pagina in Italiano


The day, Sunday twelve of the month of January of the year duemilatre to the hours eleven and fifteen taken the Room Reunions of the U.O. of Nefrologia and Dialysis of the hospital S. Spírito site in Long Tevere in Sassia n. 1 are gathered the Associations adherent to the national Forum to discuss some established points to the agenda.
The Associations are present:

A.S.N.E.T. in the person of Joseph Canu;
A.T.T.O. in the person of Loriana Collaveri Costagli;
A.N.D.O. V. in the person of Maria Aiello;
A.N.T.O. in the people of Zanatti Elvira and Minelli Maria;
Court For The Rights Of the Sick in the person of Pio Bove and Albertina Federici;
A.T.O. in the person of Anthony Motolese and Damiana Conforti;
A.P.R.0. in the person of Maria Teresa Rodriquez;
A.N.T.E. in the person of Vincent Iascone;
A.N.E.R.C. in the person of Angela lanniello;
A.T.O.M. represented by Raffaele Sporti and Savior Ubaldini;
ASSOCAZIONE Malati Of Backs, represented by George Cavalli and Roberto Costanzi;
Trio Italy in the person of Egidio De Luca

And' besides it foresees the A.SI.T. Movement Of opmone Him Á. the Transplantation represented for delegation by the sig. Francis Di Rosa and New GEC represented for delegation by Pio Bove.

Unanimity is named to what president of the meeting Pious Ox and secretary Francis Di Rosa that acts from verbalizzante. You passes to the discussion, Roberto Costanzi illustrates the budget to the presents for the year 2002; he declares that the budget is provisional in how much it misses the extract final account of the CCP, it communicates that he is waiting for a reimbursement from the region Lazio for an invoice related to the day of the donation. Ascertained that among the missed payments of the quota of adhesion annual figure the ASIT, Pious Ox proposes to all the presents to exonerate only for the year 2002, object of discussion of the budget, the association aforementioned, in consideration of the strong appointment of expenses lavished from Henry Olmari for the same Forum: the meeting to the unanimity approves the proposal.

You passes to the vote that concerns the approval of the budget 2002: to the unanimity you/he/she is approved.
You votes the proposal regarding the annual payment of the quota of adhesion to the Forum, to pass him/it from European 103,39 to European 105: to the unanimity you/he/she is approved.
You passes to the discussion of the point to the o.d.g. Country regarding the Day on the Donation. The President Pious Ox compares the presents illustrating the economic details of it,: the Office of the Health having promoted the Country regarding the Day on the Donation, it will destine 70% of the appropriation of the funds of budget to the A.I.D.O. Italian Association for the Donation Of the ORGANIIs; 20% to the three Associations AITF / ANTF / Life ONLUS (I am three Associations in Turin, Pisa and Bologna); 10% to the Forum Nazionale of the Associations.
It opens the debate, with numerous and rather animate interventions, aimed above all to understand the formalities and the criterions that have brought the Office of the Health to adopt such subdivision. Pious Ox affirms in substance that doesn't need to keep in mind that ours is a small quota, but to consider operates him of the Forum.
The Forum through the financing gotten of European 55.000,00 (cinquantacinquemila) it will deal him with the cartellonistica, having to destine in the most greater cities apparent and brochure. And' a meeting has fixed to the Office on January 27 which you/they will participate all the interested Associations to define the details of the Country.
Known the Associations adherent to the project, the representatives of the Associations ATO Puglia Giovanni Santoro, Stuck out ATOM Raffaele, Action Loriana Collaveri Cost they affirm him to repeatedly have been contacted by the Grapevine ONLUS in Pisa in the person of the dott. CAPRIO, that he/she invited them to enter the costituenda Confederation. Pio Bove affirms that there is no preclusion to stick to other Confederations, even if he is inside the Forum, even if you/he/she would be able in the future us to be incompatibility on chosen by to operate in reference to great themes (to es. national sketches of law).
Á. confirms of this, Motolese of the ATO declares to have already participated to a constituent reunion of the project Life ONLUS, and to align himself/herself/themselves to the Forum if the positions diverged. Iascone of the shutters proposes that the Associations that eventually stuck to other Confederations, were excluded by the Forum.
Pio Bove invites the participants to follow with attention qual you/he/she is the Program of the Country on the Donation, that will be organized through the Coordination of the Associations: The beginning of the country is anticipated for January 27; you/he/she will be asked to all the other associations to sign a pact of not inside and external belligerency, it is worth to say both with associations and inside and external to the coordination.
Egidio De Luca (Trio Italy) it informs the presents that in past, to succession also of organs of information and mass-average you/he/she has generally had to suffer quite a lot external attacks, and you/he/she has been submitted to a real moral lynching, from other associations (laws ANED, in the person of the President Pellini) for presumed irregularities tied to helps toward Countries of the third World.

