News Corp Internet division president resigns Reuters via Yahoo! News
Global media conglomerate News Corp. said on Thursday that its high-profile Internet division president, Ross Levinsohn, has resigned.
Internet search rivals unite to make websites easier to find AFP via Yahoo! News
Internet search rivals Google, Yahoo and Microsoft formed an unusual alliance to support a shared standard regarding how websites are pinpointed for their indexes.
Purdue Researchers Pioneer Streaming Huge Internet Video TechWeb via Yahoo! News
The video, nicknamed "HugeTube" could be the biggest uncompressed video stream ever over the Internet. It shows the cell structure of a bacterium.
HBO to launch Internet comedy channel on AOL Reuters via Yahoo! News
Pay cable TV network HBO, whose shows such as "The Sopranos" have earned critical acclaim, will launch an Internet channel with original programming early next year in partnership with AOL.
The mobile internet FT.com via Yahoo! News
How successful is the internet as a communications medium? The question may seem a little frivolous, since clearly it is already fantastically successful. But the story of the mobile internet has been one of hype that has, so far, failed to deliver. In particular, the extent to which the internet is a good medium of mobile communication continues to be under the spotlight.
New internet TV channel launched BBC News
An internet-based TV channel showcasing films made by young people is launched in Cornwall.
Travelers Rest Man Gets Prison For Internet Solicitation WYFF via Yahoo! News
A Travelers Rest man is headed to prison after being convicted of trying to solicit on the Internet.
Hot new talk-radio shows on Internet Deseret Morning News
Mention "talk radio" and we all think of radio only over the airwaves, usually on the AM band, and sometimes on FM. But there's a whole new world of talk radio out there Internet talk radio.
Larry King admits never searching the Internet Middle East Times
WASHINGTON -- CNN television interviewer Larry King, famous for questioning celebrities and newsmakers, admits that he has never asked a question of an Internet search engine.
Sector Snap: Internet Stocks Mixed AP via Yahoo! Finance
Shares of big-name Internet companies traded mixed Thursday, and Google's shares moved higher, as an analyst predicted the search leader would be the most-trafficked Web property by November 2007.
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