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28/09/2001. Alanis su "Elle" e "Details".
I Magazine "Elle" e "Details" questa settimana contengono articoli rispettivamente di 2 e 4 pagine su Alanis Morissette! Oltre a riportare belle immagini della nostra artista preferita, dagli articoli sembra risultare confermata la rottura fra Alanis e Dash Mihok.

24/09/2001. Alanis distribuira' gratuitamente "una canzone per la pace"...
Dopo i tragici eventi terrorisitici dell'11 settembre che hanno colpito New York e gli USA in generale, Alanis ha scelto di diffondere gratuitamente via Internet un brano inedito che fara' parte della TrackList del suo nuovo album ormai in uscita! La canzone intitolata "Utopia" e' "distribuita con l'intento di offrire conforto a tutti coloro che stanno soffrendo, ai quali sono vicina con il mio pensiero e con il mio dolore". Il brano sara' scaricabile dal sito della Maverick al piu' presto!
Eccovi il commento di Alanis (in lingua originale) alla decisione di diffondere in rete questo brano:

"I wanted to offer as much love as I possibly could in the form of music, which is one of my favorite ways of expressing myself." Alanis is quick to add that "a four minute song cannot possibly touch on everything I'm feeling right now, and certainly not cover the broad scope of everyone else's feelings. Knowing that it may provide four minutes of comfort to anyone at this point inspired me to share this song. I believe this song shines light on both the willingness to understand as well as the passionate desire to stand up and show a self-care and self- respect in the face of something many strongly don't believe in."

Alanis adds, "I believe this is a hugely defining time for us as human beings. I believe we live in a relative realm and that it is in the face of what some are calling "evil" that we are able to know ourselves as peaceful, transcendent and willing to contemplate the motivations for doing what happened on September 11th. We can choose to know ourselves as anything in accordance to last week's attack. My hope is that the people who are making the decisions about how to respond to the events will take both self-care and compassion into account with consciousness and awareness of our interconnectedness as beings."

18/09/2001. Alanis sul numero di ottobre del Rolling Stone.
La rivista musicale Rolling Stone riporta, nel nuovo numero di ottobre, un'intervista ad Alanis Morissette nella quale la nostra beniamina parla del nuovo album e del suo nuovo ruolo di produttore!!!
Ecco l'articolo di David Wild in lingua originale:

Two years ago, in the movie Dogma, Alanis Morissette played God. On her forthcoming album - delayed for months due to tense contract negotiations with her label, Maverick – she takes on a bigger role: producer.
“Playing God didn’t require much,” Morissette, 27, says while taking a break from recording at Doghouse Studios, in West Los Angeles owned by Eagles’ Glenn Frey. “There’s a lot more to producing a record, but I was up for the experience.”
It’s a big step for Morissette, whose last two albums, Jagged Little Pill and Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, were handled by Glen Ballard, the songwriter and producer for hit records by Dave Matthews, Aerosmith and others. “I listen to my gut about what the next chapter in my life is going to be,” she says. “Ever since I was nine, I knew at some point I would produce my own records – it’s a natural step.”

Morisette composed most of her best-known material with Ballard, but for this album she wrote on her own. “ My purpose was to get back to my truths again, and there’s no better way for me to do it than writing songs,” she says. “My songs always change my life – if I’m not all off my proverbial path, as soon as I start to write songs, it gently pushes me back on. I’m afraid of it sometimes.”

The lyrics move away from intimate revelations of earlier work toward more universal topics. “I always thought there were my issues, and there were global issues,” she says. “Now I realize they’re the same.”

Not that Morissette has abandoned the edgy confessionals that charged Jagged Little Pill. The song tentatively titled, “Narcissus” opens with the line, “Dear mama’s boy, I know you’re had your butt licked by your mother.” And the standout track, “21 Things I Want In A Lover,” is a want ad detailing what a potential paramour should be.

For the record, Morissette is looking for someone who’s masculine and feminine, is politically aware and uninhibited in bed. “I exactly mean it,” she says. “If somebody said, ‘Hey, I’m twenty-one of these things, let’s go to lunch,’ I’d be excited. I get very specific about what I choose.”

Asked whether she’s prepared for an onslaught of applications from wanna-be lovers, she laughs. “Sure,” she says. “Just get on my Web page. But people have to be really honest,” And is she the grand prize in this contest? “Yeah, for dinner,” she adds. “But we’ll stop at dinner, OK?”

In the studio – which she has personalized with Indian statues, scarves and The Big Book of Filth: 6,500 Sex Slang Words and Phrases (“required reading,” she says.) – Morissette is easygoing with the musicians. “I’m a nurturing person,” she says. “I know how it feels to be on the other side of the glass.”

Though she remains a major international artist, Morissette saw a big decline in sales from Jagged Little Pill, which sold a staggering 16 million copies, to her most recent album, which sold 3 million. But she says that she values personal satisfaction over commercial success. “Finishing the record, that’s my goal,” she says. “Once I finish it and hold it in my hand, I consider it a success.”

Morissette admits to being out of touch with current pop tastes. When she’s asked how many members of the Backstreet Boys she can name, she draws a blank. “You got me there,” she says. She may be older than some folks on the radio, but she doesn’t feel ready to be put out to pasture. “I’m an elder on some levels,” she says, smiling, “but I still feel like a little bit of a junior.”

17/09/2001. Ironic potrebbe venire bandita dalle radio Americane.
La notizia sembrerebbe una farsa, invece e' assolutamente (ed incredibilmente) vera! La compagnia "Clear Channel" che possiede una fra le dieci emittenti radiofoniche americane piu' seguite (circa 100 milioni di ascoltatori) ha pubblicato una lista di canzoni da bandire dalla programmazione perche', in qualche modo, ispiratrici dell'attacco terroristivo che lo scorso 11 settembre ha colpito gli USA...!!! Fra queste canzoni (150 circa) c'e', appunto, "Ironic" di Alanis Morissette "incriminata" per la strofa:
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."

Onestamente, la decisione appare un tantino esagerata...e non perche' siamo italiani e quindi estranei alla Tragedia Americana, ma perche' censurare Ironic solo per quella strofa significherebbe in un certo senso la fine della musica!

16/09/2001. Il nuovo album uscira' il 13 novembre: adesso e' praticamente ufficiale!
Dopo la notizia diffusa tempo fa dal "NY Daily News" secondo la quale il nuovo album di Alanis uscira' il 13 novembre ora, anche la Warner Music Canada ha confermato tale notizia! Il titolo pero', non e' ancora stato reso noto...!!!

10/09/ 2001. Rimandato il concerto di beneficenza.
Il concerto di beneficenza "Voters 4 Choice" e' stato posticipato a data da destinarsi (probabilmente a Gennaio). La decisione di rimandare la manifestazione che si sarebbe dovuta svolgere martedi 25 Settembre presso la Constitution Hall di Washington, e' stata presa a causa dei molti manifestanti che, secondo gli organizzatori, avevano intenzione di protestare il giorno della concerto!

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