Vinicio Coletti's idea about the origin of UFO

Do they come from the future?

First published on September 21, 1999

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What we already know

It is about 50 years that we hear very often of UFO sightings. There are people swearing they met extra-terrestrial beings, others saying they travelled on their ships, up to those that had sex with them...
In fact all this is very hard to believe and first of all I must say that I am not shure at all of the reality of this phenomenon. Thus all I will say applies if and only if someone really proves the material existence of some weird UFO ships of any kind.
Analyzing the UFO sightings and meetings, as reported on newspapers, airforce reports and researchers documents (excluding those very hard to believe), we can find some common facts:

My proposal

Once upon a time a person whose name I don't remember said that we have an easy evidence of the impossibility of time journeys: we don't see tourists coming from the future.
Well, what if UFO are these tourists? This would easily explain their behavior:
About time travels, they are definitely possibile towards the future. Relativity clearly states that when a ship approaches the speed of light, the time aboard becomes very slow (if observed from a body at rest). This is verified every day in high energy laboratories: when an elementary particle go at a very high speed, it actually lives longer than expected. Another way to describe this fact is saying that the particle moved to the future (a little bit).
But travels to the past are forbidden by relativity, because they would mean going faster than light. However there are many strange places in the universe, like the proximity of a black hole, where time travels become theoretically possibile (but anyway not practical, as far as we can foresee).
And there are lots of things to discover, for example how exactly the gravity is linked to the other three elementary forces.
The only things I can say is that if we can really see these tourists coming from the future (UFOs), some day in the million years to come, someone will discover a way to travel to the past.

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