Webcast: Demonstrating SQL Server Consolidation 12/6/2006 @ 12:00
Many have talked about consolidation of your SQL Server farm as one of the meaningful ways to get more out of your systems. By using instances, and the right approach and tools, you can save money, increase capacity and at the same time
Review: SQL Refactor
I'm actually moderately surprised that it's taken this long for a tool like this to appear: a refactoring tool for T-SQL code, tightly integrated with Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio (and capable of working with either SQL
A Platform-Neutral Solution to Native XML Integration with SQL
IBM, Microsoft and Oracle have taken the SQL:2003 path to integrating native XML with SQL. Michael M. David presents an alternative approach to hierarchical processing for any SQL DBMS that implements the 1992 or 1999 SQL standards.
CWD4ALL for Modeling SQL and Multidimensional Data
CWD4ALL for SQL Developer is the latest edition of Ikan Group's CWD4ALL data modeling tool. It enables DBAs and developers to use entity attribute The product supports reverse engineering and modeling for SQL and OLAP databases
Microsoft SQL beats Oracle in security showdown
Microsoft patched 59 vulnerabilities in its SQL Server 7, 2000 and 2005 databases during the period, while Oracle issued 233 patches for software flaws in its Oracle 8, 9 and 10g databases. The research also pointed out that Microsoft
XQuery Engines: www.SQLSummit.com Updates Catalog
The latest update to the SQLSummit Catalog of XQuery Processors and Engines includes Sonic XML Server and David Carlisle's xq2xml . There are now more than 40 XQuery engines in the catalog
Apex SQL Clean
Apex SQL Clean tool looks for and deletes unreferenced and unused Database objects like tables, views and procedures. If database object bloat is the problem, Apex SQL Apex SQL Clean is the solution
JDBC Driver Catalog Updated at www.SQLSummit.com
The latest update to the SQLSummit Catalog of JDBC Drivers and Servers adds WooF, a driver for Filemaker data sources. There are more than 100 drivers in the JDBC catalog
Podcast Interview: Ward Cunningham Discusses Social Software
In an exclusive MP3 podcast/audiocast interview, Ward Cunningham discusses the Eclipse Foundation, social software and global collaboration for software development. In the 20-minute interview, Cunningham discussed Eclipse, wiki,
Understanding SQL Server Failover Options 11/16/2006
Webcast Today - Register HereUnderstanding SQL Server Failover Options We’ll look into what options you have available to you in terms of fault tolerance and providing for failover options and recovery for your SQL Server.
SQL - Wikipedia
SQL (Structured Query Language) è un linguaggio creato per l'accesso a informazioni Essendo un linguaggio dichiarativo, SQL non richiede la stesura di
Appunti sui database Relazionali e sul linguaggio SQL
queste sono una serie di note da me utilizzate per tenere un corso all' ERLUG su SQL e sui database.
Linguaggio SQL
Linguaggio SQL Arro34e2.gif (978 byte) Linguaggi per DB Arro34e2.gif (978 byte) Caratteristiche. Caratteristiche dei linguaggi per Database
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Home
Visit this portal for all the latest news and articles to help you evaluate Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for your data management and analysis needs.
SQL Tutorial
Well organized easy to understand SQL tutorial with lots of examples. In this tutorial you will learn how to use SQL to access and manipulate data in
Appunti sui database Relazionali e sul linguaggio SQL
queste sono una serie di note da me utilizzate per tenere un corso all' ERLUG su SQL e sui database.
Linguaggio SQL
Linguaggio SQL Arro34e2.gif (978 byte) Linguaggi per DB Arro34e2.gif (978 byte) Caratteristiche. Caratteristiche dei linguaggi per Database
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Home
Visit this portal for all the latest news and articles to help you evaluate Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for your data management and analysis needs.
SQL Tutorial
Well organized easy to understand SQL tutorial with lots of examples. In this tutorial you will learn how to use SQL to access and manipulate data in
Database - SQL - Mr. WebMaster
Propone una guida per l'apprendimento della sintassi e delle regole fondamentali del linguaggio.
SQL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SQL (commonly expanded to Structured Query Language — see History for the SQL contrasts with the more powerful database-oriented fourth-generation
SQLCourse - Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners
SQLCourse.com: an interactive online training course for SQL beginners.
Guida di superEva: Sql
SQL Tuning di base: la denormalizzazione: Articolo che descrive i vantaggi 1 SQL Street: Ottima raccolta di informazioni sul linguaggio SQL (inglese).