The Kurile Islands Dispute

  • . Then, the border patrol only destroyed the nets the poachers had cast

    Islamic Resurgence and the Belief System of Rural Malays
  • . Thus the fishermen's boats, nets for catching fish as well as birds, bird flutes, etc., are believed to have this vital force whose assistance, or at least co-operation or good-will, should be sought
  • . To have knowledge of the tenets of orthodox Islam is considered enlightened, and therefore modern
  • . Although the offerings were performed by ritual specialists, the intention was to safeguard the expeditions of all fishermen casting their nets in the nearby waters, as well as other villagers travelling across the sea
  • . When speaking about Islam, the fishermen of Tuba tend to make a point of the fact that Islam is their religion, that they are followers of Islamic practices, that the religion offers the best moral tenets, etc

    Fishing Rivers Inlet by Sail and Oar
  • . they fought against time to make nets ready for the sockeye season
  • . New nets, in pre-World War II days made of Irish linen by Barbour, who held a patent on the only practicable knot, were ready to be "hung" with cork-line and lead-line
  • . Nets two years old were retired, to be made into float-ropes
  • . Prior to the early 1920's propeller-driven boats were not allowed to carry nets
  • . Finding a "drift" clear of other nets, he now "sets-out" again
  • . He hears of whales, that might sink his boat; of reefs; of seals, that pilfer during the day; and of human fish-thieves, who steal from nets in the dead of night
  • . Although they literally never pause to pluck fish from nets, their grim-looking, seemingly purposeful movements make them appear even more foreboding than their larger relatives
  • . If the pack is large, a freighter will appear, pitting its sedate progression against the crock to clear the fishing grounds with its valuable cargo before nets are strewn across its way


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