Microsoft: un'acquisizione per la Business Intelligence
Computerworld Italia - Microsoft ha annunciato di essersi accordata per l'acquisizione di ProClarity come strada per continuare a sviluppare il suo portafoglio software per la Business Intelligence. I termini dell ...
Outsourcing dei call center: una nicchia in continua espansione
Computerworld Italia - I call center gestiti in outsourcing tra qualche anno raggiungeranno, come numero, quelli gestiti internamente dalle aziende italiane. CMMC, l'associazione dei customer management multimedia call ...
Le licenze di 'seconda mano' aprono un nuovo business
Computerworld Italia - L'idea è semplice e sembra funzionare: vendere licenze software Microsoft di seconda mano con un modello di business che viene visto dai suoi fautori come complementare a quello dei rivenditori ...
Assunzioni e selezioni. Dove trovare un nuovo impiego
Kataweb - Le nuove offerte di lavoro delle aziende per laureati e diplomati. Selezioni per funzionari commerciali, laureati in economia e ingegneria, capi reparto, call center manager e direttori di filiale. E ...
Estremamente frammentata e prevalentemente nazionale, l'offerta è ...
Computerworld Italia - I call center gestiti in outsourcing tra qualche anno raggiungeranno, come numero, quelli gestiti internamente dalle aziende italiane. CMMC, l'associazione dei customer management multimedia call ...
Microsoft, ProClarity e business intelligence
HTML.It - Microsoft fa propria la piccola ed arrembante ProClarity, azienda dell'Idaho già Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. L'obiettivo è quello di creare una piattaforma di isi delle informazioni ...
Destinazione lavoro. Un nuovo impiego dalla finanza al marketing
Kataweb - Le nuove offerte di lavoro delle aziende per laureati e diplomati. Selezioni per capi progetto software e ingegneri di sistema, key account, intervistatori, responsabili R&D, direttori e vice ...
PMI la tua home
MSN Italy - -- Guida al sito -- Tecnologia e impresa Reti per l'ufficio Gestione clienti Innovazione finanziamenti Sicurezza e privacy Lavorare muovendosi Strategie di marketing Aula PMI ...
Più controlli sulle agevolazioni 488
MSN Italy - -- Guida al sito -- Tecnologia e impresa Reti per l'ufficio Gestione clienti Innovazione finanziamenti Sicurezza e privacy Lavorare muovendosi Strategie di marketing Aula PMI ...
Versamento della ritenuta su proventi derivanti da O.I.C.R. effettuate ...
MSN Italy - -- Guida al sito -- Tecnologia e impresa Reti per l'ufficio Gestione clienti Innovazione finanziamenti Sicurezza e privacy Lavorare muovendosi Strategie di marketing Aula PMI ...
Former Savannah Businessman Opens Local Office for His New Business (RedNova)
By Eric Curl, Savannah Morning News, Ga. Apr. 12--After a few years' absence, former Savannah entrepreneur Bill Pittman is doing business in the city again. Pittman recently opened a Savannah office for his Redmond, Wash.-based company, TPI Software LLC, which he founded in 2001....
Healthcare Management Software provides e-prescribing. (ThomasNet)
Freedom Chart Manager(TM) v5.1 allows users to choose medications from list of over 100,000 drug products, as well as receive quarterly drug list updates. It provides FaxBack interface/agreement which allows for 1 click prescription faxing and faxing of chart information. Maintaining patient privacy, software offers user log-in passwords that can be controlled by Windows® Server Active Directory. ...
Software provides integrated office functionality. (ThomasNet)
Designed to work with Microsoft Windows, Office, and Exchange, SUSE® Linux Enterprise Desktop supports standard network and printing protocols and integrates in Active Directory environments. It delivers 2.0, which includes spreadsheet program, business presentations tool, and word processor. With integrated file and content searching, software allows immediate access to documents, ...
The Free Software Alternative in a Gnutshell (
If I were to duplicate my office computing environment at home, it would cost me a small fortune. Instead, I have the equivalent functionality at no cost beyond the computer itself. I use the free Linux operating system. Fortunately, you do not need to use Linux to take advantage of the most important free software....
Wine: a great office antidote (The Davis Enterprise)
Published Feb 10, 2006 - 15:45:39 CST. Few Americans have escaped the purgatory known as "the office." Year in and year out, we flock to our cubicles: modular isolation booths in muted colors, designed to deaden sound and focus attention on the business at hand....
Software Firm Facing Cash Crunch (RedNova)
By Peter Healy, The Stamford Advocate, Conn. Apr. 14--Stamford-based Enigma Software Group Inc., the maker of SpyHunter anti-spyware software, said this week that it might run out of cash this year unless it finds new sources of financing and revenue....
Software as a Service: The Next Big Thing (CRM Daily)
The arrival of the big enterprise-software guns and increasing desperation on the part of companies to minimize maintenance hassles suggest that SaaS is on the verge of massive adoption....
Webcast: Symantec Brings Disk-based Data Protection and Advanced System Recovery Together (IT Management)
One of the biggest challenges facing small businesses today, especially as they start growing larger, is how to integrate and automate key business management systems and software - customer relationship management (CRM), financials, e-mail, contacts and calendaring etc. The idea is for everything to work together efficiently and not end up creating extra work or new problems....
First Look: WordPerfect Office Offers More for Less (PC World)
Version X3 of the venerable suite gives Office users reasons to switch....
webMethods Re-Elected to the WS-I Board of Directors for Third Consecutive Term (SYS-CON Media)
webMethods, Inc. , a leading business integration and optimization software company, today announced that the company has been re-elected for a third consecutive term to the Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) Organization Board of Directors. WS- I is an open coalition of industry groups and end-user organizations that is chartered with advancing Web services interoperability across ...

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