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Paolo Spada
Via Giacomo
Fauser 20 
28100 NOVARA

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Paolo Spada was born in Sicily in Palazzolo Acreide, province of Siracusa.

He is guest for the first time in 1954 in a show of painting together to his teachers of art. To live he devoted to furnishing and in the meantime to the sculpture and ceramics.

In 1956 he studied Prehistoric Art. In 1958-59 he completes research of technique of the restauration of sculptures and paintings, studies on the authors of the 1200-1300-1400, and analysis of the neolithic work of the Sahara.

In 1960-61, because of the incomprehension of the public and the lack of market, he moves, were lives
now a day, to Milan. Here he realizes the idea of the "Astral painting" and Being devotes himelf exclusively to the art.

In 1961-62, he returned to the figurative.

In 1969, he completes the studies on the Aegean art and studies on the human emotions, the extra
sensorial faculties of the man and the relationships between these and the other dimensions.

In 1970-71 he elaborates searches on the distorsions space-time. Besides, he investigates on the
theoretical possibility of transmissions of the images and bodies through "doors" dimensional
between the four known dimensions and the probable endless other dimensions.

He conducts, moreover, searches in images on the antimatter and the anti galaxies.

In 1990 he devotes himself, and he does also to day , beyond his "usual" painting and sculpture, to new experimentations and new fascinating colors of which in the section "EXPERIMENTS" are given
some examples.

In 1995 about, he realizes the book sculpture "THE BOOK OF THE LOST DREAMS" that it is a part of the new experimentations. This book changes scene to each new page (you see the section "EXPERIMENTS").

Paolo Spada, endowed with detail personal communicativeness, always available, for the friends and
for the probable friends, provided of iron will maintains the appointments with himself and with the others also for belongingses of small importance. Ample culture on many fields allows to him to have friends of all the social layers; nevertheless, he is a little bit timid and a little bit lazy. He of his dowry of
communicativeness has written a book "AMARE E FARSI AMARE" (to love and to be loved).

At times methodic and orderly, other eccentric and messy, a little bit crazy and a little bit too wise.
He doesn't drink nor smoke. He owes his culture to a newsagent which made him read all what was impressed in Italy, and that for twenty years, free. He holds that his sensibility depends on the music
listened like now. He affirms, besides, listening the Passion of St. Matteo of J. S. Bach has furnished
him the concept on what it means masterpiece of art beyond the time.

Paolo Spada, with scientist mind, has explored each field of the artistic techniques as two dimensional
(from the painting and derived, to the printing: xilography, lithography, etching, etc.), as three-dimensional (ceramics, fusion of the metals, workmanship of the stones by means of excavation, etc.) and of each of these he has created excellent works.

He has received greatly prizes, among these, the Gold Medal of the Presidency of the Council of the Ministers, beyond to be honorary member of many Academies and Cultural Associations.

Besides to be, painter, sculptor, goldsmith, graphic and professional photographer, from 1980, the
artist has also devoted itself to the art of writing.

He wanted to place himself at people disposal with all his extraordinary culture in the field of the
figurative and plastic arts realizing particularly complete manuals and, at the same time very clear,
because everybody could learn or improve on art and/or, more simply, only to understand like an artist operates in a specific field of the art.

It is dutiful to remember that Spada is one of few artists, of the present and of the past, who dedicated
himself in divulging with written the techniques used by the operators of art and to teach them.

The artists have always been very jealous of their work and therefore they kept like professional secret
their technical ability or chromatics discoveries.

Spada has broken with this tradition reporting all what there was to disclose on such secrets. In fact,
he thinks that to be genius or artists is a natural fact and that therefore the acquaintance of the
procedures doesn't cause competing. At the most, it could give birth to excellent artisans also
they necessary to the amelioration of the human life.

Now it is necessary describe the literary work of Paolo Spada and therefore we begin with the
first published book:

-----SECRETS TO CARVE (Segreti per Scolpire)

It is a volume addressed to the public and scholastic libraries, to the schools of art and works, to the collectors, to the artists, to the experts, who will find in it new techniques that will facilitate the practical realization of their inventions, and to all those people who want to begin to carve.

