Il Tour del 1980.







07.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Cynthia Fox prima dell'inizio dello show, introduce la serata:

"Hoo-yah, hoo-yah! Good evening Los Angeles! My name is Cynthia Fox from KNBJ. Welcome to the Sports Arena! Good damn rock'n'roll back here isn't it? So I wanna know, are you're feeling good tonight? Are you starved for rock'n'roll? Listen, are the drugs happening or what? Guess, we're all gonna make a lot of money off you guys, huh? Listen, I just want to take a minute to tell you, that upcoming KNBJ ... won't listeners the show ... but wait a minute, I forgot ... the band..".


Durante 'Empty Spaces', Waters grida:

"Hold it! ... Whoa! ... Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop! ... STOP! ... STOP! STOP! ... STOP! ... Stop the film! ...".

"I, we've ugh. We've decided that the best thing would be to put this fire that we have up here out. Let's fall back to the beginning of that bit then and we will carry on when every thing is under control. Sorry, but that is the best we can do ... so just be patient. If we can have the house lights that would be good". ..."One... two. Wasn't that exciting?"


E una voce di un ragazzo tra il pubblico:

"Yeah, right!"


Ancora Waters:

"Okay, well as soon as we can cut the house lights we will go back to the bit in the story where the moon went out and the clouds were going across the moon..." ... "We'll go back to the bit in the story where the moon was out and the clouds were going across the moon. ...You remember the bit where there was a moon with clouds going across it!? YOU REMEMBER that bit don't [we/you] REMEMBER THE MOON AND THE CLOUDS [si sentono poi dei colpi soffocati di tosse] Yeah, that's the bit! Okay! Thank you very much for waiting ...".

(dai vari nastri sembra che qui ci sia stata una specie di discussione sulle varie parti del film, per trovare il pezzo del fiore, e Roger cerca di divertire il pubblico, oppure Roger non vuole descrivere il pezzo del fiore!)


Ancora Waters prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you! Get down rave (?) I'd like to introduce a young lad from the feds.".


Cynthia Fox prima di 'In The Flesh':

"Hoo-yah, hoo-yah! My name is Cynthia Fox. Good evening to you, good evening Los Angeles. Welcome to the Sports Arena this evening. I hope, you're ready for a great rock'n'roll show. And are you ready? Good! If you're ready - I'm ready. The band is, however, not quite ready, we're running a little late. So, they've sent me out here to, well, how'd you say?, stall for a while and want me to entertain you a bit. Yeah! How can I entertain you? Listen, I know, I know, if I don't! You're great, great! So how about a bigger hoo-yah from everyone can I hear one? That wasn't loud enough, that's really ... they're not gonna come out and ... play as loud as you do! How about a louder hoo-yah? Alright, alright! So listen I understand, rumour has it, there are a lot of crazies here from Simi Valley, is that true? Alright! Maybe they're not here, I mean, I can't hear 'em. I hear, that they're in a real mood, people ... video too (?) Is that true? I know how, how rude and cruel LA can get. So I can tell you a little bit about what's happening backstage, ah, you see, I was here, I was ready, but the band was nowhere to be found. The manager comes up to me and said: Cynthia, can you do me a big favour? I said, I said: Well! I wanna walk on my back so flat. And he said: No, no, no no! Not that kind of favour! What I want you to do is: Go out and just talk to the folks for a while. And I said: OK! But how long? And he told me, the band is running late, they're just not quite ready, they, they've had a busy day in the hotel room, giving interviews, entertaining groupies and signing autographs and entertaining groupies! You know, there're kind of worn out. And well ... talk to you for a while. I think, they're about ready! I'm not sure! How about another hoo-yah ...".


Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Good evening. Do you like our pig? This next song is a little song for all the paranoids in the audience. I'm sure there's a lot of you out there; it's called Run Like Hell. Piggy - go!".


Nella canzone 'The Trial', non ci sono le parole 'call the wife'.


