
Td5 Map Editor

Here you can find le latest stable release of the softwares. They are distributed as Source Code to be compiled or Binaries. Choose the right architecture for your system.

The binaries are self contained so they can be put in any folder.

GNU/Linux i386 binariestd5mapeditor_linux_i386.tar.gz
GNU/Linux AMD64 binariestd5mapeditor_linux_AMD64.tar.gz
GNU/Linux i386 debian packagetd5mapeditor_1.0.72-1_i386.deb
GNU/Linux AMD64 debian packagetd5mapeditor_1.0.72-1_amd64.deb
Windows 32 bit

Unstable Release.

GNU/Linux i386 binariestd5mapeditor_test_linux_i386.tar.gz
GNU/Linux AMD64 binariestd5mapeditor_test_linux_AMD64.tar.gz
Windows 32 bit

How to compile:

Under GNU/Linux

You need to install GTK+2.0 libs and wxWidgets2.8 libs. Do not forget to install the headers, otherwise it will not compile. After satisfying this dependancies unzip the source package (for example in "your home"/tmp/. Then enter the td5mapeditor folder and launch a terminal from there. This command compiles the program:
make linux_release
At this point, if everythin is OK you can move the bynary to /usr/local/bin (acquire root privileges):
cd linux/release
mv td5mapeditor /usr/local/bin
Now you can create a link in the application menu or launch it directly from the command line.

Graphic Viewer CSV

Here you can find le latest release of the softwares. They are distributed as Source Code to be compiled or Binaries. Choose the right architecture for your system.

The binary is self contained so it can be put in any folder.

Windows 32 bit

How to compile using Microsoft Visual Studio

Unzip the code in an empty directory and open the project file (GraphicViewerCSV.dsw)

How to install

GraphicViewerCSV.exe do not need to be installed, simply copy it in a folder of your choice and double click it.