SOL' releases are always ultra limited, is this a choice to reach with your music only an elite of people, somebody who really can "fight" to have the possibility to listen to your compositions,and not the usually "poor little boys" that search only in the big record shops the music of mainstream black metal acts? Do you think it's important to "limit" in some ways people who can discover SOL? I mean "elite band for elite people"?
Anyone can obtain our releases but that doesn’t mean they will GET it. The Law IS for All, regardless whether or not they get it. Now if that automatikly confers ‘elite’ I do not know. For instance there is a certain spark plug that fits only a certain model engine that my comerade searches for, I do not, is my comerade “elite” whilst I wither? Certainly you would think that I would never GET it, but then what if I did? Would I then be ‘elite’? Really the main reason SOL releases are limited is basikly a financial one. That and the fact that we didn’t know that anyone particularly cared to warrant more pressings, again, would that make one ‘elite’ or just droppings on the floor? Who knows? The simple fact is that grade 3 seems elite compared to kindergarten etc ad nauseum. Of course I could always carry on about some elite wankery just to cover the fact that we really are not the biggest thing ‘on the market’, which would be fun but rather pointless unless we wanted one frail individual in the outback who wanted to ‘fit in’ and carry the mantle of the ‘elite’ being that he really is and join our ‘horde’ of misfits ………

First steps of SOL have to be searched in a band called Equimanthorn. Can you tell us something about that period? Which were the reasons that pushed you to abandon the Equimanthorn project to create SOL? It seems that under both bands there was, and there is nowadays with SOL, a very strong philosophical chasm, can you analyze it?
Hmmmmm interesting, yes the reason Camazotz left Equimanthorn was definitely due to the philosophy/lifestyle difference. Now if I read your question right and say that there is (or has been) a difference or chasm of philosophies within SOL also I would have to agree, indeed SOL has gone through two scisms directly related to the philosophy, so far as my perception of the situation is anyhow. First we have one member doing a project called ‘Vomitor” and another doing a project called ‘Grippuid’, if you come across any of these releases you will certainly be able to see the ‘chasms’ between the philosophies. Walk the talk, etc. Or are you meaning the differences between SOL and the world at large? But this kind of stuff is pretty obvious so we won’t be going into that, for now. It seems that Equimanthorn was just some kinda off season training for the main offensive that became SOL666, a course to highlight the fundamentals needed to carry the torch, so to speak.

I remember that when you released the demo "Nazi occult metal", you labeled your music as "disgusting" black metal. This is a real strange and unusual way to label black metal. Why did you use the word "disgusting"? Do you also think your other works can be labeled in the same way? Today's black metal is for sure not so "disgusting", a lot of bands have changed their primitive sound in something nice to sell more records. Where do you think is the music field where we can find nowadays "disgusting" music?
Unusual? That’s what black metal is mate, it is disgusting. Though it is all relative, this much is obvious ja? It is revulsion at the corrupt state of humanity in its downward spiral and all the dross that comes with it. Bands WILL and should use different sounds and approaches from time to time, they should evolve as a reflection of the ‘true self’ which should be liberated from all restrictions/dogmas, including those of black metal or whatever the preferred artistik outlet is. That is if one is conscious of one’s actions to any small degree, angle or square. Yes, our releases are still ‘disgusting’ even if from the point of view of the sleepwalker and his sterile sanitized views of the way things are/should be. You see, you can have just as false a “disgusting” style as you can a “change to sell”, they are both directly linked to a manifestation of one or another particular EGO. Whilst this is going on, one will never be free of the many. In fact we can look at one’s submission to the will of the ego’s, as opposed to “ones true WILL” as true HERD mentality, a phrase that many pseudo elitists enjoy bandying around. Interesting?

What do you think about today'society? Don't you think we're living in the years of total decay?
Definitely, but from the greatest adversity comes the greatest triumph. This is our greatest duty, to overcome. The greater the ‘negative’, the greater the possible ‘positive’.

