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MP3 Players 
Meglio senza hard disk ma solo con memoria. 
Il piu' economico:50 euro 
MP3 player 
Il Migliore con doppia memoria:512 MB ,oggi 5.2005,100euro. 
Elevatissima qualita' se correttamente amplificato. 
iPod shuffle 
Il piu' flessibile:usa compac flash memories e quindi e' aggiornabile,200 euro. 
il piu’ flessibile:compact flash 
MP3 player compact flash memory  
Con questo c'e' anche flessibilita' di crescita nei supporti CompactFlash 
configuration with Type I & II Compact Flash memory cards or MicroDrivesTM (currently up to 1 gigabyte). 
Perche' possono dare eccellenti risultati? 
Leggete cosa infatti fa Meridian per ottenere, ai sui purtroppo per noi alti costi,i migliori cd player: 
The data from the disc is checked, corrected and decoded using an extremely powerful digital processing system. Within the data path are three large memory buffers – each one in turn establishing smoother data flow so that the final audio has the lowest possible jitter. These steps all ensure that you can enjoy the highest quality audio from your discs.  
How can a ROM drive be so good? 
ROM drives recover the data from computer discs perfectly. Loading a computer program rarely fails due to the ROM drive. Therefore, extracting the data from a CD can be done without error. In fact, 588 will often read the data from the disc more than once just to be sure it has it right.  
Normally, however, a computer pays no attention to how smoothly the data flows from the disc. For high quality audio the final audio must flow very smoothly – without jitter. That’s where our special technology comes in. From leaving the drive, the information is in the hands of very sophisticated digital audio circuitry to give both the highest data integrity and the lowest jitter.  
Leggere i cd su pc puo' dare grandi risultati SE i dati sono trasferiti in memoria e poi letti...non letti immediatamente dal pc. 
La soluzione hi-end 
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