* * CORSICA 1993 * * WEDXC DX- pedition **


Another wonderful experience to add to the list.
This is what I definitely consider my dx-pedition in TK.
Our group consisted of myself, IK4DCS, I4UJC, IK4IDW,IK4CIE, IK4NZD
and IK4ONW and for the all of us, this experience was actually the
first real dx-pedition from any point of view.
Our team was, as a matter of fact, already well experienced and and
actually fully matched all the problems concerning this type of radio
activity so as to grant us, during our staying in Corsica, also some
pleasant moments as tourists. Radio was in fact pure enjoyment.
Antennas and all the necessary equipments had been put at our disposal
by I4ULA, Angelo. As our dx-pedition base we chose a camping site in
the neighbourhood of Bastia, the Capital city of Corsica.
We arrived there with our two cars all packed up with any kind of stuff
and entering the camping we were watched as if we were refugees fleeing
from some disastered country.
Anyway we were allowed in and in a short time our equipment was ready
for transmitting. All looking forward for the expected pile-up!

We worked for five very intense days, without any pause.
We carried out 3,850 QSOs and at the end of the story we actually felt
as if we really had made a good work.
We had vovered all bands, including the new WARC. We had scheduled
different shifts with different operators either in SSB or CW.
Each one of us fully covered his shift to the best.
I consider this experience very interesting for the number of contacts
and for all the countries calling. Personally, I must say that I was very
impressed by the American operators in 40 and 80 metre bands: actually
very very correct!


English version by IK4CIV - Vincenzo