About of FISHES
God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
. Cardenas looks into his can of nuts and fishes for another cashew
. 68 Gittes fishes a couple off the tray, puts them in his handkerchief pocket. He fishes out one of Yelburton's cards from his handkerchief pocket -- hands it to the Guard. 111 AT GITTES' CAR He fishes for his car keys, looks down -- one shoe is missing
The Deck Ran Red
. GRADE: A DREAM WITH THE FISHES (director/writer: Finn Taylor; screenwriters: based on a story by Finn Taylor and Jeffrey Brown; cinematographer: Barry Stone; editor: Rick LeCompte; music: Tito Larriva; cast: David Arquette (Terry), Brad Hunt (Nick), Kathryn Erbe (Liz), Cathy Moriarty (Nick's aunt), Patrick McGaw (Don), J.E
Gods Among Directors: The Silence of the Lambs
. QUINN May I see your credentials? Clarice is surprised, but fishes her ID card from her bag, holds it up for his inspection. CLOSE ANGLE as she jams this tool inside the join at the top of the back passenger window, then fishes around till she can snag the in- side door latch, pulling up
info: FISHES

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The Daily Script - Hudson Hawk
. OUTSIDE THE POWER ROOM Security Guard One fishes for keys to open the power room
WWWF Grudge Match: Rollerball Tournament
. Wait you say, "he only has a fifth!" Don't worry, my friend, like Jesus with the bread and fishes, the Duke never runs out of bullets and whiskey. Like Jesus with the bread and fishes, the Duke never runs out of bullets and whiskey
Weird Al Yankovic's UHF
. 160# of fresh, whole, dead fishes of various types from mackerel to sea bass, and other large types...these were wired, or directly screwed onto a large "wheel of fortune" type contraption (that worked vertically, not horizontally) with great care by me, personally...(being in the art department has its perks) under great pressure from the producers and art director to get it done, they are going to be ready to shoot at any minute, (you know the drill)...well, it took a great deal of creativity to balance the wheel with the various types and sizes of fishes so the wheel would indeed, spin and stop in random spots, and not go back to the same damn fish every time...(this, as it turned out, was in actuality a moot point, but.....who knew???) Tulsan Lisa Stefanic on the left; White River fish on the Wheel of Fish. Anyway...after loading the wheel with ever slimier and ripening fish...(starting, once again at 6am) we actually shot the segment beginning at about 4:30 in the afternoon...well, we had to light it, and the crew was after all off at another location in the morning, and was running behind....it was the director's FIRST FEATURE (he had done only music videos previously) so he was still somewhat in the dark, and...well, you know...oh, did I mention that there was no air conditioning in the unoccupied part of the building, and it was, indeed late July (or August, I'm not sure which) and the fishes kept getting riper, and riper, and riper, and we added a studio audience of about 100, plus lots of 10k's, 5k's, and well, you know movie lighting...boy, oh boy, I could see why that UHF station didn't make it..
Haunted House Dressing
. I love the fishes

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Red Herring Morris . (If you've just tried it, you should definitely look us up!) And if you're a musician with a portable instrument and can play fairly simple folk tunes in the key of G (which you wouldn't mind having in your head for several hours after practice), you should look us up too! About Herrings Some fishes become extinct, but herrings go on forever
Encyclopædia Britannica: Herrick, Robert (1591-1674)
. Also the so-called white-bait is not a distinct species, but consists chiefly of the fry or the young of herrings and sprats, and is obtained in perfection at localities where these small fishes find an abundance of food, as in the estuary of the Thames
Wishes and Fishes
. Photos courtesy of Mark Wiza Cool Links: Fishing Area Links Lodging Entertainment For more information call: 870-445-3848 or email: Wishes and Fishes PO Box 751 Bull Shoals AR 72619-0751 Wholesale Distributors wanted
Above It All Kites
. What a terrific representation of these wonderful reef and ocean fishes
SR Flying Fish Philippines
Exports live marine tropical fishes, rattan aquarium frames, sands, stones, and aquarium decors.
Seaboard Wine Warehouse
. Try it with deli meats, pork tenderloin and full flavored fishes
Bibliography of Foodways and Zooarchaeology on Historical Sites
. 1974 McClane¹s Field Guide to Saltwater Fishes of North America
The Hawaiian Language
. Hawaiian Word Meaning 'ahi tuna fish (one of local favorite fishes to eat) 'ai yes ali'i royalty of Hawaii aloha hello, goodbye, love auwe alas, woe hale house haole Caucasian, foreigner hula Hawaiian dance, to dance humuhumu-nukunuku- a-pua'a Hawaii's state fish kai sea, ocean kahuna priest kalua to bake underground kamaaina old-timer, local keiki child kokua assistance, help, cooperate lanai porch laulau combination of pork, chicken, and/or fish wrapped in leaves and steamed lei necklace made of flowers luau feast mahalo thank you mahimahi dolphin fish (another local favorite fish to eat) makai towards the ocean (used in giving directions) mele kalikimaka Merry Christmas muumuu loose Hawaiian dress ohana family okole butt ono delicious pali cliff pau done, finished piko umbilical cord poi pounded taro puka hole wahine female, woman, girl wai water wikiwiki quickly Here is the table of Pidgin English used in Hawaii
Catalog of Fishes
Database that includes more than 53,000 species of fish as well as bibliographic references.
California Academy of Sciences Ichthyology
Fish systematics research site includes catalog, checklists, and images of fishes.
b portal for fish health professionals, including directory of researchers, conference calendar, job postings, images of parasites and pathological conditions of fishes, and links to journals, associations, suppliers, and other resources.
Fishes of Canada
Explore the fish families of Canada, aquaculture, Canadian fisheries, and fish ecology.
http://digilander.libero.it/about_fishing/ @CallCenter