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News of June 2004



He's been battling depression for ages but things seem to be getting even worse for Robbie Williams.He is now so terrified of being alone that he insists on having a minder sleep at the bottom of his bed every night. It may sound strange for a man of 30 years, but a worried friend tells us: "Rob just can't seem to stop feeling so down.
"He won't sleep in a room unless there is security there, so some poor chap has to kip on the sofa at the end of his bed."
In fact we're told the only time his bedroom minders get a night off is when Robbie brings back, ahem, lady friends. The source went on: "Robbie needs constant company. He is surrounded by people who care about him but even they are struggling to pull him out of this depression. "On the surface he's got it made. He wants for nothing. But no one's ever seen him so unhappy. "In the past he relied on his best friend Jonathan Wilkes but now he's married Rob feels more isolated." Multi-millionaire Robbie returned to Los Angeles last month after finding life in Britain unbearable. He came back to the UK in February after 18 months to gear up for the release of a Greatest Hits album. But Robbie, who has battled drink and drugs in the past, was so anxious to return that he even left his pet dogs in quarantine. Pals say they now fear he will go back on the booze.
In his sprawling Hollywood mansion Robbie is working on songs for his sixth album, due for release early next year. He has admitted to insomnia in the past, saying, "I can't get to sleep nowadays until five in the morning. It used to be much easier with alcohol." Our source continues: "Deep down he is unhappy and insecure. "Everyone wants him to pull through. It can't go on like this for much longer." We sincerely hope it doesn't.



British pop star Robbie Williams' quest to find success in Hollywood has been dealt a timely boost - from his ex Take That bandmate Mark Owen.
Owen is convinced Williams - who is making his big screen debut in upcoming Cole Porter biopic De-lovely - will be able to transfer his vibrant personality to the movie studio with ease. He says, "I think Robbie'll be great at acting - he's so talented.
"He's got the personality to be able to do that. I saw him when I was in LA recording my latest single, Makin' Out."



A State-of-the-art performing arts suite at a Stoke-on-Trent high school which is named after its most famous pupil has been officially opened. The Robert "Robbie" Williams Performing Arts Suite was opened last night at St Margaret Ward Catholic School And Arts College in Tunstall by former headteacher, Conrad Bannon, in the presence of the pop star's mum Jan Williams and sister Sally.
Robbie had made the £1 million building possible by donating £50,000 from his personal fortune to allow the school to gain specialist status as a performing arts college.
Then the school, backed by Stoke-on-Trent North MP Joan Walley, put in bids to the Department of Education to get the funds for the vision to become a reality. The suite boasts a drama and dance studio, a second studio, control room, an old and new gym, showers and changing rooms, offices, store rooms, a garden and courtyard.
Robbie's former deputy headteacher Frank Jevons, who is head of the Arts College, told how the once distant dream was made possible by Robbie's generosity. "He was a super boy and it was great of him to stump up the cash. I remember him as someone who had a lot of flair and was made for the stage. He has been back a couple of times to see us and always comes unexpected. Hopefully, he can come again in the next few months."
Headteacher Chris Smith said the building was a "fantastic facility for the pupils" which would allow them to perform at a higher level. He paid particular praise to Robbie for his sponsorship, Mrs Williams for her ongoing support for the school, his predecessor Mr Bannon for having the vision for the centre, and to Ms Walley for her "influence in helping the bid become successful". Mrs Williams said the project took off after she had been talking to Mr Bannon and he said the school was trying to raise £50,000 to allow it to gain specialist status as a performing arts centre.
She said: "I spoke to Robert and he decided to donate the cash. Robert is very proud of his school and is always asking after it. He wants to know how everybody is, especially his old teachers and he keeps in touch with some of his old friends and Mr Bannon. He is hoping to visit the school soon. He wanted this building so it can be used by the children of the city."
Former headteacher Mr Bannon said: "Robert could have ignored the school. It is tremendous what he has done. The difficult bit is getting the £50,000 but Robert came in with a magnificent gesture and we are eternally grateful."



Former Take That singer Robbie Williams has had no luck breaking into the fickle American pop scene but he might be poised on the brink of a Hollywood movie career instead.
He has blown away famed movie producer Irwin Winkler with his performance in the eagerly awaited biopic De-Lovely.
The 30-year-old Brit starred alongside Hollywood beauty Ashley Judd and veteran actor Kevin Kline and impressed the Oscar-winning producer so much he is now determined to turn Williams into a movie star.
Winkler excitedly explains: "He was so successful in this movie that when we do the TV slots to promote the film, we're using scenes of him singing De-Lovely. He's really great. I picked him up for the film because I had seen a TV special and knew he could do it."
The Shipping News producer wasn't happy about the 'Millennium' singer's tattoos but was delighted by Robbie's sharp appearance in a tuxedo and is now planning to give him the starring role in a big-screen musical he's got on the books.


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