Presentation and considerations of the President
of the association
ATO Regione Puglia
Pagina in Inglese
pagina in Italiano
For the ATO Usual enthusiasm also for 2003
"One year full of initiatives and share"
The hard experience of the pain of the suffering, of the eradication from his/her own houses and from his/her own things to face the long periods of the trips of the hope, they incite us to give and to also do for 2003 a volontariato that goes well over to make himself/herself/themselves company, but that succeeds in watching over, to goad and to sustain the choices that the Institutions, the Corporate body will go to do and to decide on the problem list of the donation and transplantation of organs.
One year when The ato will have called to try to create useful tools for to give to the figures of Transplanted; Waiting for Transplantation a true identity, succeeding to except out, also from situations of sufferings, hopes.
It will be his/her I spell, driven above all from an intelligence, creator and organizer, to work because you are not frayed; the sense of the solidarity and the love.
2003 calls the ATO to have more always a function of advocacy interpreting the demands and the needs, becoming voice of whom doesn't have voice making himself/herself/itself promoter of a social progettualitą.
Just with this desire to do for the others, and to give to the others, the ATO will look for, with all the possible tools, to make to accept, to understand and to share the pain to whom is unhappy; looking for as it is of his/her style to produce with so much love, endless relationships with everybody.
A 2003 in which The ato, will become more always point of reference for the as ones transplanted needy of moral and psychological support for the overcoming of the transplantation and for the social reinserimento after it.
It will try to provide at the right moment, not only for his/her own partners but also for all those people who wanted him/it, to inform on the problem list of the donation and transplantation of organs to national, regional and local level, through Web pages, televisions, press and informative brochures, with meetings in the schools and barrackses.
The need to help the sick waiting for transplantation and their families has become for the ATO a precise moral duty because only who this experience has lived you/he/she can understand and to stop that plays that appropriate him of a family.
The ato for 2003 proposes more always him, organ of information, improving a very important assignment: that to sensitize the people to the Culture of the Donation to a deep culture that can push her to make an internal breakthrough that can be concretized in to valorize the great gesture of the Donation.
And' true that, for 2003 it will still serve us so much help from everybody.
It is for this that the ATO will become more always choral action addressing toward all the interlocutors: government, parliamentary, political parties, social strengths and physicians; so that all know about the problems that, daily they face the people waiting for transplantation, supported by the weak hope fed by the insertion in the long attended lists, but also of the expectations, you often betray, of whom suffers, of the anxieties of the famigliaris, of the uneasiness faced for trips, inability to the job, for the bureaucratic practices near the ASL and INPS, of the fear to feel himself/herself/themselves abandoned in the moments most difficult, of the desire to feel himself/herself/themselves considered people to love and to help.
An application of help and collaboration that will be had to concretize in common and strong projects, so much to be been able to save some human lives.
We of the ATO hope that for 2003 pain doesn't gather anybody distracted and unprepared anymore and that so many know how to listen and to give the value of an event to the illness able to produce useful energy to strengthen the germ of the mutual help, in degree to sustain who suffers. Interesting and of relief, in fact, they will be the appointments and the 2003 ATO initiatives, that will try to bring all to a reflection on the problems of great cultural thickness, ethic and civilian.
The president Giovanni Santoro
Initiatives and usual daily performances of theATO:
Promotion of I not only struck of bureaucratic, moral and psychological support for the overcoming of the transplantation and for the social king-insertion after the transplantation, but also during attends him of a transplantation. I plan Country of information schools of every degree and order.
To actively collaborate with the sanitary structures, with the physicians of base and with institutions generally for an I bring constructive and original.
To organize moments of aggregation and sharing among the associates and no.
To promote the culture of the Donation and Transplantation of Organs and the Fabrics.
10/GennaioInitiatives, Demonstrations, specific appointments
Diffusion in the schools Pugliesi the 5° regional Contest ATO; Gold heart Competed of painting, graphics and sculpture for the schools of every degree and order. Theme: We are all flowers of the same lawn, it becomes donor and carrier of solidarity.
11/GennaioShare to the demonstration for the Peace organized in the commune of Palagianello
Annual meeting to Rome of the components of the Associations adherent to the national one of the associations transplanted, sick of backs, emodializzati.
8/GennaioI meet with the executives of the institute for delivery gifts for solidarity to the children of the same institute.
Share to the meeting of the Consults some associations of the Commune of Laterza
7/FebbraioShare in Rome to the 2° national meeting on the constitution of the National Federation for the Liver Illnesses
FebbraioInitiatives share of the Diocese of Castellaneta for 11 ^ World Day of the sick
27/28/FebbraioGeneral Annual meeting ATO: approval I balance survey, forecast budget for 2003, approval activity and demonstrations ATO for 2003
11/18 Maggio6 ^ Day National Donation and Transplantation Of Organ
Collaboration with The aido Town section of Joy Of the Hill and Aquaviva of the sources
- Conclusion and awarding of the 5°Concorso gold Heart theater Spadaro of Massafra. It programs with insertion of musical moments and information from the local coordinators and associations.
- Inauguration shows some jobs of winners of the 5° contest gold Heart
- 2° Concert for the Life near the Plesso Sant'Agostino, of Massafra with the share of the Boys of the Conservatory in Taranto and Bari.
- Religious regional ceremony in the city of Joy Of the Hill.
- Memorial Marucci in the city of Taranto
- For the occasion of the 5° Contest incontri/informazioni in the schools pugliesi
- Debate on the culture of the donation and transplantation organized by the Lions Club international Mottola / Massafra Palace Happia Hotel
Giugno/LuglioSocial trip ATO. Traveling making Culture of the Donation and Transplantation.
SettembreReligious appointment in the Parish of St. Cosma and Damiano. The partners' assembly ATO and other Associations of volontariato
SettembreInformative appointment, through debate / conference on the problem list of the Donation and Transplantation of Organ on the occasion of the celebrations of the SSs. Physicians, first to effect a transplantation of organ.
14/DicembreRegional Social assembly of the ATO (Gioia Del Colle - Bari?)
DicembreInitiative on the Christmas with involvement of other associations of Volontariato.
The initiatives because of economic, organizational and decisional problem list from the same C.D. you/they could be annulled, you modify or you replace with others.