Waters alla fine dello show:

"Thank you very much. Thank you. [...] Thanks a lot. Thank you. K'you.





08.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Dalla presentazione di Jimm Ladd prima dell'inizio dello show:

"...ask you [...] this concert tonight...".


Durante la canzone 'Another Brick in the Wall pt. 2' ci furono dei problemi tecnici: non partì la base registrata con il coro dei bambini e la band fu costretta a cantare il verso da loro.

Waters prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you ... this is called Young Lust!".


Sempre Waters dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World', che segnava la fine della prima parte dello show:

"... we'll be back for the second half of the show".


Durante 'Hey You', Gilmour cantò tutti e due i versi della canzone di 'Hey You', al contrario di come di solito facevano, e cioè al posto di Roger che doveva cantare il secondo verso.

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank you. This next song is a song for all the paranoids in the audience. I expect there's a few of you out there; it's called Run Like Hell. Piggy home! Do you like our pig? Do you like our pig? This is it ... ugh ... ooh!".


Nella canzone 'The Trial', non ci sono le parole 'call the wife'. , non ci sono le parole 'call the wife'.





09.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Prima dello show, da parte di Cynthia Fox:
"...and welcome to the Sports Arena. Good damn rock'n'roll back here isn't it? So I wanna know, are you're feeling good tonight? Are you starved for rock'n'roll? Listen, are the drugs happening or what? Guess, we're all gonna make a lot of money off you guys, huh? Listen, I just want to take a minute to tell you of an upcoming KNBJ [...]".

Roger Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you".

Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Do you like our pig? Go home pig. Go on, off you go. This next tune is ... one for all the paranoids in the audience; I'm sure there's a few out there. It's called Run Like Hell".


Waters alla fine dello show:
"...Thank you. Thank you. Good night..."





10.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Prima dello show, Jim Ladd presenta la serata:
"[...] show. I wanna welcome you to a very, very special performance. What you're gonna see here tonight ...[...] and in New York, Now I wanna say one thing, there's going to be an incredible amount of rock'n'roll tonight, allright...".

Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you! Good evening. This is called 'Young Lust'".

Dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World', da parte del presentatore:
"There will be an intermission that the group will return for the second half of the show".

Jim Ladd di nuovo prima di 'In The Flesh': 
"Good evening everyone. Welcome to the Los Angeles Sports Arena. My name is Jim Ladd and I want to welcome you here, KNBJ. Are you having a good time so far? Now I tell you, the next band who is supposed to come on promised that they're gonna have some kind of special effects tonight so hopefully that will happen. Now I don't know if you remember but last time this band was here we had some trouble in the LA Sports Arena. Do you remember that? Allright, but this time, this time the cops have been alot cooler. I was searched on the way in, but they've been alot cooler. So I'm gonna do something a little different tonight but first I'd like to have a round of applause, a small one, for the LAPD for being nicer this time than the last one. Ah...".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"Thank you. Do you like my swine? He doesn't like you very much. This next tune is for all the paranoids in the audience; I expect there's is quite a few. It's called Run Like Hell ... Swine home, go, ooh, disco ... um ... um.".

Waters alla fine dello show:
"Thank you. Thank you. Good night".





11.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Do you like our pig? His name's Pork Chops. This is a song for Pork Chops and for all the paranoids in the audience, you know who you are. That's right Pork Chops, you better Run Like Hell".

(*) Secondo la fanzine "Echoes", il testo di questa giornata era diverso e fu inserito nell'album "Is There Anybody Out There?". Era: "...Thank you. Are there any paranoids in the audience tonight? Is there anybody who worries about things? Pathetic. This is for all the weak people in the audience. Is there anyone here who's weak? This is for you. It's call 'Run Like Hell'. Let's all have a clap! Come on, I can't hear you! Put your hands together! Have a good time! Enjoy yourselves! That's better!". Dalla ricerca di Ingo Brode e Hans-Juergen Mueller sappiamo però che nell'album sono stati missati insieme pezzi di brani provenienti da concerti diversi; non fanno eccezione, per cui, alcune delle frasi di Waters, abilmente unite tra di loro.




