Pablo Software Solutions

Loris Giuseppe Navoni
via Piave 10
20063 Cernusco s/N
tel. 02-9231866
mobile 333 7496273
e-mail :
Current work: Design for Manufacturing for IC, taking care of automatic content management, through XML/XSL languages.
Recent work: System Level Design field, focusing on memory card solutions, as well as the study of right Design methodologies for SoC.
Past:  design of speech-related applications for portable devices,  (Palm OS-based, customs ), and other applications for demonstrative purpose on prototypes of new devices.
Holds US and EU patents

Remarkable Contributions:
Content Management System for DFM reporting
A method for increasing the equivalent computational precision in an analog associative memory (patented);
A proposal for the use of a fingerprint sensor device as a four button pointer;
The development of user interface for : image storing, speech recording and speech recognition systems;
Design of a complete SD card controller prototype;
A proposal for the adoption of UML in the early phases of the system level design flow.

Design methodologies, design interoperability, design for manufacturing for IC, human interfaces;
language(C/C++, Java, Perl, TCL) , OS (Unix, PalmOs ), protocols(SD and MMCard,APDU, OMA-DRM ), VLSI, application oriented themes( OCR, Speech, CAM, image); XML and related (XSL, SVG )
technical profile
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profilo creativo
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Curriculum Vitae
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Loris Navoni was born in Milano, in 1963. From 1987 to 1993 he was with STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza, Italy, working on CAD projects for the R&D department. Since its foundation, in 1993, he joined the Innovative Systems Design Group, being involved in several aspects of systems design and software . His current interests are system level design and user interface aspects applied to embedded systems.
Reach him at

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Curriculum Vitae