Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
The life and works first part

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Bulgaria - crossroads spiritual between East and the West

(The precedents spiritual movements)

Bulgaria The earth where is located today Bulgaria, far away in the past has been an important crossroad between East and the West on the philosophical-spiritual plan. "Since the remote past the Balkans have been the center of spiritual life. Millenniums before Christ when a great part of mankind lived in a profound ignorance, in that region of the world a bright light broke out, which pointed as a new way of development for mankind. In the sacred bosom of the Rila and the Rhodope mountains a mystical center has been created - the Orphan school. That representation of mankind's brightest geniuses was born and brought up in Thrace, close to his majestic and virgin nature. He was a great man of wisdom, initiated into the mysteries of Egypt, mastering the supreme knowledge and the magic laws of music. Orpheus created a mystical tradition, a mystical school which became the center of a new culture and gave a new impetus to the white race. The Ancient Greek considered Thrace (the Southern part of Bulgaria) as a country of light and fatherland of the muses. It's right there, close to the high Rila and Rhodope summits, where was situated the sanctuary of Orpheus and where were taught Sacred Art, poetry, music, and where were proclaimed the great laws of life" (

Laghi di Rila

The popular tradition introduces us Orpheus with the words of Seneca "To sweet music of Orpheus, the bang of the express stopped torrent, and the transient water, obliged to continue the way, lost his sudden start... The inert forests moved leading on the trees the birds; or if someone of these flew, moving to emotion in listening the sweet song, lost the forces and fell... The Driadi, exiting from their oaks, hurried towards the singer, and even the wild animals moved from their lairs to the melodious song... ".

The myth of Orpheus is narrated also from Ovid in Metamorphosis (X, 41-60).

Sicilian Diodoro wrote "Orpheus, famous between the Greeks for his knowledge of Mysteries and of sacred things... Begun in sacred sciences of the Egyptians, he brought back in a more recent age the birth of the ancient Osiride and instituted new initiations".

"Orpheus... handed on and moreover to Greeks and the Barbarians the veneration for the sacred ritual secrets, and many others. Every action of cult was engaged, around the initiations and mysteries and purifications and oracles" (Berliner Papyrus 44, 1-9, cit. from George Colli the Greek wisdom, vol I, p. 219; P. Riffard in the esoterismo - pag.145 - Bur-rizzoli).


"Later on, the Balkans became for the second time the siege of cultural radiance. More than thousand years ago Bulgaria gave rise to a movement with international importance - the Bogomil movement. his followers were bearers of the real Christ's doctrine. They proclaimed the simple, pure and saintly life, based on love, fraternity and equality among people. The Bogomils were bearers of new ideas with international significance. Their movement had not only spiritual character, it also fought for considerable social reforms in the dark period of the Middle Ages. In the beginning of the 20th Century a long cycle of a number of cultures in descent and alienation from the Great Center of Reason came to an end. This cycle had attained his utmost point and had to make a turn, to give a twist to the wheel of life and to start along the new way upwards - toward the great source of harmony." (

The Slavic name "Bogomil", is not other that a simple one I tread from the Greek "teophylos", that is "loved from God" that is "beloved to God". They escaped in several parts of Europe and exercised an important influence on the movement, of Temples and of Catars (Feuerstein in The Mystery of Light: Life and Teaching of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov ).

A modern study modern declared, as example, that the bogomilism has been "the first European link" of a millenarian chain, that began with foretells of Hands in Mesopotamia in III the century in order to reach until the Crusade of the Albigesis in southern France in century XIII.

To the beginning of XXth with the arrival of Peter Deunov, Master of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Bulgaria became one more time center of new international spiritual culture: the teaching of Universal White Brotherhood, the instruction of the spiritual unit turned to all the people and all religions

This Instruction, inspired to the Principles transmitted in Gospels from Jesus and therefore to the initiatic Tradition of Melchizedec ("the great Priest producer of peace and justice" of which the sacred witnesses speak) made initiatic science with simple words accessible to all and added new methods to you in order to realize in life characterizes the spiritual values more elevates to you. All the great Masters who have carried civilization and light to several the people in the course of the centuries to come, according to the Tradition, from the order of Melchizedec.

