Our school today .....

The name of our school is “G. GAUDIANO”. It is in Pesaro, Italy.

In our school there are about 300 students aged 11 to 14.

Each class has got nine teachers.

They are all very very good!!!!

School starts at 8.05 and finishes at 1.25. We go to school from Monday to Saturday. We only have Sundays off. We have 6 lessons each day and a short break in the middle.

We study English, Maths, Geometry, Science, Italian, Geography, History, French, Religion, Music, P.E and Art.

Our break is very important for us because we can free our energy. It’s very short, it’s a 15 minute break from 10.40 to 10.55. Some boys play football with a paper ball.

We all eat our snacks and drink.

Our school building is quite modern.

It has got 15 classrooms located on 4 floors.

In our school we have 10 laboratories: a computer lab, a science lab, 2 musical labs, 2 video labs, a language lab (for English, French and German), an art lab, a technical lab and a geo-history lab.

In the computer lab we work on the different projects and then we print our work; in the musical lab we listen to music and we play our musical instruments, in the video lab we watch films and documentaries.

In the language lab we listen to English with earphones or on a stereo. In the art lab we draw pictures and we study history of art and in the technical lab. we do technical design.

There are also 3 offices, a  staff room and the head teacher's room.

In our school there are two gyms, a big gym and a small one. In the big  gym we play football, volleyball or do physical exercises.

PE is my favourite subject.  We have two hours of PE every week.

We have 20 books on 12 different subjects (Italian, History, Geography, English, French, Maths, Science, Art, Technical Education, Music, P.E., Religion).

Our schoolbag is very heavy because we have six subjects each day and we have to carry at least 6 books every day.

We do our homework in the afternoon.

We have homework on each subject: History, Maths, English, French, Italian …

Our teachers give us lots of homework.

I like doing my homework but I prefer going out for a walk with my friends.

During the school year we have the following holidays:

two weeks for Christmas, one week for Easter, one day on Shrove Tuesday, one day on 25 April (our Liberation Day), one day on the 2 June (our National Day or Republic Day). School starts the second week of September and finishes the second week of June.

As you can see our summer holidays are very long: they last three months. But there is a reason: it’s very hot in Italy and we can’t go to school in summer time. We go to the beach.

We are students who attend the third year and  we have our final  exams this year: four written tests  (Italian, French, English and Maths) and an oral examination. Next year we will go to different secondary schools.


...  our school in the future


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©2003 melanie segal and mauro scardacchi