Fuel Maps

Every map is free to download. However, after you have tried it, please send me an e-mail with your comment. This will help to improve the maps and to correct errors. Maps are provided in Nanocom format. Unless specified all maps are tested. Read footnotes before downloading.

Defender 90 Maps (also usable for Defender 110/130)

Map NameFileComment
Lucamap Bass V3 lmd90bassV3.map lmd90bassV3SP.map

Quite reactive map with a short throttle pedal. Smoke is evident only at full throttle. It performs nicely at every regime. Kind of "everyday" map.

Available also with very short throttle pedal as lmd90bassV3SP.

LO: Discreet, HI: Discreet, SMK: Full Throttle Only, AP: Short, DRV: Very Good

Lucamap Bass V9 lmd90bassV9.map lmd90bassV9a.map

Very reactive map. Smoke is evident only at full throttle. It performs nicely expecially at low regime.

Available also with powered high regimes as lmd90bassV9a. With this version exaust gas temperature should be monitored.

LO: Good, HI: Discreet/Good, SMK: Full Throttle Only, AP: Normal, DRV: Good

Lucamap Bass V10 lmd90bassV10.map

"Everyday" map. It performs nicely at every regime being conservative in terms of smoke emissions and affidability. Of course performance are not at the very top, but it gives a very enjoyable driving. At low regime it is to be expected an increment of coolant temp around 2-4 celsius degrees. Thanks to low regime increased driveability fuel economy is also improved

LO: Discreet, HI: Discreet, SMK: Full Throttle Only, AP: Normal, DRV: Very Good

Contributions (from other users)

Map NameFileComment

By Mose' from Africaland.

Short throttle pedal.Powered at low regimes.

LO: Good, HI: Discreet, SMK: Full Throttle Only, AP: Short, DRV: Good

Disco2maoeditor Disco2maoeditor.map

By Jose' from CLRTTE.

For Discovery 2


LO: ?, HI: ?, SMK: ?, AP: Normal, DRV: ?

Abbreviations: LO low regime, HI high regime, SMK smoke, AP throttle pedal, DRV driveability.

Attention: read before downloading.

Download and install maps at your onw risk. Each map is provided "as is" with no warranty whatsoever. I am not to be held responsable for any damage resulted from map installation.