
Elsbeth Hilpert, Shaw's Pygmalion and Goethe 's Faust
Cindarella ( a fairly tale )
Feminist Revolt
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950)
Pygmalion and Cindarella : A comparison
The modern Pygmalion: the cloning professor
Cicerone e Sandor Marai


Cinderella (a fairy tale)

Due to the fact that Cinderella is not a drama but a fairy tale and as such not divided into
acts, l will now split it into the most important steps.
STEP I: Exposition
After Cinderella's real parents have died she is left to live with her cold-hearted stepmother
and her two snobbish stepsisters. She is forced to do all household chores while her
stepsisters enjoy a life in luxury.

STEP //: Rising Action
Searching for a wife for his son, the king gives a great ball and invites alt young women in his
kingdom. To keep beautiful Cinderella from attending to the ball, her ugly stepsisters and
stepmother overload her with extra work.

STEP III: Climax
Cinderella is turned into a beautiful princess by her fairy godmother. She goes to the ball and
the prince immediately falls in love with her. Because her magical disguise would disappear
the moment the clock strikes twelve, she has to leave in a rush without saying good-bye,
though. On the way out she loses one of her little magical glass slippers.

STEP IV: Falling action
The prince sends his minister to try the small slipper on every single girl in the kingdom in an
attempt to find Cinderella. As the minister enters Cinderella's house, her stepmother locks
her up to give her own ugly daughters a better chance of marrying the prince.
- Will one of Cinderella's stepsisters fit into the slipper?
- Will it fit some other girl in the kingdom?
- Will Cinderella be able to free herself from captivity?
- Will she marry the prince?
STEP V: Happy ending
Cinderella escapes and tries on the slipper. It fits perfectly; she marries the prince and they
live on happily ever after.       

Characters Pygmalion Cindarella
The poor soul who is rescued Eliza Cinderella
The friendly spirit Mrs Pearce The fairy godmother
The dominator Professor Higgins the stepmother
People who donīt accept you The Eynsford-Hills the stepsisters
unless you are wealthy

Emily Fischer, class 12, English

Camerloher-Gymnasium Freising,