[XR&CO'2005], Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:27:22 GMT --> euro: moneta euro | euro moneta |
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Euro-zone growth forecast at 2.6 percent AP via Yahoo! News
Economic growth in the 12-nation euro area is expected to accelerate to 2.6 percent this year, up from 1.4 percent in 2005, the European Commission said Monday.
E.ON Proceeds With 37.1 Billion Euro Offer for Endesa Update5 Bloomberg.com
Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- E.ON AG, Europe's biggest utility, said it's proceeding with a 37.1 billion-euro ($47.1 billion) takeover offer for Endesa SA after a rival trying to hamper the bid won approval to increase its stake in the Spanish power company.
Euro-Zone Growth Forecast at 2.6 Percent ABC News
European Commission Forecasts 2.6 Percent Economic Growth in Euro-Zone This Year
Euro Generally Reflects Strength Against Other Major Currencies During Monday Afternoon Trading In New York Nasdaq
(RTTNews) - The Euro generally reflected strength against the other major currencies during Monday afternoon trading in New York. The Euro moved up versus the pound, greenback and franc. However, the European currency traded in a range versus the loonie.
Euro Area Growth Expected to Reach 2.6 Pct AP via Yahoo! Finance
Economic growth in the euro area was revised to 2.6 percent this year, up from 1.4 percent in 2005, the European Commission said Monday.
Euro Down on U.S. Dollar KiplingerForecasts.com
The 12-nation euro fell against the U.S. dollar on Monday, retreating ahead of the American midterm elections on Tuesday.
Gold Falls From Eight-Week High as Dollar Advances Against Euro Bloomberg.com
Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Gold fell from an eight-week high after gains in the dollar reduced the metal's appeal as an alternative investment. The euro and slumped against the dollar for a second session, and the yen also declined.
Dollar follows euro higher News Interactive
THE dollar opened higher this morning after tracking the euro higher in the overnight session.
Euro Generally Reflects Strength Against Other Major Currencies During Monday Morning Trading In New York Nasdaq
(RTTNews) - The Euro generally reflected strength against the other major currencies during Monday morning trading in New York. The Euro moved up versus the pound, loonie and franc. However, the European currency traded in a range versus the greenback.
Euro Area Growth Expected to Reach 2.6 Pct KiplingerForecasts.com
Economic growth in the euro area was revised to 2.6 percent this year, up from 1.4 percent in 2005, the European Commission said Monday. Growth for the 25-nation EU as a whole is expected to rise 2.8 percent from 1.7 percent last year.

Dal 1є gennaio 2002 entreranno in circolazione le banconote e le monete in euro. Questo sito ufficiale ti offre l'opportunitа di raccogliere tutte le
Euro 2002 Information Campaign
Information, history of the rollout of the Euro, pictures of the coins and banknotes.
L'Euro: la Nostra Moneta
La Commissione Europea - l'euro: la nostra moneta.
The Euro: Our Currency
The official home page of the future single currency. In all the languages of the European Union.
Euro Meteo
Ampia rassegna di previsioni e di risorse meteorologiche relative all'Europa ed al Mediterraneo.

The Euro: Our Currency
The official home page of the future single currency. In all the languages of the European Union.
Euro 2002 Information Campaign
Information, history of the rollout of the Euro, pictures of the coins and banknotes.
Homepage di EuroCAUCE
Associazione europea contro le email commerciali non desiderate.
Euro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The euro is divided into 100 cents (sometimes referred to as eurocents). The euro is also legal currency in the Eurozone overseas territories of French
euro info centre azienda speciale camera di commercio

Il punto di riferimento per l'innovazione della Pubblica Amministrazione Locale, Salone delle Autonomie Locali.
Euro-Par 2004 Conference
(online version); Euro-Par 2005. City information. Location · Accommodation · Public transport · Tourist links. mailto Webmaster
Euro Italia
Giornale del Comitato Euro, in collaborazione editoriale e giornalistica con Mondadori.
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[XR&CO'2005], Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:27:22 GMT -->