Constitute a way to make money quickly and without or with minimal loss of time, but especially the most profitable. These companies are a good tool to make money quickly to those who joined the virtual community for the first time and does not know how much time and want to have to dedicate ourselves. The operation of these companies and 'very easy, just after having enrolled in these companies that provide the promotion, to verify which companies "want" or advise us to enroll and for which you paid us. We need to verify before making the inscriptions, which are paid just for the record and not for the purchase of some product, such as might occur, for example, for companies who pay for mobile phone ringtones or travel. In these cases, you sign your own contract and you will be paid only if you activate your subscription, mobile phone case, or if you buy an airline ticket, the second case.
Arrived at a threshold of credit or money, the famous payout, different for each company, you can finally collect. Payments will be through some virtual coins, which comes up in "Other news - Electronic Coins" where you remember this now, take care of the various charges not all coins.
Given the unlikelihood of using all the listed companies, will be essential to some form of selection (as regards both their use, however, nothing prohibits the register, however each company in the meantime). Both of these companies, which for all other present and 'essential to take copies of entries, communications and anything else with them intervening.
Also not to be Banna (or deleted) is essential to observe the simple rules:
1. Be related variable (ie have an analog connection or adsl that each time you connect / detach change your Ip);
2nd Clean from any trace (cookies and temporary files) the pc every 3 entries made. To do this there are several programs. I will give you advice that Disk Cleaner can find in the "Other News - Programs";
3rd Create an e-mail address again every time you want to start a new round of entries (usually subscriptions are the same on each circuit to which you support) because you can not enter the same company with the same mail.
You can subscribe multiple times to the same company. Avoid exaggeration, however, doing all the entries in the same day because even if the ip changes, does not change completely and you may never be erased or not to see you credited your subscription.

^Returns to the index

To avoid being forced to unnecessary lucubrations looking for names and passwords fallen victims oblivion, I would recommend choosing the same ID and Password when you enroll at several companies, or the same combinations, and 'also useful to use the boxes mail for different types of different companies, therefore, one for the surf, one for the mail to pay money for a virtual ... and so on.
Because of some incompatibilities, and to avoid unnecessary complications, we suggest also always stick to the use of letters (and no spaces or symbols, the usual). Note that the vast majority of society does not accept passwords and / or ID are shorter than 6 characters, and sometimes no longer than 10.
Finally, I can only ask you to write in a safe place and not "subject to loss" (possibly on a file that is in print, against the risk of possible disasters informatici ...) your data, and to always keep a copy of the letters Welcome (containing the information of his own record) sent by the airlines after the enrollment process, or better yet provide different folders, one for each company in your mail storage, be it outlook express or otherwise, to store Welcome to the mail, payments and various communications companies, including those that have closed. However, if you scatter your key to access, the companies provide services to carry out identification and delivery of data.

^Returns to the index

There are no real differences between the companies. The only differences may be among the Italian companies and foreign companies. Italian companies usually pay commissions and higher, simply because the inscriptions are "targhetizzate" or who pays for you to subscribe to a company (such as a clothing store) prefer to have people of that country or state, not people who lives on the other side of the world.

^Returns to the index

There is no basis for the rules to gain more but surely, and 'can earn more money trying to put people under you, this will allow those who are' up to receive a percentage which may vary according to the company to which you register. To implement this strategy, first you remember the absolute prohibition on making "SPAM" or contact people who do not know just to suggest the deal, always ask if you wish to receive the documentation before you send anything. Obviously, if discharged such conduct by a member, the company would proceed with his deportation. Returning now to the affiliates, established now that you have found a person who wants to register under you just send your custom is composed of a central (unchanged), and a final suffix (usually preceded by the letters "refid =" o "id =") corresponding to the ID of the member, all you have to do is change the name or the numeric code (only one I recommend) with your existing (Example: The address "http://www.extrasalary. com / go.asp? refid = 52115B6477D4 "will become" ", where instead of X place the numbers in your code). Note that in some cases the reported address is not a custom in which case you should absolutely not change it, simply enter the ID in the registration form. If you have doubts about, and leave intact only worry to change the ID, that both "have the last word." If you still have doubts I would remind you that among the various sections of each company you can find the referral section, (the name may vary slightly between companies and society), where you can find that link and you'll have no alternative but to copy it and give it to those who and 'interested to join under you. To facilitate the recruitment of some forum members have the potential to form the "downline builder, real chains affiliates where a person is enrolled in another. As in the best families here, too many take the ball to leap to include your link without iscriversi already registered as a company but with the simple purpose of having people who are enrolled under you, I recommend in these cases to report the crime all 'company executive / forum that sistemerà the problem. It 'very useful to have knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, in order to have quick resolutions with the operators of sites that almost always speak in English.

To facilitate your work, I created a site where you can find all those programs that are necessary to make entries (especially if they do a lot). In my site you can find programs to create the tax code, search for Abi to a bank or creating an Iban, and more. To get there just click HERE.

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Here following I go to insert a small chart where I bring the companies that I repute reliable and that I have already ascertained that paying. In the chart you will find besides, click on the name of the company a small explanation of the same one with the merits and the defects, the percentages that can give you your affiliates and for the companies of classical surf, also the daily earningses reckoned on a system that works 24 hours on 24.

BeRuby - GpTreasure -

Jillsclickcorner - Makethatdollars - Owensclickplace

^Returns to the index