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Paolo Spada
Via G. Fauser 20 
28100 NOVARA

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clic on each word:....... rings -- bracelets -- necklaces - - pendants - - earrings -- buckles ... .. to go to the first miniature of the type of chosen jewel.



All the articles here presented are sold only in operation of their artistic value independently from the metals, of the stones or mineral of which they are built. When you meet the name of the metal, that is only for artistic information. All the objects could be performed with any metal furnished from the buyer. Besides they will be made, without limitation of number, in exclusive for only one buyer or firm, or jeweler to which the mould and the rights of manufacture in concession and/of marketing will be attributed.

Some articles are shown temporarily as unique pieces, but they could become multiplo, according to the request of the market. The unique articles requested and the existing ones, are sold with document of oneness. To request are reproduced objects of ancient jewelry and those on design or suggestions of the buyer. Possibly stones, in this circumstance, must be delivered at the moment of the order, or, however, payed the correspondent sum for the buy. All the works are rigorously performed by hand and, therefore, small imperfections or differences of form must be tolerated and they cannot constitute motive of confrontation. All the handworks are signed or with autograph or, if it is impossible for the dimension, with punch.


You cannot compare the showed works to those of the jewelries, goldsmithries, etc. Really, they are mini sculptures with an authentic aesthetical meaning and contents. To them, in fact, it is possible attribute a title, otherwise from those of the goldsmithries, that, with exceptions, have almost always the meaning of ancient heritages of slavery. It is known, usually, that in the shops are exposed chains, rings and circles modified in any manner.

Since these "manufactured articles" are carried out with highly automatize machines, which could produce thausand of pieces in a hour, their cost is deliberate "so much as the kilogram." It is on that account very reductive towards the artist and of the same buyer, to think that these micro sculptures could create competition, obviously, to the costs of the industrial product.

They have, naturally, an equal or taller cost and this independently from the material of which they are realized. Finally, if the material is considered poor, they can be made with others as desired. If, instead, you desire something more inexpensive, it is necessary address to the industrial product.

The artworks, if available, will be sent immediately, otherwise it is demanded minimum twenty days from the order, (except reasons of better force: strikes, etc.).



----- All the buckles have a bar in which withered the refolded belt and a pivot that will be introduced in the perforation of the same.

----- The belt must have attached two automatic buttons that allow to take away and put again the buckle. In this way it is possible to apply the buckle to belts of different colors. The application must be finished by a shoemaker.

----- If the buyer furnishes the belt, that must have a maximum width of 25-27 mm, the automatic buttons of hook up and unhook are applied freely.

---- When the belt is worn the buttons will result invisible.