Which is your approach to the lyrics? How much are they important for you?

The lyrics write themselves, as does the music. If one is passive and receptive they ‘just come’. You know I often feel that there are all these songs just floating around waiting to be ‘picked’ or something like that. At least there are all these components just beyond the ordinary perceptive state, that one only has to ‘cut and paste’ together. An example of this is a song that I had floating about in my head for quite some time, at least a couple of years. Or more precisely a specific portion (chorus) and ‘direction” of the tune. Funnily enough it was a kind of indy/underground jingle, hence the reason we never utilised it, anyway …. I was listening to the mainstream/alternative radio a while back and here is this geezer crooning out the exact vocal and tune ! And that’s not the first time that’s happened. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, Jack Palance persona must be utilised for that last comment. What were we talking about? Oh yeah , well the lyrix are 100% important to myself, though in saying that they can be very simple and not necessarily (overly) intellectual to have meaning and relevance. One day a certain lyric can be imbued with great revelation, the next it can be the most insultingly painful experience, when this occurs, move on. For example it is pointless to carry on bleating about all this pseudo satanik ‘evilness’ after the initial barrier has been smashed to oblivion. It can be most fun from time to time, but rather pointless to make a career of it. Don’t you think?

Do you think it's right to define "Art" the music of SOL? In general, what do you identify with the word "Art"? Don't you think today's Art is too much connected with business?
At the risk of sounding like a WANKER, yes I would say that it be art. But that’s all rather boggy soil that I’d rather leave alone to allow greater mobility and keep free of pretence etc. In saying that, art is the expression of exploration and comprehension of the inner being/consciousnes at one’s own peculiar point in time and space. Art is not business, though business does use art. Art can be a great service to the folk/community at large. It can give us glimpses of that which is grander and luminous, we can use that as inspiration to reach our own place in understanding and expressing the hidden mysteries of nature and science as peculiar to our own orbit.

SOL is a term that has religious connotations, being the spear that pierced Jesus'side at calvary. But as with all that is SOL, the truth and complete meaning behind the name is much deeper than at first glance. Have you read the book "The spear of destiny"?How did you choose SOL as band's name,and what meanings and representations of the philosophies and ideology expressed through the band is the SOL symbolic of?

We have studied this tome which you mention and yes it was through this primarily that we were landed with the monicker ‘spear of longinus’. Perhaps religious is not a good term to use, as this really (to us anyhow) denotes a ‘lower’ level of spirituality, one more suited to the mass man. Our path is more solitary and dynamik! Also more eklektik than a religious dogmatism would allow for.
At this point we would like to point out that SOL is the morning star, that luciferian luminosity whose number is 666. The bringer of light, life, death, destruction, love and the new dawn ……

How much important is for you not to repress your"natural instincts"?

What are ‘natural instincts’? Some ‘instincts’ or ‘traits’ are programmed into us, and by whom? And some expressions of legitimate ‘natural instincts’ are corrupted anyhow, so would that make them an expression or repression? Or some other similar sinister malfunction eternally imposed? Control and power are very nasty little games played by most all human creatures to varying degrees of their ability/capacities. For instance the act of ‘thinking’ does not mean that one has thought. Are ‘natural instincts’ manifestations of the programmed mechanikill automaton? In short , if you are told something is a natural instinct, is it? And more so, please be a little more clear to what exactly you are referring.

