AoA is born from the ashes of Sacramentary Abolishment, for which reasons did you split the band? What can you remember of that period (1993/1998)? Can we consider AoA as a sort of new incarnation for Sacramentary Abolishment? Which reasons have pushed you to form AoA and which are the goals you'd like to obtain with AoA?
It was simply time to end Sacramentary Abolishment. There were several reasons, but we prefer not to live in the past. Axis, for us, is a natural continuation and an evolved incarnation of Sacramentary Abolishment, as we were responsible for the writing process in both bands. We look back on those years with satisfaction, as there were many great battles fought in the name of metal – many shows, and some brutal creations. Axis was formed so we could continue our apocalyptic terror metal in an elite fashion, and our goal is to continue to do music of this nature well into the future.

I have read a lot of reviews to "Strike" and in many of them AoA were compared to Order From Chaos. Do you think this comparison is right? Is Order From Chaos one of your favourite bands of all time and which are, if there are any, the similarities between the two bands?
Well, although Order From Chaos is indeed a cult and highly respected band to us, we fail to see the comparisons that have been placed on us. Perhaps some of the sounds we make are similar, and some influences are the same – but that is all. In our opinion, the two styles differ quite a bit.

Even though you're from Canada, both your full-length albums were published by European labels; "Strike" for Death To Mankind and "The List" for Osmose. Why this particular choice? Isn't it difficult to "control" the work of a label based so far away from you? After the first album there were rumors that you had signed for Barbarian Wrath, a totally cult label, instead you are now on Osmose, can you tell us why?

Control is not a problem. It is not as difficult to retain excellent contact as it was in the beginning. We have worked the best with European labels due to the fact that the extreme metal scene is so strong in Europe, and therefore the labels are much more focused and able to promote their bands. As for the Barbarian Wrath situation, both Hartmuth and Axis of Advance had decided that the priorities of each entity at that time did not match, and thus a friendly split ensued. After that, Axis of Advance shopped around to labels, and was pleased to accept the offer made by Osmose Productions.

The title of your latest album is "The List", and I'd like to know why you have chosen such a simple and direct album title. Will be there a "list" of enemies of AoA, and what do they have to fear from you?
“The List” is a demonstration of the destructive power of our capabilities. Though the band is not without enemies, this album is dedicated to our comrades and allies, and although the imagery foretells grimness and gloom, hope through remembrance and awareness keep them alert to the perils at hand. In the future, we will focus on our enemies and destroy them in time.

Which are the differences and the improvements between "Strike" and "The List", both from a lyrical and musical point of view? For the first album the process of creation was long and challenging, has it been so also for the new opus?

It is always challenging to create music of our caliber – but it is not without reward. The contrast between the two albums is hard to pinpoint. However, some differences are that the songs are shorter, a bit more direct and more concentrated. The production value of the new album is greater than ‘Strike’, due to a better budget and therefore more studio time. Lyrically, ‘The List’ is different direction than ‘Strike’, but the evil is still most prevalent. Musically, it is pure Axis, pure Hell. This is the only way.

It seems that war is an obsession for your band, so can you tell us what's so fascinating with it? Logically, you have never had a direct experience of war, so, which are your fonts of inspirations? Nowadays we have people saying that war means just death and destruction and on the other side people that consider war the only way to "clean" the planet, as only the strong will survive. What's the importance of war in your opinion?

Our obsession is with metal. We will never condone or accept its defeat. We will march on when others losefaith. It is our struggle and our duty and that is why lyrics come out the way they do. We’re more hostile than ever. Our music heightens existence to the next level of evolution. Every Battle brings us closer to apocalypse.

I really admire your lyrics, as they're really unique and atypical. What's useful to draw inspiration from? Are music and lyrics on the same level of importance for you? I know you'd like people to interpret your lyrics in different ways, but aren't you afraid someone can give total different meanings to what you originally wanted to say?

Thank you for the compliment. We consider lyrics to be very important, and tend to write about what we’re into and the like. The way they are interpreted by the individual listener interests us greatly. We are not afraid, but encouraged by their interpretation – keep it coming!!

What can you tell us about the cover of the new album? Is it important to have an image on the cover of the album that can represent immediately the spirit of the music?
The cover art for ‘The List’ will be sick, dirty and vile. Booklet art is integral to tie the concepts of the music together. When assaulting the aural depths of a listener, it is necessary to attack the visual senses simultaneously.

Can we consider J. Read as an official member of AoA? His drumming is really outstanding, a real point of force of the band. How much does he help you to obtain this powerful sound?
J. Read is technically a session member of Axis of Advance. Regardless of this fact, he will be solely responsible for the drums on Axis of Advance releases. The reason for his rank of session member is due to his busy schedule with his focal band, Revenge. We do not intend to recruit a different drummer, as his style and ability compliment Axis of Advance in the highest fashion.

How is the situation in Canada for a band like AoA? Do you get more feedback for your music from USA or Europe? I know you've played quite a lot live. Which are the best bands you've played with and which are those you'd like to share the stage with? How can you describe a perfect AoA gig to our readers? Do you think one day AoA will come to play in Italy?
The situation in Canada is fine for a band like ours. The main negative aspect of our country is its size. Touring Canada is challenging to say the least. There is just too much space between cities. Other than this, Alberta is ideal. We are left alone, and are free to make the music we desire. We get a lot of feedback from our Canadian and American comrades, but our best response is from the Europeans. As for shows, we will play with any band that is harsh and militant. We’ve played with many bands since our inception to the extreme music scene, and each have had merits. Since signing with Osmose, the likelihood of Axis of Advance ambushing Italy has increased greatly.

What kind of persons do you think or hope could appreciate your music? How would you like people to remember AoA when the band will cease to exist?
All jailbird, militant, warmongering, stone throwing, flame throwing, beer guzzling, metal freaks love Axis of Advance. They feel that they can relate to us, which is true. This band shall be remembered as non-compromising, arrogant genius.

The state of human existence is a fragile one. And the balance between man and his world is no different. We are a part of nature, as nature is a part of us... and it was once said 'Nature does not belong to us, we belong to nature.' What are your thoughts on the decay of this balance?

In 100 years, Canada will be a desert and the Mediterranean will be an ocean. Who cares? Kill it all; in 100,000 years, we’ll do it all over again anyway.

Your final words....
Thank you for the insightful interview and your support of the band. Cheers to the legions of metal. Hail the End.