This Instruction was manifested at first in Bulgaria with Deunov, then was developed with the work. of O.M.Aïvanhov in France and therefore in the rest of the world.

Deunov supported that it began during the Aquarius age (Aquarius herald of the Golden Age), the age represented symbolically from an old Test that pours water that is to say: a new wisdom, a new vital sap for humanity; during this age the Third Testament (Feuerstein) would have been revealed to humanity ("You are gods"- Collection Synopsis).

The mission of Deunov had to be the one to help the birth of a new spiritual cycle within which the lasting truths, those of Gospels and all the great Sacred Witnesses would have been finally concretely understood and realized owing to the diffused knowledge and the constant application of the methods given from initiatic science.

It was, instead, to be task of Aivanhov, to deepen and to express completely the new spiritual direction and to incarnate such purpose, extremely concrete and at the same time elevated: his Instruction will be characterized, in fact, either on the ground of language, particularly simple and accessible also in dealing with the higher truth, either on the ground of countless initiatic methods to meet with various subjective features of single individuals (A NEW EARTH -Prayers, Methods, Exercises, Formulas).

Therefore, the divine ideal of Deunov and Aïvanhov is that to help the humanity to fulfill on earth and in behaviors of peoples took alone, ideals, so, that they soon come soon come to the new age of the Gold that all prophets, known to you and men of good will demand from centuries! (Aquarius herald of the Golden Age - A NEW DAWN: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science ).

It can therefore be asserted with the Lejbowicz (Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Master of The Great Universal White Brotherhood - Prosveta) than Aïvanhov has inherited from the spirit of the Bulgarian people, the dream that dwells in deep roots of his conscience: to establish a universal civilization in which East and West reconciled.

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, said in a conversation with Boyan Boev (Munich, 1910): ‘The Slavonic people are destined to have a great mission. They, and particularly Bulgaria, will contribute a good deal to the elevation of humankind. Return to Bulgaria, there is a powerful spiritual movement in Bulgaria, headed by a great spiritual Initiated.’ After this conversation Boyan Boev became one of the closest disciples of Master Beinsa Douno.

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Publications on life and works
of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

( for info »

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Other works

  • Feuerstein Georg, The Mystery of Light: Life and Teaching of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Passage Press

  • Soubeyran Robert, Le rôle de la musique dans l'enseignement initiatique du maître Omraam Mikhaël Aivanhov, Prosveta, 1993

  • Urech Muriel., La Paneurythmie de Peter Deunov à la lumière de l'enseignement d'Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Prosveta, 2000

  • Annie Mazière, An Encounter with Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

  • Jean du Bonfin, Qui est le Maître Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Prosveta 1995

  • Svezda , Vie et Enseignement du Maître Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov en France, Prosveta, 1992

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Selected biographical

life en spanish life en bulgarian life of master
ì nouvelle coscience album photos aivanhov

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Afin de devenir un livre vivant - Éléments d'autobiographie I
Prosveta 2009

Le premier livre inspiré des éléments autobiographiques extraits des conférences et des documents d'archives d'Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

« m'applique seulement à écrire mon propre livre, et je parle en sachant que parler, c'est aussi écrire. Oui, je parle en m'efforçant d'imprimer sur vos âmes des écritures célestes. ... Et chacun de vous est aussi un livre, un livre qu'il est lui-même en train d'écrire : ses pensées, ses sentiments tracent les caractères d'une écriture qui va se graver dans la matière de ses corps subtils. Donc, devenir un livre vivant, voilà désormais un travail pour vous. En vous appliquant à ce travail, vous aurez une influence bénéfique sur tous ceux qui s'approcheront de vous. C'est aussi cela l'amour fraternel. »

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Table des matières: I. Les voies mystérieuses de la destinée II. Une enfance dans les montagnes de Macédoine III. À Varna, au bord de la mer Noire IV. Apprentissages V. L'expérience du feu VI. Jusqu'au cœur de la rose VII. Dans la symphonie universelle VIII. Rencontre du Maître Peter Deunov. – Les révélations du Psaume 116 IX. Frantsia, la France X. Aucune prison ne peut retenir l'esprit XI. Une année en Inde : février 1959 – février 1960 XII. Je suis un fils du soleil XIII. Entre parole et silence XIV. J'écris seulement mon propre livre XV. Toute la création me parle, et je lui parle XVI. Un idéal de vie fraternelle XVII. Je ne veux que votre liberté XVIII. D'autres vous aident à travers moi XIX. Seul ce qui est irréalisable est réel.

