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Paolo Spada
Via G. Fauser 20 
28100 NOVARA

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ATTENTION: - the numeration of the illustrations is not in sequence for technical reasons. The complete one is in the mentioned CD further. But, the numbers are exactly identical to those on the CD. In event of acquisition is necessary point out: the pictorical kind (naked, landscapes, etc.) or sculpture, the number and the explanation referred near the illustration.

The artwork of paolo spada is constituted with varied periods. they, in turn, have divided in kinds.

The PAINTING is divided in:

The SCULPTURE has englobed the material (sculptures of bronze, sculptures of stainless steel, terrecotte, in an unique inclusive section sculptures of wood, ecc).

THE JEWELRY is in a separated section.


Clic on the underlined names of the kind or period to transfer you to the index of the miniatures of the work near which they the suitable technique are; the support, the sizes, the date and the period.
That is suitable with the Romans numbers between parenthesis (I), (II), (III), (IV). (The other periods have not specified).

From the INDEX of the miniaturese of these to magnify it to full screen or view it with the bars of sliding.

Clic on NOTE for the guide to the analysis of the work and of the period. About many works, in the impossibility to check it directly, the dimensions are approximate.

In default of dating it means that it has been impossible date the work. In this edition impossible to attribute the places and the names of the collectors of the artworks.

Generally, it is sufficient a name underlined to move directly to the content.

All the artworks of PAINTING are together only for kind and/or period. Therefore, LITHOGRAPHIES, XYLOGRAPHIES, PAINTING IN WATER-COLOURS, OILS, DRAWINGS, PASTELS, and other artworks executed with varied techniques, will be look for pittorical kind with the name of the kind, for instance: maternity, flowers, etc.

In the section SCULPTURE are collected all kinds performed with this procedure.

The complete work of Paolo Spada, in two languages, English/Italian, is contained entirely in the CD disk
"PAOLO SPADA the complete work of painting, sculpture graphics & jewlry"
published by THE CD-ROM ARTS & CRAFTS.

It is composed from thousand of pages and of illustrations at high definition and of big sizes. It contains other informations also which, for technical motives, are not inserted in internet.

Between these, the critical and analytical texts of all the authors who have taken an interest in the work of Spada. The principal texts belong to Gabriele Mandel, historic of art, and prof. Franco Migliaccio, historic of art at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia. Obviously it also contains all the bibliography and he list of the shows and prizes and recognitions gotten by Spada.

Besides, it is available, the monograph "PAOLO SPADA painter- sculptor- goldsmith" (size 24 x34 cm) in colors (in Italian, French, English) on heavy paper of 192 pages with 232 illustrations. Plasticized binder.

The monograph, direct by the historical Gabriele Mandel, is published by

form for acquisition

The CD is obtainable next to the artist at the cost of £ 55,000
and the expenses of the packing and consignment of £ 12,000 (for registered letter).
*- If the consignment is for cash the expense of shipment is burdened of £.25,000
*- If the payment has anticipated him dispatch and packs is free.

The monograph and available next to the artist and the cost is of £ 105,000
and the expenses of the packing and consignment of £ 12,000 (for registered letter).
*- If the consignment is cash the expense of shipment is burdened of £.25,000
*- If the payment is anticipated dispatch and packs are free.

In event of ANTICIPATED PAYMENT, enough to send a dated check, barred and not transferable, equal to the amount of the disk or of the monograph or of both if desired, headed to PAOLO SPADA, include it in a normal envelope and send it to PAOLO SPADA- VIA LORENZO VALLA 14 - 20141 MILANO.

Don't forget the sender in detail.

In event of PAYMENT CASH ON DELIVERY, for the cost of this consignment, in regard the value of the object, it is necessary to send the complete order with:
address, name and surname, signature for extensive, and your telephone n° (excluded the phone cell).

Without those, also one, the shipment, unfortunately, will be not possible.

The costs of the monograph on paper and of the CD, together to that of shipment,
will be fully refunded at the first acquisition of an artwork of any kind.



The CD and the monograph are guaranteed from defects of manufacture. They will have replaced immediately behind restitution of the disk or defective monograph. The cost of the delay is to our load.

Don't forget the sender and the subject you want to acquire.

You could any other information at tel. number 02 84 64 094 every day from 9 to 13 a.m. Only in Italian language, please.

For shopping works MODULO D'ACQUISTO and GUARANTEE here or on the INDICE.

PS: Out from the Italian territory it is impossible any expedition.