Catalogue n°  Title Description Packaging  Press/Year Photos
Epic EPC 468884 4 TEN 11 tracks Plastic Case Holland 91  

Epic ZT 47857

TEN 11 tracks Plastic Case Usa 91  

Epic EPC 474549 4

VS with sticker Plastic case Holland 93  








Epic EPC 477861 4 VITALOGY with sticker Plastic Case  Holland 94  
Epic EPC 484448 4  NO CODE with sticker Plastic Sleeve  Holland 96  
Epic EPC 489365 4  YIELD with sticker Plastic Sleeve Holland 98  
Epic EPC 492859 4  LIVE ON TWO LEGS

with sticker

Plastic Sleeve  Europe 98  




Epic EPC 494590 4  BINAURAL 

with sticker

Plastic Sleeve Holland 00  


Catalogue n°  Title Description Packaging  Press/Year Photos 
Epic 657572 4 ALIVE Once Cigarette Box Uk 91  
Epic 657857 4 EVEN FLOW Even Flow(new version)/Oceans Plastic Case Uk 92  
Epic 658258 4 JEREMY Alive (live) Plastic case in Outer Cigarette Box Uk 92  
Epic 658472 4 OCEANS Why Go(live)/Deep (live)/Alive (live) Plastic Case Australia 92    
Epic 660020 4 DAUGHTER Blood(live) Plastic Case Uk 93  
Epic 660441 4 DISSIDENT Rearviewmirror (live) Plastic Case Uk 94  
Epic 661036 4 SPIN THE BLACK CIRCLE Tremor Christ Plastic Case Uk 94  
Epic 34T 78797 GIVEN TO FLY Pilate/Leatherman Slip Sleeve Usa 97  
Epic 34T 79197 LAST KISS Soldier Of Love Slip Sleeve Usa 98

Promotional Singles Cassettes

Catalogue n°  Title Description Packaging  Press/Year Photos 
Epic ZAT 4041 ALIVE Wash/I've Got A Feeling Plastic case Usa 91  
Epic XPC 4125 ANIMAL (live) Slip Sleeve  Uk 93