12.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Cynthia Fox prima dello show:
"...Hoo-yah, hoo-yah! Hoo-yah, hoo-yah! My name is Cynthia Fox. Good evening to you. And welcome to the Sports Arena. It's really nice rock'n'roll back here isn't it? [...] Are you all ready to rock'n'roll tonight? [...] I just wanna take a moment to tell you of an upcoming KNBJ [...]".

Roger Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you. Why are you ready for Gilmour? Here he is".

Presentatore dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World':
"There will now be a 20 minute intermission then the group will return for the second half of the show".

Cynthia Fox prima di 'In The Flesh':
"...Hoo-yah, hoo-yah! [...]".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"Thank you. Does anybody here like my pig? He'll be glad about that because he's not a very secure pig. A pig that's not secure. This next song is for the piggy who's not very secure, and for all his fellow paranoids in the audience tonight, it's called Run Like Hell".





13.02.1980 Los Angeles, The Sports Arena


Cynthia Fox prima di 'In The Flesh':
"...I continue, I would just take a moment to remind you that there are petitions being circulated for the California Marihuna initiative. Ah, this initiative would make it legal to posess [...] marihuana in the state".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"Thank you. You like our pig? He's not a very good pig, but he's a BIG pig. We're gonna play a tune for you now that I'd like to dedicate to all the paranoids in the audience, of which I'm sure there are many. Let's hear it for all the paranoids ... called Run Like Fuck. ...Home piggy home!".

Roger Waters poco prima della fine del concerto:
"Thank you, could we have a hand for the people who built all this stuff, 'cos we're leaving tonight and they did a fantastic ... thank you very much, good night".






24.02.1980 New York, Nassau Coliseum


Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"...Thank you. Are you ready to dig now? Are you ready for some rock'n'roll? ...Here it is".

Il presentatore dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World':
"...then the band will return for the second half of the concert. Thank you...".

Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the Nassau Coliseum. My name is Gary Yudman and we're going to have a fine show this evening. We ask you to please enjoy the show from your seats so security doesn't hassle you, then everything will be allright. The band is setting up and will be ready to go soon. There will be a 20 minute intermission after the first part of the show in which you may buy T-shirts. And because of the nature of the show no flash cameras will be permitted, they will be confiscated. Please if your car is blocking a driveway put it in a place where it will do no-one any harm.I think the band is about ready. No, no they're not quite yet. I will now [...] telegrams that you might like to hear. One is from president Carter. He says: You guys blow my mind. Stop. Roslyn two. Stop. Roslyn uhh. Stop. Uhh uhh . Roslyn. Stop. Signed lover of the year. We have one from Bob Dylan. It says: You can't call be Bobby, you can't call me Ziggy, and you can't call me [...] cause I won't be there. [...] he says: Oooh oo ooo, welcome to the show. I, I think the band is ready to begin. No, no, not quite yet. We have another telegram from Jackson Browne. Jackson [...] I think the band is ready to go...".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"Thank you. Do you like my piggy? He's not too keen on some of you. This next tune is dedicated to all the paranoids in the audience. I'm sure there are a few of you out there, and it's called 'Run Like Hell'. Piggy home...ooh...ooh".





25.02.1980 New York, Nassau Coliseum


In questo concerto, Jim Ladd menziona all'inizio dello show i telegrammi mandati dal Presidente Carter, da Matt Dillon e da Neil Young, anche se dopo sono stati ripresi dal Maestro di Cerimonia, che era Gary Yudman Ansager.


