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News of August 2005


Robbie Williams is set to make his comeback in October. His new album, Intensive Care, will be released on October 24th - with a single, Tripping, preceding it on October 3rd.
Robbie's described the single as sounding "like a mini-gangster opera." The singer, who's 31, will launch the album with a gig on the same day - but it won't be in Britain. Loyal fans will have to hotfoot it over to the Berlin Velodrom to see Robbie in action.
The gig will be filmed for a cinema broadcast across Europe. Tickets for the gig go on sale on September 5th and on September 9th for the cinecast. Robbie's fifth album - not counting 2003's Live at Knebworth - comes after the former Take That star thrilled crowds at July's Live 8 concert in London's Hyde Park.
He also took time to chat up BBC presenter Fearne Cotton, too...



Robbie Williams has revealed the release date of his new album. Intensive Care will be released on October 24.
A new single Tripping will be released on October 3 reports
The album will be launched at a gig at the Berlin Velodrom on October 9, which will be filmed for broadcast at a later date in the UK.



Ex-Take That star Howard Donald finds it so difficult to get in touch with his former bandmate Robbie Williams, the pair haven't spoken in years. Donald still keeps in contact with the other members of the British boyband - Gary Barlow, Jason Orange and Mark Owen - but has so far not been granted access to Williams by his management. Donald says, "I've not seen Robbie and I don't see him when I visit the rest of the guys. "Whenever I go up north (England) I try and see Gary, Jason and Mark. All of us have been in London and there's no reason why I've not spoken to him - we have no animosity. "I'd like to soon, but the problem is getting us together. We all have our own lives and careers and meeting up involves loads of managers. It's not like you can just pick up the phone."



A waxwork of Prince William has gone on show at Madame Tussauds. The first model of the 23-year-old is expected to pop singer Robbie Williams in the popularity stakes with women visitors.
Modellers used photographs as inspiration for the waxwork, as second in line to the throne William was unable to sit personally. A grinning William is dressed in a black lounge suit, blue shirt and red tie, and has his hands in his pockets. He joins his father, the Prince of Wales, and grandmother, the Queen, in the attraction's World Stage area. The 6ft 3in waxwork took three months to make after permission was granted from Buckingham Palace. Although Prince William is known to have developed a bald patch, his model has a healthy head of hair. A Tussauds spokeswoman admitted: "We may have to review that in a few years."



Pop superstar Robbie Williams has been targetted by the BBC to fill the role of Robin Hood in an upcoming UK TV series based on the mythical outlaw.
The Millenium singer has always turned down television acting roles in the past, but BBC bosses are hoping the lure of playing the heroic bowman will prove too much for Williams.
The BBC's Jane Tranter, who is hoping to reinvent Robin Hood in a similar manner to sci-fi hero Doctor Who, says, "Robbie Williams would be great - we have asked him for a few projects before and he has the kind of swagger we're looking for. We may have to ditch the tights though."



Top of the Pops presenter Fearne Cotton has admitted she fancies Robbie Williams - and will date him the next time he asks.Cheeky Robbie astounded millions of Live 8 viewers when he wooed Fearn live backstage at the concert in July.The pop star told the beauty as she interviewed him: "You're single, I'm single, I live in LA, I've got dogs, come and live with me in LA, let's get it on!"
Newly-single Fearne, 23, stayed cool as gorgeous Robbie chatted her up, but now confesses: "I went bright red when I met him. I really fancy him." She gushed to Heat magazine: "Robbie's got lovely, oceany eyes. He smells delicious. A touch babyfied with that nice, fresh smell of just-washed clothes. "He's a really sweet guy, he's really funny and has a brilliant sense of humour," she continued. "He always says 'hi' to the crew and is polite to everyone. He's just a real charmer. He could charm anyone.
"It's quite impossible not to fancy him. His whole aura and charisma... He's such an attractive person in that way. I've always cheekily fancied him."
She added: "After Live 8, Jonathan Ross said, 'It's a day about Making Poverty History and Getting Robbie Laid!'"
Fearne, who is currently filming a new series for BBC1 in the US, is staying near Robbie's house in Los Angeles. "He told me to give him a ring next time I was out there and go round for coffee. "I haven't got his number - he said he'd give it to me later but I didn't bump into him. "If I'm out in LA, I'll maybe go over to his house."


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