...  our school in the future

(…) Margie went into the schoolroom. It was right next to her bedroom, and the mechanical teacher was on and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday, because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.

The screen was lit up, and it said “Today’s arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday’s homework in the proper slot”. (…)

The fun they had by Isaac Asimov

The name of our future school is “Galaxy School”. The school will be in another Galaxy, on planet XWYJHG 3249. There will be about 5000 students and they will be 200 years old ... We will use a space shuttle to go to school.

We will have 3 teachers: an alien, a robot and a mouse. The alien will be our Geography teacher. He will teach us all about  the planets: Mars, Mercury, the Earth, Pluto…………

The Alien will have an artificial intelligence, the robot will be our technology teacher, the mouse will teach us to fly. We will be able to go to Egypt and see the Pyramids in five minutes. We will know everything. We will go to school to meet people and not to study.

Teachers will be very nice. They will teach sitting on a chair placed in the middle of the classroom. Oral and written tests will not be allowed and, if they want, students will be able to take part in the lessons using their own computers connected with the teachers in the class.      


In the future school will be different.  School will start at 9 and we’ll get there by spaceship. There will be five lessons per day: three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Our subjects will be: zoology, astronomy, art and literature about Aliens, science, computer studies, Japanese and cooking.

School buildings will be constantly renovated, they will be new and comfortable.  There will be rest rooms, lifts, planetariums, futuristic laboratories, kitchens, pubs, zoos and playgrounds. There will be a sitting room for teachers and students with relaxing armchairs and sofas, rooms for leisure activities and gardens. We will also have big and nice canteens with delicious pasta served every day.

At 4 lessons will be over.

We will have less homework.What a great thing!   

We will certainly have a personal robot who will do homework for us.

We won’t have homework on the usual subjects, but on subjects which deal with new planets, robots, aliens  and mysterious things.

In the future we will not have gyms anymore. We will be connected to exercise - machines which will move our bodies. We will be in front of big screens which will simulate various sports.

In the future ,I hope, we will not have books or schoolbags but we will have a disk which  will contain all the information. We will have a bookcase in the computer where students will be able to read all the books of the world.    

In the future the break will be very long: it will be 5 hours and 45 minutes long and then there will be a 15-minute lesson.  During break time we will play fantasy football.  Children will get bored of breaks and will prefer to have lessons.  

School holidays will be shorter because we will be asked to work and study harder and harder. Of course we will have some days off (we need to rest) but we will have to work or study every day, thinking and planning every single minute. Who knows whether we will manage to sleep at night. Maybe three hours will be enough. This scares me.  I like holidays and sleeping.

Students will go to school on wheel-buses that do not pollute the air. They will also be quick and silent. And there will also be small cars which will be remotely controlled so that parents won’t need to drive their children to school any longer.   


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