Gary Yudman prima dell'inizio dello show:

"We are going to have a fine show tonight. My name is Gary Yudman. Ah, we ask you to please enjoy the show from your seat so security won't hassle you and everything will be allright. The band is setting up and will be ready to go pretty soon. Halfway through the show there will be a 20 minute intermission which will give you a chance to buy some T-shirts. Now, because of the nature of the show we ask you please no flash cameras [...] they will be confiscated if used. And please if your car is blocking the emergency exit please put it in a place where it will do no harm. Well I think, it looks like the band is about ready to go. No, not quite ready to go. I do have a few [...] telegrams you might be interested in hearing from. We have a telegram from president Carter which says: You guys blow my mind. Stop. Roslyn two. Stop. Roslyn uhh. Stop. Uhh uhh Roslyn. Stop. Signed lover of the year. Ah we have one from Bob Dylan, from Bob Dylan. It says: You can't come in my baby, and you can't come in me, and you can't call me [...] cause I won't be there. Now let's see. We have, we have one from Neil Young. And it says, it says: My my, hey hey. Hope your show goes well today. Oh yes. Well I think the band is about ready to go [...]".


Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you, good evening. You having a good time? Goodie, goodie, goodie. This is called 'Young Lust' ".

Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the Nassau Coliseum. My name is Gary Yudman and we're going to have a fine show this evening. We ask you to please enjoy the show from your seats so security won't hassle you, then everything will be allright. The band is setting up and will be ready to go pretty soon. Halfway through the show there will be a 20 minute intermission in which time you can buy T-shirts. Please, because of the nature of the show no flash cameras will be permitted or they will be confiscated. ....[Guy in the audience: "I wouldn't waste one on you anyway"]...."
"And please if your car is blocking the driveway please put it in a place where it will do no-one any harm. Well I think the band is about ready to go". ...[
Guy: "Is this a dream?"]...
"...No, no they're not quite ready. We have a few telegrams you might like to hear. One of them is from president Carter. President Carter says: You guys blow my mind. Stop. Roslyn two. Stop. Roslyn uhh. Stop. Roslyn uhh uhh . Roslyn. Stop. Signed lover of the year. We have one from Bob Dylan. It says: You can't call be Bobby, and you can't call me Ziggy, and you can't call me [...] cause I won't be there. And we have one from Neil Young, it says: My my, hey hey. Hope your show goes well today. Well I think the band is almost ready to go, but not quite yet. I have another telegram, it's from Neil Young it says: The band is almost ready to go. I think [...]".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"Thank you. Do you like our pig? He's not a very nice pig, but he's a BIG pig! This next tune I would like to dedicate to all the paranoids in the audience ... I'm sure there's a few in the house ... it's called Run Like Hell. Bye piggy ... (iniziano le note della chitarra) ... ooh, ooh, ooh, disco!".




26.02.1980 New York, Nassau Coliseum


Gary Yudman prima dell'inizio dello show:

"... We ask you to please enjoy the show from your seats, so that the security won't hassle you ... The band is setting up and almost ready to go. Not yet! Halfway through the show, there'll be a 20 minute intermission, at which point you can buy some t-shirts around. Now, because of the nature of the show, we plea and ask, that no flash cameras be used. If they do unfortunately, they will be confiscated. No flash cameras, please! ... parking with your cars on an emergency exit, put it in a place, where ... stay home. I think the band is about ready to go! No, no! We're not quite ready to go! 

Ah, the band has asked me to ask if you do something very important and that is if you refrain from any use of anything like fireworks or anything, anything that stopped you from hearing the words and music the band had created. Everything will be alright. ... here tonight. And please no fireworks, believe me, there'll be enough explosions in your minds. Also when the concert's over we have to leave safely and, ah, a number of people ... Jones Beach ... it's too cold for that. Please, if you hit the highway go safely and nicely. Well, I think the band is about ready to go ...".


Prima di 'Young Lust':

"This is called ... Young Lust!".


Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the Nassau Coliseum. My name is Gary Yudman and we're going to have a fine show this evening. We ask you to please enjoy the show from your seats so security doesn't hassle you, then everything will be allright. Halfway through the show there will be a 20 minute intermission which will give you a chance to buy some T-shirts. Because of the nature of the show there willbe no flash cameras permitted, unfortunately they will be confiscated. Please if your car is blocking the emergency exit please put it in a place where it will do no-one any harm. Well I think the band is about ready to go. No, no not quite yet. Also, something very important. The band has also requested that you refrain from using anything like fireworks. They would also ike you to be able to hear the words and listen to the music, they have created. If there are disturbing distractions in the Coliseum, they will only bother and disturb the many people, who have come here to watch and hear the fantastic show you are hearing tonight. So please no fireworks, believe me there will be enough explosions in your mind. I think the band is about ready to go, well I think the band is about ready to go, [...]...".


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank you. Do you like our pig? We like him; he hasn't got a lot of class but there's a lot of him. This next song is for all the paranoids in the audience and it's called Run Like Hell. Home piggy, go home, raus ... schnell !... (in german accent)"


Durante la canzone 'The Trial': ci sono stati dei piccoli problemi; inoltre, nel testo cantato non ci sono le parole 'call the schoolmaster' e 'call the wife'.


Dopo 'Outside The Wall':

"Thank you! Thank you very much! Good night! Thank you!".





27.02.1980 New York, Nassau Coliseum


Gary Yudman prima dell'inizio dello show:

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Nassau Coliseum! My name is Gary Yadman and we're gonna have a fine show this evening. We ask you to please enjoy the show from your seats, so the security doesn't hassle people. Than everything will be alright. The band is setting up and we will be ready to go pretty soon. Halfway through the show, there will be a 20 minute intermission, which will give you a chance to buy some t-shirts. Because of the nature of the show, we ask you to please no flash cameras be used. If there are opportunely they will be confiscated. And please, if your car is blocking an emergency exit, put it in a place, where it will do no one any harm. Right, I think, the band is about ready to go. 

No, not quite yet! Not quite yet! Also, something very important: The band has requested, that you refrain from using anything like fireworks. They would like you to be able to hear the words and listen to the music, that they have created. If there are disturbing distractions in the way they bother and disturb the many people, who have come here tonight to watch and see the fantastic show. So please ... and do that. Well, I think, the band is about ready to go ...".


Prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you! Thank you! You're having a good time so far? Oh, good! That's absolutely marvellous. This next tune is called Young Lust".


Dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World':

"There'll now be a 20 minute intermission, then the band will return for the second half of the show".


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank you. Do you like our pig? He's not a very nice pig, but he's a BIG pig! There's more to our pig than meets the eye. Go home pig, go on, fuck off! Puffed up, overblown, pork-eyed garlic fat thing, go on, go. This next tune I'd like to dedicate to all the paranoid folk in the audience tonight, of whom I'm sure there are many. It's called Run Like Hell".


Waters dopo "Outside The Wall":

"Thank you! Thank you very much! Good night!".





28.02.1980 New York, Nassau Coliseum


Gary Yudman prima dell'inizio dello show:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Nassau Coliseum. My name is Gary Yudman and we are going to have a fine show this evening. We ask you, please enjoy the show from your seats, so that security won't hustle you. Then everything will be alright. The band is setting up and be ready to go soon. Halfway through the show, there'll be a 20 minute intermisssion, which will give you a chance to buy some t-shirts. Now, because of the nature of the show, we ask you, please, do not use flash cameras. Unfortunately, they will be confiscated. And please, if your car is blocking the driveway or an emergency exit, put it in a place, where it will do no one any harm. Well, I think the band is about ready to go. No, not quite yet, not quite yet. The band has also something very important, the band has asked me, that you refrain from using anything like fireworks. 

Ah, they would like you to be able to hear the words and the music that they have created. If there are disturbing distructions in the Coliseum, it will only bother and distruct the many people who are come here to watching here the fantastic show you are about to witness. So please no fireworks. Believe me, there'll be enough explosions in your mind. So, I think that the band is about ready to go now. So, in a minute, we will start the show and I think the band is about ready to go now ...".

(ci sono stati poi due piccoli problemi tecnici)


Prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you! ... Are you having a marvellous time? Oh, good! ...this is called Young Lust!"


Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':

"... Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Nassau Coliseum. My name is Gary Yudman and we are going to have a fine show this evening. We ask you, to please remain in your seats, so the security doesn't hustle you. Then, everything will be alright. The band is setting up now and will be ready to go soon. Halfway through the show, there'll be a 20 minute intermisssion, which will give you a chance to buy t-shirts. Because of the nature of the show, we ask you, please, no flash cameras to be used. Unfortunately, they will be confiscated. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. Also, something very important: the band has asked, that you refrain from using anything like fireworks. They would like you to be able to hear the words and music that they have created. If there are disturbing distructions in the Coliseum, it will only bother and disturb the many people who have come here to witness this fantastic show you are about to see. So please no fireworks. Believe me, there will be enough explosions in your mind. Well, the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. Also, when the concert is over, we ask you to please, leave carefully and drive safely. Many people have reminded us at the end of the night of Jone's Beach and it's getting a little bit cold to be out there. Well, I think, the band is about ready to go now. So any moment now, the show will be beginning"...(Roger grida "One, two ...")... Well, I (Roger grida "...three") ...think the band is about ...".


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank you. Do you like our pig? What? He's not a very nice pig, but he's a BIG pig. This is a song for all the paranoids in the audience and it's called Run Like Hell. Home piggy home".






04.08.1980 London, Earls Court


Prima dell'inizio dello show:

"... tonight, there'll be enough explosions in your mind. Also, there'll be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on. Anything distracting from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also, please don't flash picture and any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So please save yourself a lot of hassle. Well, I think, the band is just about ready to go. No, no, not quite yet! Also, during intermission, during intermission, as a memento of the evening, official t-shirts and souvenirs will be sold in the lobby. Also, while you're in the lobby, please stop by and take a look at the exhibition of paintings by the animator Gerald Scarfe. Well, the band is just about ready to go. Ah, not quite yet, not quite yet! Also, I'd like to point out, at the conclusion of the show, upon exiting, if you please be careful, there are a lot of people here tonight and...".


Prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you! Good evening! I'd like to introduce now ... this is a little tune called Young Lust!".


Il presentatore dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World':

"... a 20 minute intermission, when the band will return for the second half of the show! Thank you very much!".


Prima di 'In The Flesh':

"... a great show this evening. Before the show begins, the housemanagement would like to requests a few things. First of all, please no fireworks. There'll be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there'll be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling destructions from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also, please no flash pictures. And any unauthorized video or audio equipment found being used may be confiscated. So please save yourself a lot of hustle. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. By the way, during intermission as a memento of the evening official t-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby, please stop by and take a look at the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out, I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, there are a lot of people here tonight, so please be patient and exit in a safe, formally manner. Also, those of you driving, know that the surrounding turnpikes and highways were jampacked coming in, due to the concert [...]".


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"D'you still like our pig? ... He's not a very nice pig, but he's a very BIG pig! ... This next tune is one for all the paranoids in the audience, it's called Run Like Hell ... It's quite complicated, so you'll have to listen carefully ... (iniziano le note di chitarra) ... Home piggy!".


Dopo 'Outside The Wall':

"Thank you! Good night! Thanks a lot! Thank you!".





05.08.1980 London, Earls Court


Gary Yudman prima dello show:
"Good evening everybody and welcome to Earls Court. My name is Gary Yadman and we're going to have a great show this evening. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins the management would like to requests just a few things. First of all, please no fireworks! Believe me, watching tonight's show there will be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there will be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling destructions from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. Well I think the band is about ready to go. No, not quite yet. By the way, during intermission, as a memento of the evening, T-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale...".

Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you. Good evening. This is called 'Young Lust' ".

Il presentatore dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World':
"There will now be a 20 minute intermission, then the band will return for the second half of the show. Thank you very much".

Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':
"[...] and welcome to Earls Court. My name is Gary Yadman and tonight we're going to have a great show for you. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. But first, before the show begins the house management would like to make a few requests. First, please no fireworks! Believe me, watching tonight's show there will be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there will be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling a distraction from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used will be confiscated. So save yourself a lot of hassle. Well, I think, the band is just about ready to go. No, no, not quite yet! By the way, during intermission as a memento of the evening official T-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby, please stop by and take a look at the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, there are a lot of people here tonight, I've been watching [...], so please be patient and exit in a safe, formally manner. Those of you driving, know that the turnpikes and highways are very crowded [...] So please [...]".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"Thank you. Do you like our pig? We don't like him very much. Right that's enough fun. Home piggy. This next one is for all you disco fans ... got a nice bouncy beat ... it's called Run Like Hell".

Roger alla fine dello show:
"...Thank you very much. Thank you. Good night".





06.08.1980 London, Earls Court


Gary Yudman prima dello show:

"My name is Gary Yudman and we are going to have a great show for you this evening. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins the housemanagement would like to request a few things. First, please no fireworks, belive me watching tonights show there will be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there will be enought sight, sound and action to concentrate on so that anything resembling from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures and any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated so please save yourself a lot of hassle. I think the band is ready to go. No, no, not quite yet. Ah, by the way during intermission and as memento of the evening official T-shirts and souvernirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby please stop by and take a look at the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is just about ready to go. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, there are alot of people here tonight so please exit in a safe, formally manner. Those of you driving, know that the surrounding turnpikes and highways were jampacked coming in tonight due to tonights concert, causing delays [...]".


Prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you, good evening ... this is called Young Lust!".


Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':

"... ladies and gentlemen ... we're going to have a great show for you. The band is backstage and we'll be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins, the housemanagement would like to make a few requests. First, please no fireworks. Believe me, watching the show there'll be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there'll be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling destructions from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also, please no flash pictures. And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So please save yourself a lot of hustle. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now.

No, no, not quite yet. By the way, during intermission as a memento of the evening official t-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Please stop by and take a look also at the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, please be careful, there are a lot of people here tonight, so be patient and exit in a safe, formally manner. Also, those of you driving, know that the surrounding turnpikes and jampacked highways are the cause of emergency events. So please be careful upon ...".


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank you. Do you like our pig? I don't like it. I'm bored with him. Home piggy, home piggy. This is for all the pig lovers in the audience ... and for all the discos, disco freaks ... and for all the paranoids and psychopaths ... it's called Run Like Fuck!".





07.08.1980 London, Earls Court


Gary Yudman prima dello show:
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Earls Court. My name is Gary Yadman and we're going to have a great show this evening. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins the house management would like to requests just a few things. First, please no fireworks! Believe me, watching the show this evening there will be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there will be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling destructions from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So please save yourselves a lot of hassle. Well I think the band is about ready to go. No, no, not quite yet. By the way, during intermission, as a memento of the evening, official T-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby, please stop by and see the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, there are a lot of people here tonight, so please be patient and exit in a safe, formally manner. Those of you coming here tonight know the surrounding turnpikes and highways were jampacked due to the concert causing major delays. So please be careful upon exiting...".

Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you. Good evening. This is called 'Young Lust' ".

Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Earls Court. My name is Gary Yudman and tonight we're going to have a great show for you. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins the house management would like to make a few requests. First, please no fireworks! Believe me, watching ... Also there will be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling a distraction from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So save yourself a lot of hassle. Well, I think, the band is just about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet! By the way, during intermission as a memento of the evening official T-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby, please stop by and see the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, there are a lot of people here tonight, and there are alot of people going home, so please be patient and careful upon exiting. Those of you driving, know that the surrounding turnpikes and highways were jampacked due to themajor delays due to concert. So please be careful upon exiting and everything will be ok.]

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Do you like our pig? ...[Guy in the audience: Miss Piggy!] ...Seems to be back in tune. We're going to play something for all you disco fans, something you can all clap your hands to. Home piggy home. Here we go, together we can conquer the world. It's for all you paranoids and psychopaths here tonight. It's called Run Like Hell".