It's not a secret that the works of SOL relate to National Socialism,its theories,ideologies and mystical purposes.Anyway you analise National Socialism in a very unique and original way, that I'd like you to share with our readers. For example you're not into racism,that seems on the contrary to be a necessary aspect of nowadays National Socialism followers. You see Nazism as a natural manifestation,a force that moves the universe, with secret and occult origins. Why are you so interested in these topics? Which are your main fonts of knowledge?How do you consider Hitler? Imagine for a moment that Germany won the second war world, how do you think it'll be the historical scenary after that event?
There is a parallel dimension where Hitler won the war, you should go there to see a few ramifications, but of course there is manifestation of every possible act already existing all you have to do is WILL it. Try it, go there. What you have to do to get objective information is to develop the faculties of intuition and the ability to trace back “travel” a thought to the point of objectivity, this may necessitate a form of time/space travel. Though it is primarily, internal. You are your own worst enemy. Ignorance is a product of fear and fear is the root of all discord and sickness in the world today. Weltschmerz = FEAR = ignorance. Ignorance is the enemy here, the death of ignorance is the objective of SOL. The great LIBERATION. And to do this we must rebel psychologically.

Your second strike was "Domni Satnasi", explain the meaning behind the title and the philosophical and ideological tenets that they're based upon.
Really we’ve gone into this as much as we can without a full manuscript or personal instruction in a previous interview which you can find on our website, if you can find our website as we’ve just been deemed offensive again, somehow. Again ignorance strikes, fear and pain. A filthy reflection of the state of the pitiful human wretch. DOMNI SATNASI is the ideal of being free from these inferior restrictions, the triumph of the will! It is the first step. It is the process. It is the result. Emancipation power freedom mastery.

At the time of "Nada brahma" you had to face problems with authorities, as they confiscated a fair amount of SOL works. What events led up to this,and what do you think about censorship in general? I think it's better to fight ideas with other ideas, and not to close with violence the mouths of people who have a different vision.
It seems that they eventually found nothing much wrong with that release after all. Not surprising as we deliberately started taming things down a bit then, for various reasons. Basically that was a case of ‘guilt’ by association of other ‘materials’ and the DOMNI SATNASI lp, according to the present political ‘authorities’ in Germany, though not limited to that geographical area, obviously, the plague is everywhere. Censors should be censored! Ha Ha. Ho Ho! Censor the censors …… I say! Yet another symptom of involuting humanity, the wise will see this and utilize the appropriate techniques to combat the situation. Some will be external, some internal. The balance with SOL is at present tilted towards the internal arts.

How can you describe, ideologically and philosophically, "Nada brahma"?

NADA BRAHMA is the intricate path of the roaring rune. The mind altering sigil. The pure path only just within reach of ‘man’. It is internal, though all around. We have also gone into this a little more tecknikly in the same past interview if you would like to look that up :

Is it true that you're not completely satisfied with your last release, "The yoga of National Socialism"?Anyway how this release is born? Can you analise it both lyrically and musically?Which are the focus and purpose of this album?

The yoga lp was an inept attempt at expanding on the processes of achieving the point of realization of nada brahma. It was to point out the virtues of the internal/soft approach. In doing this we found a great depth of sorrow that also had to be dealt with. To feel sorrow is to feel sorry is to be forgiven is to find a degree of freedom. Though it is very interesting to see from an insiders point of a view how all the different energies came together to dictate the end result. External and internal. As well as eternal. Very interesting. Especially in light of the events that have come to pass since then. Which is an important part of the work; observe,analyse and act. COMMAND.

Do you think there is a movie who could represent the spirit of SOL?Would you like to realise a soundtrack for a movie?How had to be this movie to fit a SOL soundtrack?

Funnily enough one does have urges to do soundtrax and such for the right films and there is always ideas/ambitions floating around in the backs of one’s mind to do at least a short film or two. But of course realizing said things requires quite a bit of work, especially when one has absolutely no background or idea how to pull it off, nevermind the tools or contacts etc. Finances …… hmm ….. I really like mood films where ‘nothing happens’. For example Clint Eastwood westerns. If we were to do a movie right now it would have elements of ‘ the 9th gate’, Kenneth Anger films, ‘the battle of the bulge’, ‘dead man’ not to mention the older goth hammerhouse stuff etc. etc. of course it would have much inspiring ‘scenes’ to reflect on, hopefully to touch & awaken one’s psyche/consciousness. One thing’s for sure, sometimes you can say more without words than with. Then after we’ve conned the support of the majors we would embark on our galactik/imperial NS space trilogy utilizing at least the infrastructure and financing that Peter Jackson would most likely have at his disposal at present. The technology spawned from this would most likely lead to physical spacetime travel ala ‘stargate’ anyhow! To infinity and beyond!

