Power Failure Disrupts Red Line Service Washington Post
A power failure disrupted Red Line service in the District for more than 90 minutes this morning, and commuters are being advised to expect major delays throughout the morning rush, Metro spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said.
Gary Gold, was safety director in S. Euclid; ran service station The Plain Dealer
South Euclid- Gary Gold, 96, retired South Euclid safety director who also operated his own service station in the community, died Monday at Breckenridge Village in Willoughby.
Non-stop service between Phoenix, N.Y.'s JFK to begin The Arizona Republic
Delta Air Lines said it will begin non-stop service between Phoenix and New York's JFK Airport on Feb. 15.
NetZero to offer DSL service in Verizon deal Los Angeles Times
NetZero, the Internet service operated by United Online Inc., will begin offering broadband Web access under an agreement with Verizon Communications Inc. as part of an effort to stem the loss of dial-up customers.
NetZero launches broadband service CNET
United Online's Internet service provider offers DSL broadband, which it'll deliver over the Verizon network.
Park Service chief: Increasing visits important Casper Star-Tribune
With visits to the nation's national parks leveling off, new National Park Service Director Mary Bomar made a pitch to the state's tourism leaders to highlight the best of what the parks have to offer.
Park Service retirees endorse snowcoaches Casper Star-Tribune
Improved air quality in Yellowstone National Park is due primarily to low numbers of snowmobiles entering the park, according to two new scientific reports posted on the park’s Web site, say leaders of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees.
Memorial service organizers seek help Worcester Telegram & Gazette
STURBRIDGE - Veterans Agent Thomas A. Chamberland is looking for a few good men (and women) who want to help out with a memorial service for Marine 1st Lt. Joshua L. Booth, 23, of Sturbridge, killed Oct. 17 by a sniper in Haditha, Iraq.
Breast screening service starts BBC News
A call and recall breast cancer screening service begins on the Isle of Man.
Amtrak service likely to be disrupted The News Journal
Commuters who rely on train service to get to destinations along the Northeast Corridor should expect delays this morning because of a freight-car derailment Thursday night in Bowie, Md., Amtrak officials said.
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La J-Service si propone come partner informatico di PMI, Professionisti, Enti, Organizzazioni No Profit e Individui per la fornitura di Servizi Informatici
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Allestimento luci, sistemi di illuminazione - Illumino Service
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Under English law, if a service provider is induced to deliver services to a dishonest Most business theorists see a continuum with pure service on one