I'll buy ecological and low-impact products

We can reduce the amount of gases that we put into the air if we but ecological and low impact products. This way we help reduce global warming and make the Earth a better place. We can buy computers, TVs, stereos and VCRs that have special labels on them. The label says “energy” and has the picture of a star. With ENERGY STAR° label are made to save energy. With ENERGY STAR° labels will help protect the environment.


Practice your three R’S

This means we can try to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE our rubbish.

This is very important because we produce too much waste and this pollutes our world.

We can recycle  plastic containers, bottles, jars, aluminium cans and paper. In our town it is very easy to recycle because there are special containers for different materials (one for plastic, one for glass etc.). In our class everybody recycles paper and plastic.

We can buy things that are in packages that can be recycled or are made of recycled materials.

We can reuse old shoppers, use the backs of used envelopes or paper for jotting notes, put leftovers in resealable containers instead of using wraps and foil, use old clothes as rags instead of paper towels and donate clothes, books or toys that we don’t use anymore.

When we buy something small, we can say no thanks to a bag.


When we recycle, we send less trash to the landfill and we help save natural resources.  Recyclable products are usually made out of things that have already been used. It usually takes less energy to make recycled products than to make new ones, the less energy we use, the better.


This is how long it takes garbage to break down: plastics take 500 years, aluminium cans take 500 years, organic materials take 6 months, cotton, rags, and paper take 6 months

Plant a tree

This is very important because plants transform carbon dioxide into the oxygen we need to breathe. Trees with their roots are good for the soil because they stop land erosion. They give animals like squirrels and birds a place to live. 

Plant a tree in your garden if you have one. If you don’t, grow salad greens, herbs and flower and put then on your windowsill.             


Ride your bike, use the bus or walk

We save energy when we take the bus, ride a bike or walk.

This also reduces the amount of air pollution and you will keep healthy and fit, too.

In our class most of the students come to school by bike or on foot.

This is very good for the environment. It is also good for your health. 

I’ll carpool

Some people use less energy by carpooling.

For example four people can ride together in the same car instead of driving four different cars.  

Save electricity

This is how you can save electricity:

You can switch off lights, the computer, the television, the radio when you don’t use them.

You can reduce the number of hours you spend in front of TV by watching one or two films each day.

Save water

You can turn the tap off when you brush your teeth.

If you have a shower instead of a bath you use less water.



Save energy and you will have a better world to live in.


You can use alternative sources of energy

Your can use alternative sources of energy like solar energy.

The sun produces energy that we can use for our houses.

You can place the solar panels on your roof. The sun will supply heating, hot water and electricity.


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