In this Section I go to list you a discreet number of programs that, according to me, you could result you very useful if you decided to begin to earn money through internet. In the page they are present 2 sections, the first one in which the programs are listed both Free and Trial that you can freely unload, while a second section where I go to list programs that allow you to increase entirely not the earningses in way permissible. Insofar I have decided that, sees the efforts done for giving me aforesaid programs the section it will be accessible payment solo.

Free programs

Multi-desktop: Allow to have a second Desktop "hidden" to avoid that pop-up or pages disturb while he works or to hide from the head!The program is multilingual and is freeware. The program is not the solo in circulation with the same purpose but surely the most stable and the more easily usable.(DOWNLOAD)


Slimbrowser: Browser that can replace the bad Internet Explorer. Unlike the other browser has the function auto-refresh that it is possible discretion settare of the consumer and besides it has the function auto-login that allows you to memorize name consumer and password of some sites and with a simple click it will make alone the login. This browser has besides a function to stop the sites indesiderati, enough complicated by settare but, once learned to use, you will realize its extraordinary utility. And' therefore to recommend this browser if the computer checks every now and then him.(DOWNLOAD)


Firefox-Mozilla: Totally known browser for the navigation in free internet and that it is the only one not to lean on on the technology of Internet Explorer. The particularity of this browser is that you can be implemented of functions to really liking, in fact, they exist hundreds of different extensions installabili to improve it in operation from what I use you do of it. (DOWNLOAD)
I list you some extensions that I have installed and that you can be you useful:

Reload every (allows you to update your web pages to the times set by you);
No script (allows you to block a lot of nuisance);
Adblock (web filter);
Fasterfox (designed to increase the performance of Firefox);
Restart Firefox (allows you to restart the browser with a click).
Forecastfox (weather lower left);
External Ip (allows real-time your ip address and warns you if it changes);
DownThemAll (allows you to manage files for downloading);
CustomizeGoogle (incorporating the famous search engine by giving, before the search, the possible choices with the word inserted);
Translator (allows you to translate any site in different languages);
Snap-Links (quick command to open multiple links at once. Useful for the PTC);
Clear Cache Button (allows you to clean up the chacha clicking a button);
Flashblock (Allows you to disable all items on easing navigation);
Session Manager (Allows you to save pages open a session to be able to reopen with a click).



Auto-Refresher: I orchestrate profit to do in way to adjourn in automatic yours surf-link, profit in case of block. And' possible to regulate the timer for every single open page. You only integrates to Internet Explorer. (DOWNLOAD)


Ad-aware: Tool to eliminate the Trojans, Spyware and any other filth unloads the autosurfs. Essential to hold the pc cleaned by programs used for checking what sites visits. Besides the program you can also be unloaded some link the updatings. To launch the program will be necessary to launch the program and to crush next, at the end still next up to the notice of the elimination of the whole files found indesiderati.(DOWNLOAD)


AVG Antispyware: The good anti spyware and anti present free Trojan online. The program monitora, but only in the payment version, in real time the whole situation. The seriousness of the program is also given by the fact that you are made updatings, to the list of the threats, daily. (DOWNLOAD)


DiskCleaner: Tool to serve a fast cleaning as Cookie, Temporary Internet File, Recent File and any other thing unloaded with internet, more useful, but that they occupy space (with 15 surf-link active for 24 hours they occupy him more than 500 mb of space). Naturally in circulation about ten programs exist as this you have another you continue with that that you from the greatest trust.(DOWNLOAD


Pow: Simple program to stop the pop-up, profit and light. And' Freeware. For settarlo it will be your care, every time that opens you a window not desired, click with the right key of the mouse on the icon in low to the left on the bars of the applications, to choose "add / delete popup" and to do double click on the name of the site that you want to stop. from that moment whenever every will open you that page, he will think the same program about to close again it. This trial must have done for every page that you want to stop. If in the future you would want to decontrol you must make her the same thing but clicking the name of the window in the superior part of the program that is you open.(DOWNLOAD)


