Tide, 1985
painting by VIOLA
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 100 cm

The tide has flowed now and expanded. Memory has lost its intense glow, and is dimmed like a fading réverie. A strata of evocative levels co-exists in the new texture dominated by Gold, as Viola says, "psychic gold",
a spiritual dimension, echoing Plotinus, not just matter.

An ecstatic transition in which events and pulsations, reduced to amorphous lines, become indistinct and continuous episodes that flow across our field of vision.

The portion of a Whole, an infinite, all-embracing expansion, where a comparison can be found in echoes which fade away in oscillating, flowing texture which filters crumbling memories suspended in the silent contemplation of existence.

Memories beyond any eventual episode, deep in the pure spiritual flow of the palpable but breathing aureate matter.
The tide still recalls the Lagoon. "Venice", says Viola, "symbolic site of a dimension of synthesis and transition, of a new spirituality we are living". (L. Viola, 1984)

Night archetype, gold-dust on photo, 60 x 80 cm, 1980

Fantastic landscape of Torcello, gold-dust on photo, 25 x 18 cm, 1981

Little portrait on motorboat to Torcello, gold-dust and water-colour on photo,
25 x 25 cm, 1981

Little portrait on motorboat to Torcello, gold-dust and water-colour on photo,
25 x 25 cm, 1981

Little portrait on motorboat to Torcello, gold-dust and water-colour on photo,
25 x 25 cm, 1981

Venetian pink heart, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 110 x 160 cm, 1981

Venetian heart, acrylic and gold-dust on emulsified canvas, 80 x 75 cm, 1983

Little venetian heart, gold-dust and water-colour on photo, 10 x 11 cm, 1983

Venetian window, gold-dust and water-colour on photo, 17 x 23 cm, 1983

Star, acrylic on canvas, 83 x 63 cm, 1983

Fire in the Lagoon, acrylic on emulsified canvas, 110 x 160 cm, 1983

Fire in the Lagoon, acrylic on emulsified canvas, 110 x 160 cm, 1983

Fire in the Lagoon, acrylic on emulsified canvas, 110 x 160 cm, 1983

Heavenly tide, acrylic and gold-dust on emulsified canvas, 110 x 160 cm, 1983

Tide, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 170 x 230 cm, 1983

Tide, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 140 x 280 cm, 1984

Tide, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 140 x 140 cm, 1984

Tide, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 100 x 90 cm, 1985

Tide, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 120 x 140 cm, 1985

Sunset tide, acrylic and gold-dust on canvas, 50 x 50 cm, 1986

Wallpaper, acrylic on canvas, 55 x 50 cm, 1990

Wallpaper, acrylic on canvas, 55 x 50 cm, 1990

Stilled life, oil on canvas, iron, 125 x 195 cm, 1992

Stilled life, oil on canvas, iron, 115 x 115 cm, 1992

Stilled life, oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm, 1992

Stilled life, oil on canvas, 130 x 130 cm, 1995

To see some watercolours and other works on paper click here

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For more information please

Luigi Viola

© Copyright All Rights Reserved : Luigi Viola 1997