n this section I shall describe briefly our game evenings, and the people (always one of us) that won and with which result.


In date 19 July we (I mean me and other two friends) played two different game. In the first one "escape from Atlantis" (picture of the game on the side) Daniele Won saving 11 men on 12, not bad I can say but he was helped by fortune. If you don't know this game and you want to know the rules you can click HERE.
In the second one "Hands down" a crazy card game using a device called "slam-o-matic"; I was the winner in the first match scoring ten points. But in the game after Daniele overwin me with 11 points (our best score for this game).

In the evening of 2 August we met in four and we chooseto make a first match with "Bla Bla" and then a game with the "Tension tower" oterwise called "Jenga". In the first match Licia has won battendo placing in the three strategical positions herr "blas" that she earned with her fast novels just invented.
At the "Tension tower" there is no winner but just one looser and in this case was Patrizia to make the drammatic step exactly after seven full rounds (in fact she had started the game), equals to the over-elevation of the tower of ten levels, not a record but a good result considering that the tower was at that time just on one bricket!
Pagine Claudio