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Premio Internazionale di Narrativa e Teatro "Una Storia per un Microracconto" - International Prize of Fiction and Theatre "One Story for a Micro-Novel"-  Premio Internacional de  Narrativa y Teatro


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                                                   "ONE STORY FOR A MICRO-NOVEL"

                                                      5 Novels to Publish, by all World.



Two pages for a big story that you can narrate and publish.

In the summary of few words there are conceals boundless images

from which every human mind would drinking.




bulletEntry Rules







First International Prize of Fiction and Theatre

One Story for  a Micro-Novel



Art.1) The First International Prize of Fiction and the Play “One Story for a Micro-Novel has been organized with a deadline at 12pm  on Dicember 31, 2006.

      The prize is organized by the “Tipo-Litografia Imma & Paolo - Casa Editions and www.cuorediafano.com”. The purpose of the Prize is to promote the invention of unpublished works of the fiction and the theatre coming from any region of world in its original language, with an attachment of the translation into English, Italian or Spanish - Castilian. The best short stories and theatrical works will be shown on the website www.cuorediafano.com, and published in a book (the best five short stories in their original languages and one theatrical work) that will be published in Italy and available to send to all of the world, with an ISBN identification code.

The Literary Prize is divided into two sections:

a)      Very Short Novel in English or Italian or Spanish or Castilian or into other languages of the world (French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, etc. with translation into English or Italian or Spanish or Castilian). All citizens of the world can participate for the prize with just one (1) unpublished work of any subject that has never been published in any form of book or on the internet. The works must meet the following criteria:

• No more than two (2) sheets (sheet A4 cm 21 x 29,7 - 60 letters per line - 30 lines per page)

b)      Theatrical text in the Italian language. You can participate with just one work in the Italian language, with only one act, on a subject of your choice that has never been published. The works must have the following lengths:

• No more than four (4) sheets (sheet A4 cm 21 x 29,7 - 60 letters per line - 30 lines per page)

Art.3) Three (3) copies of the work must be sent, with the enclosed personal information: e-mail, telephone number, short bibliography, a signed statement of adherence to the rules, and  receipt of payment for registration. It must be sent before the deadline to the address: R. V. - CASELLA POSTALE 26 – 53100 Siena (ITALY).

In addition, the works must be sent as an attachment (word, .txt o .rtf) to the e-mail address:  premioletterario@cuorediafano.com  with the title "International Prize”. The e-mail must contain the following: name, last name, date of birth, address, telephone number, the author’s e-mail address, and the title of the Works.  If you are using a pseudonym, you must write your real name on another line for registration. Please attach a declaration of authenticity of the works and an authorization to use personal data in conformity with the laws.

Art. 4) The entry fee for

Section A is: 

·         For Italy - € 15 +  5 for priority mail stamps 

·         For other countries with the Euro - € 20

·         For other countries of the world - $25 US Dollars

                               UK £ 20 Pounds

                                                                       ¥  2900 Yen Jap.

Sec. B: € 20  + 5 for priority mail stamps


The fees can be paid in the following way:

·         On the web site www.cuorediafano.com, you can pay by credit card. The steps for making the payment are: 1) go to the link “Entry” in this web page. (Click Here)


Art.5) Participants need to accept implicitly that their own works (if they are chosen) will be shown on the site www.cuorediafano.com and published in the anthology “One story for a Micro-Novel” by “Tipo-Litografia Imma & Paolo – Editions” (book with an ISBN code). No economic compensation is due to the author whose work is published on the website or in the anthology. Although the author agrees that the pubblication is free of charge, he will maintain the right of the opera.

Art.6) Aside from publication in the Anthology One story for Micro-Novel, the prize for the Fiction sections are:

·         1st prize - Cup + medal + parchment

·         2nd ´´´´´´´ Cup + medal + parchment

·         3rd ´´´´´´´´ Cup + medal + parchmant

·         4th ´´´´´´´´ Medal + parchment

·         5th ´´´´´´´´ Medal + parchment.

For the Theatre section, the prize is:

·         1st prize - Medal + parchment

·         2nd ´´´´´´´´Medal + parchment

·         3rd ´´´´´´´´ Medal + parchment.

Art. 7) Currently, there is not a prizegiving ceremony. The winners will receive the prizes at home.

Art.8) The verdict of the judges (the names of the judges will be shown at the end of the selection) is unappealable. The copies of the works will not be given back.

Art. 9) All participants implicitly accept all articles of this literary competition in agreeing to participate.

Art. 10) In accordance with Art. 13 Decree Law 196/2003, we wish to inform you that your personal data will be processed exclusively for the purpose of selection of your works and the purpose to send periodical comunication of literature. You are entitled at any time to exercise your rights in regard to the data processing owner, in accordance with Art. 7 of Decree Law 196/2003, stating that you can request confirmation existence or not of personal data concerning yourself. The data processing owner: is Segreteria del Premio della Imma & Paolo, Via Sannio 3 – 83035 Grottaminarda (Av) - Italy.




To Entry you need to read: l'Art. 2; Art.3 y l'Art. 4 del premio.<


bulletThe works must be sent as an attachment (word, .txt o .rtf) to the e-mail address:  premioletterario@cuorediafano.com  or fax +39 0577-1919996


bulletIt must be sent before the deadline to the address: R. V. - CASELLA POSTALE 26 – 53100 Siena (ITALY)


bullet  Select the credit card (Visa o Mastercard) and the money to make the payment, in this way it'll be opened  an application to make a safety  payment called  “paypal”:


US$ Dollars

UK Pounds Sterlins (£)

Yen Japonés (¥)



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Aggiornato il: 19 ottobre 2006