Buzof: Simple program to eliminate the dialogue boxes of window. It works equally of the precedent but it serves to stop the dialogue boxes of window. For settarlo to do double click on the icon of the program in low to the right on the bar of the applications, and holding pressed the mouse to drag the present target in the envoy on the window that you want to stop. After that squeezing "Hide." You make this trial for every window that you want to stop. In case you wanted to decontrol some windows it will be enough to go on the line that interests you and to cancel it. (DOWNLOAD)


Open and Close: Useful program that allows to open and to close any program you want. The only one your I spell it will be' that to plan the time that you want spends between a reboot of the program and the other. The proposed version and' the 1.3a, the producer of the program assures that the program will continuously be improved, however I hold it to the very useful moment to do so that our societies surf can be adjourned or still you always ri-launch better frequently with one smaller attention. (DOWNLOAD)


Roboform: Great Utility for making entries. This utility allows you to store all data of the person (name, surname, number, etc.) and then with a simple click is copied in the spaces not just accelerating the process of enrollment. (DOWNLOAD)


ANTIVIRUS: I go here following to bring a small list of programs antivirus that, whoever uses a pc, independently from the fact that is interested to enroll in whatever type of society, you should have.

Avast!Antivirus: Based on the technology of removal and scanning developed by the ALWIL Software. The software is completely free only for the consumers home, for public corporate body and schools they are instead anticipated strong discounts. And' in degree to notice virus and monitorare the electronic mail. The updatings simply happen clicking on the special icon in the program.(DOWNLOAD)

AVG Antivirus: It programs free antivirus that is able to reveal virus and of monitorare the electronic mail. It notices an aching po it is that they don't exist any real updatings on the contrary an only file that is adjourned and that it needs to unload for his/her entirety every time that is wanted to adjourn the program.(DOWNLOAD)

I remember besides that different other programs exist payment antivirus among which the most famous are Norton Antivirus
, Mc Afee and Panda Antivirus. These programs are without any doubt you improve some precedents in how much more suits and easier use.
For the one that wanted a further defense suggestion to install a firewall, programs that monitorano the totality of the programs in use on the computer and the possible intrusions Jetico Personal Firewall or Zones Alarm.
For the one who wanted to check the pc from possible viruses through remote assistance, suggestion on one of the underlying icons:



Payment Program*

(*The cost is reported to the alone download some license you/he/she is not included)


PtrDaemon: Its deals with an useful program invented by two Italian boys that click the links of the payment mail. The program discharge in automatic the mail, looks for the links of the planned societies and puts her in line. After that he asks us to plan the time between a link and the other, from that point ago all him. The versions until to today proposals they don't succeed in full to not clickre the "cheat link." The program has had a stop in the updatings it causes a quarrel among the two developers. The program is free however, but if he is wanted you can be purchased for financing the project. For possible problems with the program you can visit the their forum. A lot of people signal problems after the installation therefore in the file to be unloaded I have already inserted the patch that resolves the problems. In the version the function is already integrated for stopping the pop-up. I regularly use it and it doesn't give me big problems. The only drawback I am that:

1. if the processor is overloaded of applications it has difficulty to unload the mails from the server of mail ;

2. often after having unloaded all the links and launched possession the program it jumps some links;

3. the greatest problem is however that if the server to which the program must connect himself is down the program doesn't work!! I have tried to ask you have creators a patch to avoid this but you has been answered me that it is not anticipated.

If you want dowload it Click Here : Cost 1,5 € to be send with   to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)



AutoPTC: Useful program in English that click alone in automatic the mails; in fact the program discharge in automatic the mail, looks for the links of the planned societies and puts her in line. In this version, the program, click four windows that you work at the same time. For every society you are asked us to plan the maximum time between a link and the other, from that point ago all him. In fact it jumps in automatic cheat link, expired pages and those you already visit. I regularly use it and it doesn't give me big problems. For a good use it is essential to have a program that stops the pop-up.