Which are the hopes for the future for you both as a musician and as man?

Do you think that a musician has to be a "special" person in some ways? How much is hard to translate your ideas and feelings into music?When you compose music for SOL do you prefer to be in a particular condition,for example all alone or something like that?

A wise man once said that all art is magik. I do admire and ‘feel’ many forms of art and musicianships etc for example Led Zeppelin, sometimes I think it would be great to be able to play all those tunes. But at the end of the day I think it is more important to have something ‘to’ express than to just blindly follow another’s lead (break). So then it would be a superior course of action to find what drove them and conduct one’s own EXPERIMENTS to KNOW then express appropriately. Obviously sometimes things come when alone or after absorbing certain energies for a certain period of time. Then also some are the result of a jam session and all the different energies there from other humans, places, situations and different vibrations given from different instruments at different times etc. It is exceedingly difficult to translate, this an endless quest in in in in in …… In more refined times the art was ‘religion’, at least the experience was anyhow, the shaman and his equivalents were at least on the way to being something greater. Crossing to Avalon the bard at the least bought back something of the superior format to encourage his bretheren/folk (not to mention to understand himself). A strange creature indeed is the musician/warrior/bard.

How do you relate with tecnology? I have visited your web site and it's really a good one. Also I have noticed you have a large amount of unreleased songs listed on the web site. Will you realise them all soon or later or they'll remain in the shadows?

I’m totally useless with teknology. You should see me with my bloody guitar even! ha ha what a joke. I can only visualise, if I actually try and use teknology things at best only come out backwards! Minister Kyle is to be thanked for the realisation of the website (which we are having trouble with ignorant servers about), we just told him what, he did the how. Hopefully those songs will be vindicated some day, though no promises as we just seem to keep writing more of the bastards. Some are truly ancient and are from the demon era even, it’s just a question of priorities, go back and do something we’ve done already? Or keep moving.

Can you describe a SOL live concert?Do you consider music the only important thing on stage or do you prefer to give to the audience also something on the visual side?Will you ever come to play live in Italy or is it something impossible?

When Camazotz plays, he plays for the one shining star 777. Him the one. The thing to consider here is, the more real or ‘true’ the musick is the ‘thicker’ yet more translucent it is too. So it should already bring much ‘other’ with it. Kind of like when you stare at a candle flame for long enough. At first it looks harsh and hard but then as you penetrate it, it becomes increasingly softer and more inviting, warm even. Then further still in, we find this joyous ‘entities’ elementals there. If one proceeds he would then find HIM. We’ve only played once in the last year to an outside audience. Hopefully one will experience this ‘thing’ that comes with us, this Avalon shadow eveloping us, drawing us. Most gigs are their own. The last one we played was laden with doom crust. That was the tattvic energy at that time, so that is what was there. At present we play in a really stripped back bare fashion, possibly even ‘hardcore’ if one wanted to be associated with that term. A rebellion against all this wanky black metal posturing of late (the land where stereotypes come to life!). Soon though I think the ‘times’ will change again and we will start doing an actual multimedia ‘show’. Mate we’d love to play Italy, there is a certain place in Mantua that I should like to visit whilst I were there, again.

Many thanks for your time and patience, any final message to our readers?

Thank you comerade for the time and space. Only death is real. Unfortunately you got me in a chatty phase, so not many hard facts for this little interview bloke. But still an enjoyable experience, hope you agree. Till we can meet for tea and meditation, take care.
Von sol doom crust. 14.