Francese: 480 pages

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Frenette Louise-Marie, Une nouvelle conscience , Selon les enseignements d'Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov - 2009

Pourquoi cherchons-nous à nous transformer, à améliorer notre vie ? Pour être plus heureux. C’est dans cette perspective que l’auteur décrit, dans un témoignage personnel vivant et imagé, l’impact que peuvent avoir, au quotidien, les idées et les méthodes d’Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

Ces enseignements répondent aux besoins les plus quotidiens : comment se nourrir consciemment sur tous les plans, comment utiliser les difficultés de la vie, comment élargir son amour, comment préparer un avenir meilleur pour soi-même et pour l’humanité.

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Frenette Louise-Marie, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov -

(info www.

This book describes the deeply moving itinerary of an exceptional human being, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov. A man who offered simple but infinitely effective methods to deal with most difficulties of everyday life. His methods respond to our own deep-felt need to love better, to know more, to live healthy lives as members of that great human family which he wanted truly fraternal.

It is this, no doubt, that explains the recognition he has gained throughout the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of readers from every cultural background – agnostic, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, oriental – discover his published talks.

Seven years of research among friends of Mikhaël’s youth in Bulgaria and his mature years in France, as well as the study of several thousand documents in the archives of his talks, enables Louise-Marie Frenette to reveal to us this man’s extraordinary power to endow the word ‘life’ with a transcendent sense of immediacy and radiant joy.

The author, a novelist and essayist, has given us an exceptional biography, the most accomplished and most fully documented work about Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

When we reached the last page of this book we were so sad! We didn't want it to end! We so much enjoyed reading about this 100% loving, wise man, who devoted his whole life to the divine, and was so full of courage and determination to share his light with as many human beings as possible, whatever the obstacles. The Cygnus Review

This book is the bearer of great hope, and great power. It inspires in readers a desire to surpass themselves and shows them that all is possible. Pierre Lassalle, Terra Lucida

The Master Aïvanhov, endowed as he was with exceptional charisma and remarkable gifts as an educator, is certainly the most distinguished representative of Solar spirituality of the 20th century. Revue Solaria

Attentive to the events around him, he explains to young people how to transform themselves before attempting to transform a society that deceives them. He did not forget his own youth filled with overflowing energies and passionate research. As Peter Deunov told him one day, he is the greatest demolisher of old ideas but at the same time, he recognizes the importance of orienting the youth energy toward life and not toward violence and death. One day, he made a comment regarding some liberation movements organised in the United States such as the Hippies - who had chosen for symbol a gesture of peace and love – he stated that they had intuitively sought universal brotherhood and that they were manifestations of the Aquarian Age.

However, if he understands youth, he does not make life any easier for them. Rather, he gives them the means to channel their energies and to manifest their aspirations. Aware of their profound dissatisfaction, he brings them to recognize that the true strength is within themselves, in their capacity to control themselves, to show how noble and great they can be. He encourages them to adapt to the rules of society so they become capable of transforming it from within; he always tells them about the immutable laws that exist between cause and effect.

With images, he explains the moral cosmic laws: first, the law of recording which enables nature to keep in memory everything that happens in the world; second, the law of agriculture which defines the results of the work of human beings as they can only reap what they sow; and finally the law of echo which sends them back the words they speak: ‘I hate you’ or ‘I love you”. The same correspondences repeat themselves on a higher level; the negative thoughts that people hold bring unto them toxic things that end up poisoning them. Just as everything is being recorded in nature, their actions are impregnated on their own memory and keep influencing them, torturing them or giving them joy. This is why it is so important for human beings to adopt behaviour capable of creating in them new recordings, new imprints.”

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