Think, after have read only 31 pages, every reader is able to carve a chain drawn from an unique block of material without cutting or gluing the rings, without demand any specific preparation and/or ability, that with few and economic utensils.

Here is related about the sculpture of wood, jade, marble, stones, granite, ivory, acrylic plastics, chalk,
soap and other materials. Besides, it deals with the inlay with sheets of wood (the workmanship of this material is related in the glossary of the technical terms to the voice "impiallacciatura"). The text allows to understand close up the progress of an artist in the realization of a work of three-dimensional art. In fact, for the first time, technical and practical secrets are disclosed how to sculpture (from excavation)
without so much complications, that by hand or with the help of mechanical utensils furnished
from the modern technology.

In the book he have disclosed the superficial used treatments on the materials so to protect
them from fire, from bugs, from time and to change the color and aesthetic.

Besides its related like how to choose the materials and avoid the deceptions of sellers.

In only 258 pages more than and 464 illustrations, with photographic sequences never seen, the reader
is guided by hand with simplicity inside the complex temple of the sculptural realization.
Size cm 20 x 27 .

------The SECRET of the CERAMIC (porcelain, majolica and grés)

(I Segreti della Ceramica (porcellana, maiolica e grés).

It is a manual to learn at every level the ceramics. It is effectual for beginning and for the skilled
professional that seeks formulas for new colors, enamels and experiences and for the artisan.

It contains all the secrets, from the antiquity to nowadays, for getting splendid ceramics; from the
realization of turned vases to those modeled by hand from the construction of ceramic sculptures
of dwarfish dimension to big ones.

The sculpture in ceramics, enamelling, painting, varnishing, sure identification of the forgeries,
cooking and restauration. It teachs for the first time the techniques to realize dice of each kind,
particularly to realize those for the horses, secret till now, essential ability for whoever wants to
devote himself to the fusion in lost wax of the bronze.

In it are discussed the methods to realize ceramics with little means or with very perfect industrial

There is the history of the ceramic technique. There are illustrated 35 types of ceramic ancient vases
and 73 marks of the principal factories of ceramics of all the world. A glossary of technical terms and an analytical index complete the text that is composed with 410 pages and 760 illustrations (size 20 x 27cm).


(Il disegno senza segreti)

It is a manual for learng to design exploiting all the unconscious abilities inherent in each of us.
It is valid for begin to drow without false practices, for whoever had already begun, for the artist
and for who wishes to understand.
To realize a sketch or a work of painting, of sculpture, etc., that had an authentic value of art,
the artist must be in a particular condition called inspiration.
Without this, every artistic activity becomes, with all the respect, craftsmanship.

The inspiration is an emotional state in which he is, or is able to stay, naturally, the artist of talent.

The inspiration, that is a kind of escaping from the reality, is attainable and stimulating by means of the unconscious.

The author reveals, new fact in the history of the art, the mechanism to reach the unconscious and
with it make spring the inspiration, exactly like it happens for instinct in the true genius, and, if that
in the artist is exhausted, the method for regenerating it in any moment.

Besides he puts to disposition of everyone his ability in the sketch, sharpened in beyond 30 years of continuous professional practice in the figurative arts. For comparison, he shows the techniques
used by the modern and ancient artists.

Other new fact he teachs the procedures to perform a sketch with any utensil: pencil, brush, crayon,
sponge, brush, pen fences of wood, etc.

That is essential to whoever will devote itself to the painting with any support and with any type of color.

For the first time are divulged special theoretical and practical procedures, to perform easily a portrait,
a landscape and any other image with simplicity so that the possibilities of success became inevitable.

The only ability demanded to the reader is to be able to write the own signature.

He finally explains, with comprehensible words and shortly, how to understand if a work of art,
particularly a sketch, could be call work of art or craftsmanship, truth or deception, ingeniousness or

Text of 240 pages and 390 illustrations between photo and sketches (size 20x27cm).


In this book he has brought again, in an accurate photographic analysis, the methods and repentances
of Michelangelo in the execution of the famous sculpture preserved in the Sforzesco Castle of Milan.
Beyond that, his acquaintance of the technical sculptoreal, being sculptor himself, joined to the ability of photographer, has allowed him to discover an extraordinary characteristic, not to say unique in absolute, for a sculpture: the modification of the expression of the face of the personages with the changing of the light.
This expressions change from sweet to aggressive, from desperate to invocation and other delicate variations that the reader will identify alone. The volume has constituted almost exclusively with splendid and unpublished photos. (size cm 35 x cm 50).

