Cnipa e Sap insieme per innovare le Pa
Il Sole 24 Ore - Il Centro nazionale per l'informatica nella Pubblica amministrazione (Cnipa) e Sap Italia hanno firmato il 12 aprile un accordo quadro di durata triennale nel settore delle tecnologie per l ...
Aton, acquisizioni e ambizioni europee
Computerworld Italia - (p.l.) L'offerta nazionale di servizi e di software comincia fortunatamente a popolarsi di realtà attive su nuovi fronti tecnologici e applicativi. A volte ci si imbatte anche in veri e propri casi ...
CA si preoccupa del job-scheduling distribuito
Computerworld Italia - Tipicamente il cosiddetto software di job-scheduling si occupa anche di tracciare le prestazioni e il completamento dei job previsti e invia alert quando un rallentamento nell'elaborazione batch ...
Oracle: ancora investimenti sui mercati verticali
Computerworld Italia - Questa volta si tratta di Portal Software focalizzata sulla gestione del billing per il settore delle comunicazioni e dei media. L'operazione vale 220 milioni di dollari Oracle intende compiere un ...
Euphon ; ok assemblea bilancio 2005 
Milano Finanza - Speedy Shop 2.0 è la soluzione completa e professionale per il tuo business online. Dominio, hosting e installazione a sole EUR99,00 più IVA annue.    Link sponsorizzato Con ...
Borsa: i 10 titoli migliori della seduta 
Milano Finanza - Speedy Shop 2.0 è la soluzione completa e professionale per il tuo business online. Dominio, hosting e installazione a sole EUR99,00 più IVA annue.    Link sponsorizzato Con ...
Italia Oggi - Speedy Shop 2.0 è la soluzione completa e professionale per il tuo business online. Dominio, hosting e installazione a sole EUR99,00 più IVA annue.    Link sponsorizzato Con ...
Assiom: prevale ancora ottimismo sui mercati azionari 
Italia Oggi - Speedy Shop 2.0 è la soluzione completa e professionale per il tuo business online. Dominio, hosting e installazione a sole EUR99,00 più IVA annue.    Link sponsorizzato Con ...
Usa: scorte petrolio al 7/4 salgono a 346 mln/barili -2- 
Italia Oggi - Speedy Shop 2.0 è la soluzione completa e professionale per il tuo business online. Dominio, hosting e installazione a sole EUR99,00 più IVA annue.    Link sponsorizzato Con ...
Indymedia Italia - Nell'ultimo numero di MicroMega abbiamo iniziato la nostra inchiesta sull'affidamento delle elezioni ai privati, un'operazione la cui scarsa trasparenza si è nei giorni scorsi conquistata l ...
Software suits small and midsize business applications. (ThomasNet)
BIO(TM) for Microsoft Dynamics(TM) SL offers operational ytics application, and delivers personalized, role-based business performance scorecards. It offers 60 perspectives for yzing business data across 14 common organizational roles. Software enables users to view ytical reports from tools they are using including Microsoft Excel®, Microsoft Office SharePoint® Services, and ...
Software links RFID hardware to business process (Food Production Daily)
oggi - New software aims to integrate radio frequency identition (RFID) systems into a plant's current business processes. RFID has long been touted as the future of logistics for all companies by allowing retailers and suppliers to track goods throughout the supply chain....
BPM Convergence The coming convergence in Business Performance Management software (line56)
Three letter acronyms have long been the hallmark of the software marketing wars, as providers looked to establish a beachhead by first defining a new critical business or technical arena, then proudly asserting their preeminence in that field....
AnyDoc Software Selects Seasoned OCR Pro Charlie Montague As Mid-Atlantic Business Development Manager (EnterpriseContentManagementConnection-ECM)
AnyDoc Software, a leading provider of automated document and data capture solutions, announced today that Charlie Montague has joined the company as its newest business development manager, serving the Mid-Atlantic U.S. region....
Apple gets down to business with new software (Portsmouth Herald)
PORTSMOUTH - Apple Computers' recent release of its boot camp software utility, giving Mac users the option to run Windows, has created a lot of hoopla among the geek and business communities alike....
Rogue Wave Software Hosts Wall Street Business Leaders to Discuss SOA Development Challenges in Critical, (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
------Rogue Wave Software : Who: Rogue Wave Software, a leading provider of reusable software components and services that facilitate enterprise-class application development, invites business leaders seeking to overcome high-performance application development challenges in SOA environments....
BEA pitches to the business crowd (ZDNet)
Facing larger competitors and open-source alternatives, BEA is pitching new software to assemble, rather than code, business applications....
Software manages complex XML formats. (ThomasNet)
Featuring Eclipse Ready(TM) XA-Designer, XA-Suite v4 provides the application framework to put XML view on existing business data. It includes support for ACORD's ID and IDREF attributes and provides copybook BizComponent, SAP BizComponent, and many wizard-driven processes. Software helps optimize Business Services XCelerators, which are pre-packaged solutions for common industry integration for ...
Angel Investor Frank Gozzo Buys Out Partners in Software Firm Noverant (Local Tech Wire)
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK - Frank Gozzo, an active angel investor in the Triangle, has bought out his partners in software firm Noverant. "This is a major investment," Gozzo told WRAL Local Tech Wire. "I would not be doing it unless this made good business sense."...
Microsoft Software for Sale, Slightly Used (Slashdot)
Alsee writes "The Register reports that recent UK business has been having booming growth reselling pre-owned Microsoft software licenses 20-50% below retail, after spotting the opportunity in Microsoft's licensing terms and Britain's insolvency laws for insolvent and downsizing businesses. Sorry, no discount personal OS resales, corporate bulk resales only." ...

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