T.C. Roma Büyükelçiliği

Ambasciata    di Turchia -

-    Turkish Embassy



Some of the Important Reforms Introduced Under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

  • Sultanat was abolished in 1922.
  • With the proclomation of the Republic on the 29th October, 1923, Caliphat was abolished. This gave the pave to the disbandment of other theocratic institutions on which Caliphat was founded.
  • In place of the traditional head garment, the fez, introduced  under the rule of Sultan Mahmut II, the Western style of hat was introduced together with an overall revolution in dress (1925).
  • The international calendar and time were adopted (1925).
  • Within a series of legal reforms Swiss civil law was adapted to the conditions and needs of the country (1926).  The Civil Code, Penal Statute Book and the Trade Law Book were introduced.
  • The Latin alphabet was adopted (1928).
  • The legal position of women and their place in society in the new republic was greatly improved (for example the active and passive voting right at national  and local elections before many European Countries.) 



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