And' gone out an article on; Panorama' really in these days, he/she affirms De Luca, my total extraneousness regarding such supposed affirmations, and following which have owed adire the legal streets.
Fortunately. already in past I/you/they have gone out of it, he/she affirms De Luca, but I want to dissociate me from the proposal of pact of not belligerency.
Angela Ianniello (ANERC) it also informs it to entirely have owed intentare a legal cause to defend himself/herself/themselves from presumed defamations to his/her own damages: following the intervention of the Pellini, he has lost a legal cause that already seemed defeated.
The presents ask to Pio Bove, that was present to the reunion indetta to the Office together to Henry Olmari to know as the proposal that will have to bring to the pact of not belligerency was born: Pio Bove declares that Alexander Nanni Costs you/he/she has proposed such pact; Roberto Costanzi declares not to understand with clarity the position of Nanni Costa. Pio Bove again invites the presents to follow the details of the country; the chosen Logo represents two hands that intersect him and whose lines of the life are continuous.
The select Executive, from the Office of the Health for the Country of Information it is Alfred Dari.
Motolese proposes to found a narrow committee that serves as coordination to place side by side to the technicians of the Office.
Again he discusses some aspects economic - financial of the country, whose subdivision is not clearly perceived by the presents. Particularly you/he/she is examined the position of the triad of associations that does Life head Onlus, recipient of the 20% of the financing: such group of associations shortly time, three months around, even if he/she anchors as confederation they are not constituted, they are let near the persons responsible of the Office knows, and they will currently be present besides in the Organizational Coordination with one it rates superior to us of the Forum.
Motolese (ATO Puglia) and Canu (ASNET) through their interventions they analyze such aspects inviting to reflect on these data, since ours operated and ours greater long course you/they would have had to have a greater weight and well other consideration near the Office. The President Pious Ox affirms that if the coordination of the Office won't have a correct behavior towards the forum it will be the Forum to not more hunger it departs; insofar confirmation to the presents that it will go to reunion 27, and therefore he/she asks that the vote on the pact of not belligerency; is expressed to the unanimity blocking from personal positions. Vote:

Pio Bove, taken action of the vote to the unanimity, you/he/she gives to illustrate the Informative Country inside which he sees the Forum you/he/she foresees with tied up assignments to the cartellonistica; for such attribution, to the Forum you/they will be assigned around 55.000/00 European equal to the 10% of the whole amount of the financing. There will be the known personalized flier (that with the daisies), equal to that of the other years; the logo of the country will come completely defined within January 27, you/they should be the two hands; for the manifestos measure 70 cms x 100 cms every Association will verify where near the office Posting of his/her own Commune work, the tied up costs to the posting. lascone (Shutters) he/she would like that greater transparency and democracy it was given to the matter of the manifestos, only having called not to deliberate on a job that seems already defined and concluded, with borders of time clasped; on the contrary mostly entering the operational phase, whereas the assignment has already been dispatched through the professional performance of Henry Olmari. There are insofar different hypotheses that aim to give greater visibility to the manifesto, the first hypothesis proposed by Collaveri (Action) it is that to make to stamp some stickers to our expenses to apply in the low part of the manifesto, recanti the wording of the working Associations of the Forum on the territory where you/they will be distributed; the second hypothesis proposed from more parts it foresees of ridiscutere within 27 during the meeting with the vertexes of the Coordination, the tied up spaces to the sigles and miranti to give greater space to the associations of the Forum in his/her own place territory.
It prevails among all the participants the diffused opinion that dates the times that leave little space for this year, he goes on so on the informative Country, while for next year the methods of attribution must be seen again surely. As it regards the postcards,Bove finally, invites the presents to transmit to Henry Olmari more young people photos transplanted by to insert in the same.

Pio Bove concludes the discussion observing that in the reunion near the office of January 27 you/he/she will do him in way of doing to pass our proposals.
Not having available time anymore to discuss the further points of the O.D.G, to the hours fifteen and thirty the President pronounces concluded and loosened the reunion. Bed, approved and undersigned by the above listed representatives.

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