08.08.1980 London, Earls Court


Gary Yudman prima dello show:
" ...Before the show begins the house management would like to make a few requests. First, please no fireworks! Believe me, watching tonight's show there will be enough explosions in your mind. Besides there will be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling destractions from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So please save yourself alot of hassle. Well I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. By the way, during intermission, as a memento of the evening, T-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby please stop by and take a look also at the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting, there are a lot of people here tonight, so be patient and exit in a safe, formally manner.Those of you driving know that the surrounding turnpikes and jampacked highways are the cause of emergency events. So please be careful upon ...".

Waters prima di 'Young Lust':
"Thank you. Good evening. ...This is called 'Young Lust' ".

Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Earls Court. My name is Gary Yadman and tonight we're going to have a great show for you. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins the house management would like to requests a few things. First, please no fireworks! Believe me, watching tonight's show there will be enough explosions in your mind. Also [...] Also there will be enough sight, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling a distraction from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also please no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So save yourself a lot of hassle. Well, I think, the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet! By the way, during intermission as a memento of the evening official T-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also while you're in the lobby, please stop by and take a look at the exhibition of paintings of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet. One thing I would like to point out upon the conclusion of the show this evening [...] there are a lot of people here tonight, [...] the highways and turnpikes [...]".

Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':
"You! Get that pig out of here! Have you all seen enough of the pig? Home piggy, go on. Gonna do a song in a minute for all the disco freaks in the audience, also for the paranoids and the psychopaths, also for Alan Jones of The Melody Maker you stupid shit, winner of the small brain contest 1980. It's called 'Run Like Fuck' ".

Waters alla fine dello show:
"...Thank you. [...]".





09.08.1980 London, Earls Court


Waters prima di 'Young Lust':

"Thank you! Good evening! This is called Young Lust".


Dopo 'Goodbye Cruel World':

"There will now be a 20 minute intermission, when the band will return for the second half of the show. Thank you!"


Gary Yudman prima di 'In The Flesh':

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Earls Court! My name is Gary Yadman and tonight we're going to have a great show. The band is backstage and will be ready to go in just a few minutes. Before the show begins the house management would like to make just a few requests. First: Please no fireworks! As you're watching tonight's show, believe me, there will be enough explosions in your mind. Besides, there will enough sights, sound and action to concentrate on, so that anything resembling destruction from the show will probably be frowned upon by your neighbours. Also, please, no flash pictures! And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used may be confiscated. So please, safe yourself a lot of hassle. Well, I think, the band is about ready to go now. 

No, no, not quite yet! By the way, during intermission, as a memento of the evening, official t-shirts and souvenirs will be on sale in the lobby. Also, while you're in the lobby, please stop by and take a look at the exhibition of some of the animations of Gerald Scarfe. Well, I think, the band is about ready to go now. No, no, not quite yet! One thing I would like to point out: Upon conclusion of the show this evening, please be careful upon exiting. There are a lot of people here tonight, so please be patient and exit in a safe orderly matter. Those of you driving, know that the surrounding turnpikes and highways were jampacked coming in causing major delays due to the concert. So please be careful on your way home tonight".


Roger Waters prima di 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank you. D'You still like the pig? He's an old pig, but he's still a big pig. This next tune go to the paranoids in the audience, it's called 'Run Like Hell'. ...Run Like Hell! ...It*s called 'Run Like Hell'!] ...Ahahahahah".

"You'd better have the pig. He's a horrible little pig, but he's gotta be eaten. Here's something for all the paranoids in the audience called Run Like Hell, Run Like Hell, Run Like Hell".


Dopo 'Run Like Hell':

"Thank You! We always like to do something for the disco fan".


Dopo 'Outside The Wall':

"Thank you! Thank you very much! Good night!".





Ricerca di Ingo Brode e Hans-Juergen Mueller (© 1999) e di "Frostbrent Roio Trade site" (2004©)(* sito non più funzionante).



[ 1980 ] 1981 ]
