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SERVICE: IRS seeks volunteers to assist tax filers Courier-Post
The Internal Revenue Service needs volunteers to help prepare tax returns for older taxpayers, people with disabilities, non-English speaking individuals and other people who cannot afford professional assistance.
Recent Additions Propel i4Market to Total Full Service Online Strategy Company PR Web
i4Market's recent additions have advanced the company to become a complete full service e-solution provider, offering creative web design, customized research and the development of detailed marketing solutions, as well as IDX/MLS and professional hosting solutions. (PRWeb Nov 28, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL: http://www.prweb.com/chachingpr.php/U3VtbS1JbnNlLVRoaXItSGFsZi1NYWduLVplcm8=
DEVONthink Professional Office beta MacNN
DEVONtechnologies has released DEVONthink Professional Office as a public beta, adding email archiving, paper capture, and web sharing to "the only" document manager for the Mac that is based on artificial intelligence. The advanced email archiver connects to all major email programs and imports messages or complete mailboxes to a database while ke
Bombardier Recruits MRO Veteran to Direct Its Fort Lauderdale Service Center Aircraft Maintenance Technology
Bombardier today announced the appointment of Joe Rivera as director of its Fort Lauderdale Service Center. He assumed his new role in early November.
DepEd sets 'professional' dress code INQ7.net
THE Department of Education (DepEd) has imposed what Secretary Jesli Lapus describes as a "professional" dress code for its officials and employees that prohibits, among others, ostentatious displays of jewelry, too much makeup and revealing clothes.
Harris Corporation Introduces NetBoss XTTM Resource Management Solution Tailored for Today's Service-Oriented Networks SYS-CON Media
Harris Corporation , a leading global provider of turnkey network management systems, today introduced NetBoss XT(TM), a new resource management solution rich in the critical features vital to managing today's service-oriented networks. Flexible and based on the Common Information Model (CIM), an open industry standard, NetBoss XT(TM) is the ideal resource management solution for a broad range of
Frontier Airlines and Bradley International Airport to Launch Only Non-Stop Service Between Hartford and Denver FinanzNachrichten
DENVER, Nov. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Frontier Airlines ( Nachrichten ) today announced it will launch daily non-stop service between its Denver International Airport (DEN) hub and Bradley International Airport (BDL) in Hartford, Conn. beginning March 2, 2007. Passengers aboard the flight between Denver and Hartford, New England's Rising Star, will enjoy the comfort and convenience of
New McDATAR Mainframe Service Offerings Simplify Infrastructure Deployment and Management Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
BROOMFIELD, Colo.----McDATA® Corporation , a leading provider of data access solutions, announced today four new professional services offerings that help customers justify, plan, deploy and optimize their mainframe environment, simplifying life for mainframe administrators.
Zacks.com Announces That Jim Collins Highlights the Following Stocks: Ness Technologies, Matrix Service Co. and Akamai Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
CHICAGO----Jim Collins, editor of the OTC Insight newsletter, explains that the end of 2006 should be positive for investors. Read his commentary and discover Ness Technologies Inc. , Matrix Service Co. and Akamai Technologies .
Frontier Airlines and Bradley International Airport to Launch Only Non-Stop Service Between Hartford and Denver PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Frontier Airlines today announced it will launch daily non-stop service between its Denver International Airport hub and Bradley International Airport in Hartford, Conn. beginning March 2, 2007.

Society for Marketing Professional Services |
Offers education, information, and resources in marketing professional services for the built and natural environment. Includes membership information, news
visuddhi webworker - if it is to be, it is up to me: Santa
Canon Professional Service. Canon Professional Service. Canon Professional Service. Progetto di sito informativo e di supporto all'utenza professionale
Visuddhi, realizzazione siti web - Santa Marinella - Roma
Canon Professional Service. Di Visuddhi (del 09/09/2004 @ 02:05:01, in Portfolio Web, linkato 391 volte). Progetto di sito informativo e di supporto
Professional services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Professional services are infrequent, technical, or unique functions performed by independent contractors or consultant whose occupation is the rendering of
Vocollect | Implementazione Professional Service
Implementazione Professional Service. Le componenti software e hardware sono il cuore della soluzione Voice-Directed Distributionâ„¢, ma per ottenere un
Find a Product or Service. » Hardware A-Z Index. » Services A-Z Index. » Software A-Z Index. Are you looking for » Training and Certification
Amazon.com: The Professional Service Firm50 (Reinventing Work
Amazon.com: The Professional Service Firm50 (Reinventing Work): Fifty Ways to Transform Your "Department" into a Professional Service Firm Whose Trademarks
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