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Poverty and Nobility  by Eduardo Scarpetta

Text Available in Neapoletanian Dialect


act one

Two families live in extreme poverty, in a neapoletanian ‘basso’. They are literally starving, to such an extent that Felice sends away his young son (Peppiniello, 8), a child from his former marriage.  Felice  and Pasquale receive the young Prince Favetti, who wants to marry Gemma, the daughter of a rich man, a former cook. Not having the blessing of his family, as the girl has no noble title and a dancer, The Prince ask the two man to act as his noble family. He’ll provide the costumes.
Meanwhile  Gemma’s brother is in love with Pasquale’s daughter.  The young  man understanding the poverty of the family sends a rich meal with servants and cooks.  A miracle.

Juri Izkov

act two

The rich house of the cook, Gaetano Semmolone, father of Gemma. Entrance of Felice and Pasquale with their families in gorgeous dresses. They all pretend to be very rich and snobbish. The former cook invites them to live with him for years. The problems of the poor family  seem solved. But Felice’s son is serving in the same house. And his mother also. Mother and son meet. Felices second wife comes to the house unexpected, disguised as an old an ill ant of the prince. The two Felices wifes fight. The trick is discovered, Gaetano  learns to have been betrayed.  Finally a old lover of Gemma reveals to be the young Prince’s father and agrees to the marriage. At the end all is set, the couple will marry as Pasquale’s daughter with the son of the cook. Peppiniello, the boy is going back to live with his father and mother.


opening night on March 1998

Poverty and Nobility

by Eduardo Scarpetta

Directed by Paolo Emilio Landi

Set & Costumes Santi Migneco

Music by Igor Esipovich

Coreography by Nicolay Reutov

Produced by

Valeri Alexeev   Evegeni Smirnov   Valdimir Pusirnikov