Ciò che devi fare è chiamarmi e io sarò lì
If you need somebody to love,                                                   Se hai bisogno di qualcuno d’amare,
just look into my eyes,                                                                guarda nei miei occhi

I'll be there to make you feel right.                                            Sarò lì per farti sentire bene
If you're feeling sorry and sad, I'd really sympathize.               
Se ti senti triste e sconsolata, ti sarei davvero vicino
Don't you be sad, just call me tonight.                                        Non essere triste, chiamami semplicemente e io sarò lì
If the sun has faded away, I'll try to make it shine,                     Se il sole è scomparso, cerchèrò di farlo splendere
there's nothing I won't do                                                           non c’è niente che non farò
If you need a shoulder to cry on.                                                Se ti serve una spalla su cui piangere,
I hope it will be mine                                                                 sperò sarà la mia

Call me tonight, and I'll come to you.                                         Chiamami stanotte e arriverò da te




I'll Cry Instead (Lennon/McCartney)                Invece piangerò

I've got every reason on earth to be mad, 'cause I've just          Ho tutte le ragioni
del mondo per essere matto
Lost the only girl I had.                                                              
Ho perso l’unica ragazza che ho avuto;
If I could get my way, I'd get                                                      se potessi fare a modo mio

Myself locked up today,                                                              Me ne starei rinchiuso oggi
but I can't so I cry instead.                                                          ma non posso così piango invece

I've got a chip on my shoulder that's bigger than my feet,         Sono così pieno di rabbia che sto per scoppiare
I can't talk to people that I meet.                                               
Non posso parlare con la gente che incontro,
If I could see you now,                                                               se potessi vederti ora

I'd try to make you say somehow,.                                             Cercherei di fartelo dire in qualche modo
but I can't so I cry instead                                                           ma non posso e piango invece

Don't want to cry when there's people there, I get shy when     Non voglio piangere quando c’è gente intorno
They start to stare,                                                                      Divento timido quando mi fissano,
I'm gonna hide myself away, ay hay;                                         Voglio nascondermi lontano

But I'll come back again someday.                                             Ma un giorno tornerò
And when I do you'd better hide all the girls,                             E quando lo farò farai bene a nascondere tutte le ragazze
I'm gonna break their hearts all 'round the world.                     gli spezzerò i cuori
Yes, I'm gonna break them in two,                                             Si, glieli spezzerò in due

and show you what your loving man can                                   e vi mostrerò cosa il vostro caro può fare
Do, until then I'll cry instead.                                                     
Fino ad allora invece piangerò





Things We Said Today (Lennon/McCartney)    Cose che abbiamo detto oggi

You say you will love me                                                            Dici che mi amerai
If I have to go.                                                                            Se dovessi andare
You'll be thinking of me,                                                             mi penserai
Somehow I will know.                                                                In qualche modo lo saprò
Someday when I'm lonely,                                                         un giorno quando sarò solo
Wishing you weren't so far away,                                               desiderando che tu non sia così lontana
Then I will remember                                                                 allora ricorderò
The things we said today.                                                          
Le cose che abbiamo detto oggi
You say you'll be mine, girl,                                                       dici che sarai mia ragazza
Until the end of time.                                                                  Fino alla fine dei tempi
These days such a kind girl                                                        una ragazza come così in questi giorni
Seems so hard to find
.                                                                Sembra così difficile da trovare
Someday when we're dreaming,                                               un giorno quando sogneremo
Deep in love, not a lot to say.                                                     Profondamente innamorati, senza molto da dire
Then we will tremember                                                            allora ricorderemo
The things we said today.                                                           Le cose che abbiamo detto oggi
Me, I'm just the lucky kind
.                                                         Sono il tipo di ragazzo fortunato
Love to hear you say that love is love.                                       Mi piace sentirti dire che l’amore è amore
And, though we may be blind,                                                   e sebbene possiamo essere ciechi
Love is here to stay. And that's enough                                      l’amore è qui per restare ed è abbastanza
To make you mine, girl,                                                             per farti mia ragazza
Be the only one.                                                                         Per essere la sola
me all the time, girl.                                                          Amami tutto il tempo ragazza
We'll go on and on.                                                                    Andremo avanti e avanti..