The only drawback I am that:

1. the CPU of the computer overheats, therefore don't use it if is doing otherwise another job it jams you everything;

2. the program is trial for 30 finished days which you can be purchased to the cost of 5 $;

3. it is not very easy to be shaped, but once done it is very useful. (if you want i'll make for you)

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 1 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)



Automatic PTR: Completely free in Italian research links by clicking the companies in the inbox of the company.
I will release three different versions of the program:
1. Automatic PTR classic: program that downloads the mail, extracts the links and starts to click they see what is' clicking. This version is used if the PTR have the Check Number.
2. Automatic PTR easy: program like the classic but that does not open any window and simply click the link you downloaded. Utilissima PTR version if you have chosen not Cheat Links and Check Number.
3. Automatic PTR New: program like the classic but created the script for firefox and so much more stable.
All three programs also provide the ability to load external files. The program will undergo improvements from the end of 2006. Among the various functions including a program that monitors the presence of cheat link in the mail, especially those fixed by the end of every mail (of course there is no assurance that all identified). As with all other recommended programs this skips the link expired or otherwise. The peculiarity is that in this program by skipping the words may be added at will of the user. For a better use is essential to have a program that blocks pop-ups. Personally I am not very good to use, because the only link from inbox of companies and not from a mailbox (and this causes problems if the webmaster of the changes ptr script on your site) and are also click on a single window (which slows down and a lot of work).

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 1 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)   


If you want you can look a video about this program:



PTR Buster: Serius programs in English for clicking the mails; in fact the program discharge in automatic the mail, looks for the links of the planned societies and puts her in line. Unlike the preceding programs this not click in automatic the mails that must have passed one after the other clickndo the pulsating next. The positive thing is that the program has four windows and that it uses a proper database "Firebird." I don't use it and therefore I don't know how to tell you if it has big problems. But from various forum I have seen that it easily is not configur it.

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 0,5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)    



PTR Easymail: Program for clickre in automatic the mails. I have never used it and made a will. The site where he produced besides you has been closed and he is not known if it will reopen and if the program will be adjourned.

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 0,5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)    



Simply PTR: Click program that automatically mails using four windows. The program does not allow you to download the mail as well as not to seek the link that must be clicked. The program therefore only click links that are entered manually and jumps expired and / or cheat link.Tra positive things of this program is that as a payment you can manually insert the words to jump, in addition to those set in default . Therefore, if you want to use the mail you must click integrate it to another program that will extract the mail (PTR Daemon or Auto PTC). For a better use is essential to have a program that blocks pop-ups. Until today I never had big problems. The program has two flaws: First tell that the owner of the program and that the site contained disappeared therefore must use in order to bring back the clock pc; Another flaw is that if you are doing many things in contemporary and have not lots ram the program will have a crash that leads to loss of the links included.

If you want dowload it Click Here:  Cost 5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)



Dispatch: Program which must be integrated and outlook that allows you to extract links from the mail and click them divided into various txt file divided by society.

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 0,5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)




MultyPack PTC: Utility handy for those who use the PTC. This package brings together various programs for companies bux best known, and Topbux, allowing the identification and autoclick links. The version I Trial as the only defect that lasts an hour, which ended, you disable the function of autoclick (which can simply be re-activated with a click). In addition to this package includes a script to be integrated in firefox to click links to all companies PTC. As with other programs here also reported these programs and scripts are not legal and could lead to cancellation of the account will naturally be at your own risk.

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 1,5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)   



Firefox Autosurf Script: Draft of a useful script for firefox that it allows to insert situated to make to turn in one page web. The script can is useful to you in order to accumulate of the credits from some situated Paid-To-Surf or PTC that they pay for the visualization through a link of affiliation.

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 0,5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)



AutosurfWebMFC: Most comfortable utility to use with to firefox that Paid-To-Surf allows you to hold always active yours link making so that yours browser re-send keeping in memory the surf link that they must be made to turn.

If you want dowload it Click Here: Cost 0,5 € to be send with to the address whrestian (@) (before paying to remove the parentheses next to the snail), or . After having paid sent me a Mail. (DOWNLOAD)