corner of Norway, cut in the Mediterranean rock, that is Furore valley, a fiord,
a deep wound in the territory of the Coast, along which the stream roaming
downwards from the Agerola mountain flows, calm in summer, but rumbling and
terrible in winter. All around, clinging to the fiord precipices, the
houses and the small terraced gardens which make up the village. Below,
where the fiord encounters the sca, a small sandy beach, framed by the steep
valley walls and high, up there, the bridge of the state road which crosses the
narrow gorge. Here it is possible to leave the asphalt strip and, from
step to step, from garden to terrace, you can go up to the woods of Agerola,
walking between the sca and the sky, the carth and perhaps Paradise. At
Furore Greta Garbo stayed during her romantic elopment towards Ravello.
Ravello, undoubtedly one of the most suggestive places of the whole Coast,
Alfonso Gatto wrote a splendid rhymed card the meaning of which is as follows:
"the calm houses dreaming of the rosy charm of the hillocks, go down
towards the sca, as isles, as villas, near the churches".