OM dal 23 dicembre 1983

QTH ROLO ---- ( W.A.I.P - R.E.) ---- JN 54 KV











                     A HAM since 23rd december  1983.                    
   I am a member of CARPI branch of A.R.I. ( Italian Radio Amateur Ass.)  
and have been secretary of this branch from 1986 through 1993.            
During the same period I have been CW teacher for all the HAM instruction 
A HAM with only a few coins in the pocket and a great interest for DX !   
I have always found myself in the condition of studying new, cheap antenna
systems in order to couple my poor financial conditions with my fondness  
of Dxing.                                                                 
    So far, since 1983, my results are a witness of the good results of my
efforts: 339 new countries,  338 of which are confirmed!                    
During  my life, several house  movings, have compelled me to study  always 
new  antenna systems  suitable to  the new setting, always keeping in mimd, 
first, the most important goal: QSOs and new countries!                     
I have always worked with the classical 100 w output of an incredible but   
absolutely exceptional Kenwood TS-530 that give  me so  much  satisfaction  
until 1994.  At that time, to keep  up with times, and, believe  it or not, 
   I could afford it, it was necessary to change my RIG and I bought a      
brand-new IC-735. Sometimes during 1998 I got a chance to improve my shack  
with a Kenwood TS-850 coupled to a home made linear amplifier giving        
something around 300 w output.  Not a big power, not actually indispensable,
but really necessary in some peculiar circumstances.                        
    On  the  2001 my  last  performance  in  the shack  with  a IC 775 DSP. 
The last improvements were all aimed to a final target: contests and hunting
the last new countries. P5, North Korea, finally QSO with Ed, P5/4L4FN the 
22/06/2002, on 15 mt SSB.         
During my ham life I have always been very individualist, somehow crazy and 
often was admired as an acrobat in TOP of antenna masts, holding it with one
hand and with some antenna parts between my teeth.                           
This happened during antenna installation  on the  roof of my house, for  my
HAM club or helping friends with their aerial problems.                     
It has never been a problem  for  me to  assemble antennas on  frosty, snowy
roofs, during a thunderstorm or a hail.                                     
Really. It actually  happened to a certain extent.   Almost a normal routine
for a HAM! This is what i believe.                                          
Mainly I work CW.    I do not disdain  SSB, if  strictly necessary,  in some
special occasions. 
And last, but not less, QRP job! When you listening IK4DCS/QRP, sure I use
only 5 Watt or down! Calling me, please!                                    
I have been  a  member, for  many years of A.R.I. International  contest and
took part for many years to the Western Emilia (an italian region),         
(W.E.DX Club group, in short) DX Field Day from Parma hills.                
This DX group was founded in collaboration withIK4CIE,Vittorio, in 1985 and
consists of 32 members at the moment.                                       
I have been operating twice from 4U1ITU in 1987: I took part in 1990 to     
CQ WW WPX  CW as T77C. I made a an DX-pedition to TK in 1993, always with    
W.E.DX.C people.


My goals

                   * * *  DXCC HONOUR ROLL CW 8718  * * *                
                   * * * DXCC HONOUR ROLL MIX 36911 * * *                
                 WAC, WAZ, WAS, YASME, RAEM, IIA, IOTA, DMP,             
                DGM, CDM, WAIP, TMA, AJD, INORC,  ARI contest,           
                   ARRL contest, AADX contest, OK contest