Chess-items from Italy of 1975

Barga (LU) april 1st - 13th 1975  "International chess Festival *IL CIOCCO*"

special meter slogan postmark used on april

LU75ann.jpg (36378 byte)

Gaeta april 1975 "philatelic chess items exibition"

a special cancel was used on april 25th with a special card and a special cover

LT75sk.jpg (32785 byte)

LT75sb.jpg (35646 byte)

there are some cancel with a wrong position of the date

LT75aner.jpg (26474 byte)  

Milano september 1975  "International chess Tournament"

special cancel used on september 5th and special card and official cover

MI750905.jpg (31490 byte) MI75sk.jpg (30179 byte)

MI75ann.jpg (39157 byte)

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