------The ART WITHOUT SECRETS (L'arte senza segreti).

It is a manual for all those person who finally want to have the clear ideas on any work of art and why,
or not, objectively, it is beautiful and how to avoid the frauds.

In it is clarified how to analyze the authenticity of the time in which they had performed ceramics,
bronzes, etc. It contains an ample description about the realization of the work of art (fresco, painting, sculpture, lithography, printings, etc.), by of the artist.
Volume of 278 pages and 294 illustrations in B/ N and 23 to colors (size 20 x 27cm).

----------------------- in the sculpture and jeweller.

(I segreti della fusione del bronzo in scultura e in oreficeria).

Text to use by the artists, sculptural professionals, amateurs, technical schools, of art, artisans smelters, jewelers, works in relief of metals and technical scientific libraries. Manual until today nonexistent
on the publishing market.

It deals with the technique of the fusion to lost wax, works in relief of metals, welding and workmanship
of the metals, particularly of the bronze, gold and silver.

In it has taught in practice the statuary technique in bronze or in other metals, from dwarfish, for jeweller (micro-fusion) to very or super big dimension like the Statue of the Liberty.

In it there are ample explanations the jewelry how to realize bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, etc.
In it there is also the technique to get sculptures with other materials to strain like cement, resin,
clay, glass and electroplating.

Besides there is explained the technique for the fusion of the bells of each kind. The use of the utensils
for the welding, work in reliev and workmanship of the metals. The book has completed with the history
of the technique of the bronze of art, with a dictionary of the technical terms and with analytical index.

The reader is directed to hand up to realize from oneself the moulds in different materials without the
help of external collaborators.
The text of 442 pages is gifted with more than 890 illustrations (dimension cm 20 x 27 ).

-----------SECRETS FOR PAINTING (I segreti per dipingere)

This book is a treatise on the oil painting, paint in distemper, watercoulor and fresco gotten
on canvas, wood, wall, metal, glass and other materials and for the execution of the mosaic,
batik, gilding, miniature, inlay, glass door (without leading). It contains besides ample practical
informations on the technique to perform easily printings of author like etching, lithography,
xilography, etc.
Are revealed all the tricks, the methods and the experience of an artist painter, sculptor and professional goldsmith, that serve for paint on any support. The author has decided to give really to everybody this possibility.
It is an essential book for who, without any preparation, desires to advance in the hard field of the comprehension of the products of pictorial art and desires avoid most evident artistic frauds avoiding themselves coarsest errors of acquisition.
It is a tool for the schools of art or academies and for whoever want to improve or begin.

It is an essential reference to the merchant of art and to who, in each case, desires to possess, perform or appreciate a work of pictorial art or similar (glass door, mosaic, batik, inlays, gilding, printings, etc.).

A necessary manual to the artist for deepen the concept psycho-physic of the color, the techniques of illumination and of the contrast in the portrait and landscape.

Finally, it is an useful manual for whoever want to undertake an pictorical artistic activity as professional as simply for hobby.

281 illustrations, 218 pages. Sizes 21 x 27 cm.

-----THE BOOK OF THE LOST DREAMS (Il libro dei sogni perduti)

Sculpture book constituted of 74 pages on paper of pure Fabriano cotton to hand.
Bound in skin. Size 35 x 50 cm.

--------TO LOVE & TO BE LOVE - (Amare e farsi amare)

The art & Methods to Conquer the Women &...the Men.
(Arte e metodi per conquistare le donne e ....gli uomini).

It is a manual that points out the procedures to get more friends and to seduce men and women reciprocally, the techniques to love the first time very satisfactorily and all the conceptional and
contraceptive existing systems. Besides, the methods to maintain the own partner in the time and possibly to get rid of him. And finally, how to live happy as longer as possible.
Text with 394 pages with numerous illustrations. Sizes cm 15x 21,5 .

Part of those volumes has published already or publishing.

It is in preparation also their layout on CD-ROM disks.