When I Get Home (Lennon/McCartney)               Quando torno a casa

I got a whole lot of things to tell her,                                          Ho tantissime cose da dirle
When I get home.                                                                       Quando torno a casa
Come on, out of my way,                                                            avanti, sono sulla mia strada
'cause I'm gonna see my baby today,                                         perchè oggi vedrò la mia bambina
I've got a whole lot of things I've gotta say to her.                     e ho tantissime cose che voglio dirle

Come on if you please,                                                               Avanti, per favore
I've got no time for trivialities,                                                    non ho tempo per le sciocchezze
I've got a girl who's waiting home for me tonight                      Ho una ragazza che mi aspetta a casa
When I'm getting home tonight, I'm gonna                                quando arriverò a casa stasera
Hold her tight.                                                                            
La terrò stretta
I'm gonna love her till the cows come home,                             l’amerò all’infinito
I bet I'll love her more,                                                               scommetto che l’amerò di più
Till I walk out that door                                                              fino a che non uscirò da quella porta
Di nuovo
Come on, let me through,                                                           avanti, fatemi passare
I've got so many things, I've got to do,                                       ho tante cose che devo fare
I've got no business being here with you                                   non ho motivo per starmene qui con voi
This way.                                                                                    In questo modo



You Can't Do That (Lennon/McCartney)           Non puoi farlo

I got something to say                                                                Ho qualcosa da dire

that might cause you pain,                                                         che forse ti farà soffrire
If I catch you talking to that boy again,                                      se ti becco a parlare con un altro uomo ancora
I'm gonna let you down,                                                             Ti  lascerò
And leave you flat,                                                                     e ti pianterò in asso
Because I told you before, oh,                                                    perchè te l’ho detto prima
You can't do that.                                                                        non puoi farlo
Well, it's the second time,                                                          bene è la seconda

I've caught you talking to him,                                                   che ti becco a parlare con lui
Do I have to tell you one more time,                                          devo ripetertelo ancora

I think it's a sin,                                                                           penso sia un peccato
I think I'll let you down.                                                              penso che ti lascerò
Let you down and leave you flat,                                               Seti pianterò in asso
Ev'rybody's green,                                                                      Tutti sono verdi d’invidia
'cause I'm the one, who won your love,                                     perchè sono il solo che ti ha conquistata
But if it's seen,                                                                            ma se si vedesse
You're talking that way                                                               che parli in quel modo

they'd laugh in my face.                                                             Mi riderebbero in faccia
So please listen to me,                                                               per favore quindi ascoltami

if you wanna stay mine,                                                             se vuoi rimanere mia
I can't help my feelings,                                                             non posso farci niente

I'll go out of my mind.                                                                 Andrei fuori di testa



I'll Be Back (Lennon/McCartney)                         Tornerò                       


You know if you break my heart I'll go,                                      lo sai, se mi spezzi il cuore me ne andrò,
but I'll be back                                                                            ma ritornerò

Again, 'cause I told you once before goodbye,                          perchè già una volta ti dissi addio

but I came back again.                                                               Ma sono tornato
I love you so oh I'm the one who wants you, yes,                      ti amo tanto, sono quello che ti vuole

I'm the one Who wants you                                                        sono quello che ti vuole

You could find better things to do,                                              tu potresti trovare cose migliori da fare

 than to break my Heart again,                                                   che spezzare il mio cuore ancora

this time I will try to show                                                           Questa volta cercherò di mostrarti
that I'm not trying to pretend.                                                     che non sto cercando di fingere

I thought that you would realize that                                          pensavo avresti capito

if I ran away from you that you would want Me too,                  che se fuggissi da te anche tu mi vorresti

but I've got a big surprise,                                                          ma ho una grande sorpresa

I wanna go but I hate to leave you,                                            vorrei andarmene ma odio lasciarti

you know I hate to leave you , oh ho,                                        lo sai odio lasciarti...